
S4 Dynasty Premiere Prt 2-The Arrest :The "Spinoff and On and Off Again" Episode

February 17, 2024 Episode 182
S4 Dynasty Premiere Prt 2-The Arrest :The "Spinoff and On and Off Again" Episode
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S4 Dynasty Premiere Prt 2-The Arrest :The "Spinoff and On and Off Again" Episode
Feb 17, 2024 Episode 182

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Welcome back Soap Fiends to the Television of Yore takeover episode. What happens when two T.V lovers watch vintage camp and debauchery? An hour of cackles, cringes and critiques of the best and worst Primetime has to offer! 
Step into the scandalous world of the Carringtons as Erika from Television of Yore joins us, weaving through the intricate drama of "Dynasty" Season 4. Uncover the dark secrets of Adam's machinations and the precarious dance with mercuric oxide—a shadow cast over Jeff's worsening condition. Peek behind the curtains of the soap opera's portrayal of 'independence,' which often hinges on a heavy reliance on the Carrington fortune. Amidst the opulence and treachery, we chuckle at the absurdity of horse riding during pregnancy and question the moral complexities faced by characters like Kirby, whose predicament echoes past Crystal calamities.

Hold onto your designer hats as we navigate the murky waters of Blake's questionable paternal instincts and Alexis's enigmatic motivations. Our conversation darts from the potential orchestration of a fiery demise to the laughable ironies of soap opera 'self-reliance.' The tangled web of Alexis and Blake's relationship leaves us pondering their true intentions, while the horse riding fiasco involving pregnant Kirby raises eyebrows and heart rates alike. Will her risk-taking lead to tragedy or triumph? And let's not forget the looming specter of legal consequences for Blake's actions—soap opera justice is a beast of its own.

Finally, we journey through the evolution of TV series production, reminiscing about the days of the "Moldavian Massacre" and drawing parallels with modern polished seasons. We muse over the reboots of legendary shows like "Dynasty" and "Sex and the City," debating whether they've managed to capture the magic of the originals or have forged new paths for a fresh audience. Prepare for a whirlwind of nostalgia as we reflect on the TV classics that have shaped our love for drama and the legacy they've left behind in the art of storytelling.

If you love Soaplore, check out for a blow by blow recap of iconic t.v

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Welcome back Soap Fiends to the Television of Yore takeover episode. What happens when two T.V lovers watch vintage camp and debauchery? An hour of cackles, cringes and critiques of the best and worst Primetime has to offer! 
Step into the scandalous world of the Carringtons as Erika from Television of Yore joins us, weaving through the intricate drama of "Dynasty" Season 4. Uncover the dark secrets of Adam's machinations and the precarious dance with mercuric oxide—a shadow cast over Jeff's worsening condition. Peek behind the curtains of the soap opera's portrayal of 'independence,' which often hinges on a heavy reliance on the Carrington fortune. Amidst the opulence and treachery, we chuckle at the absurdity of horse riding during pregnancy and question the moral complexities faced by characters like Kirby, whose predicament echoes past Crystal calamities.

Hold onto your designer hats as we navigate the murky waters of Blake's questionable paternal instincts and Alexis's enigmatic motivations. Our conversation darts from the potential orchestration of a fiery demise to the laughable ironies of soap opera 'self-reliance.' The tangled web of Alexis and Blake's relationship leaves us pondering their true intentions, while the horse riding fiasco involving pregnant Kirby raises eyebrows and heart rates alike. Will her risk-taking lead to tragedy or triumph? And let's not forget the looming specter of legal consequences for Blake's actions—soap opera justice is a beast of its own.

Finally, we journey through the evolution of TV series production, reminiscing about the days of the "Moldavian Massacre" and drawing parallels with modern polished seasons. We muse over the reboots of legendary shows like "Dynasty" and "Sex and the City," debating whether they've managed to capture the magic of the originals or have forged new paths for a fresh audience. Prepare for a whirlwind of nostalgia as we reflect on the TV classics that have shaped our love for drama and the legacy they've left behind in the art of storytelling.

If you love Soaplore, check out for a blow by blow recap of iconic t.v

Join the Vintage Primetime Soap Opera Social Club on FB

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another Plainform Edition of Sobblor. I'm going to jump right back in to the premiere episode of Season 4, dynasty, with Erika from Television and Roar. Whether you're new to this or true to this, settle in, this one is a good one. We discuss everything from this episode to the nuances of a spin-off and other really really good television. Here is part two of the season premiere of Dynasty, season 4.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so okay. So then we get into the sort of tangent where Fallon is kind of suspecting Adam of like wrongdoing. She calls him out because I guess Adam had told her he didn't know Dr Edwards from Billings. But Dr Edwards he declared that he knows him very well because I guess he was his family or something and Dr Edwards had kind of blabbed to Fallon about how Adam represents, like that in Billings, represented, like legally represented, a person who was poisoned with mercuric oxide and caused him to do crazy things like try to kill a person. So he got that person off on the basis of like temporary insanity because of this poisoning. So Fallon then sort of joined the dots between like what had happened to that person in Billings, to what was happening with Jeff with his pain thing, and started to suspect Adam. But then Adam kind of tells a whopper of a line, says oh no, that case was not about mercuric oxide, it was about minerals.

Speaker 1:

Great save Adam.

Speaker 2:

And that's so believable, and Fallon's like, oh, minerals, okay. So she sort of pretends, like I think she even says, yeah, I believe you, and then she walks out thinking, yeah, no, I don't believe you.

Speaker 1:

There's no way she believes him. There's no way.

Speaker 2:

I believe you. So she leaves and I don't know if Adam thinks like yeah, that was like whoa, I saved that. Like he must think that she's not that stupid, that she must not believe him. But I don't know what to tell She'll never let that go.

Speaker 2:

Of course not. I mean, it's too coincidental, wouldn't one thing? So now, this is weird to me. So Adam is then meeting with Dr Edwards in the Lama Raj dining room, so he asked the kind doctor to please lie for him and tell Fallon that his first legal case was about minerals, not mercuric oxide, because he's worried that she's. She's always resented him for, I don't know, like being the brother who might take part of her inheritance, and that she might run to Alexis for all information. But like Alexis already knows that he did this, so it kind of makes no sense, right?

Speaker 1:

Right, well, okay, I have to think about it from the doctor's point of, because in my mind the doctor, the doctor already agreed that he's not going to tell anybody about his past. Yes, he clearly saw something that none of us have seen, so, but maybe that's it. The doctor isn't aware of the, the whole Jeff poisoning thing. No, not yeah, so it's yeah, I thought it was weird that he would agree or he would even consider that, but it makes me wonder. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

The doctor must be confused why he needs to lie about something like this.

Speaker 1:

Right, I would think it just. There we go. That would, oh, you know what it is. And because he wanted, he, Adam wants the doctor to believe that he is only in the company because he lied about his knowledge of oil.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's going to ruin everything. So he's like, oh okay, but I don't know, surely that'll come up again, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, I guess that makes more sense to me that he told the white lies to get the job, even though, like he's a family member who would have gotten the job.

Speaker 1:

I mean Right, if Alexis is running the company with no experience at, I mean, I'm pretty sure she has a job where her long, long son that she left in the rain to be kidnapped, so yeah, like this is a more of a job.

Speaker 2:

So anyway, it's completely nonsensical. But whatever the doctor said like, yeah sure I'll tell this lie for you because you know, why not?

Speaker 2:

So after that? So we go back to the mansion and Kirby is. It looks like she's starting to write a note to Jeff about her baby situation and while that's happening, a Jeanette comes by to pick up her breakfast tray. So Kirby asks Jeanette if she's from Joseph yet and Jeanette says no, but he's not due back to later. And then Kirby asks about kind of changes the subject and says like, oh, I heard the crystal once lost a baby. What happened? So he needs some ideas.

Speaker 1:

With the pen in hand.

Speaker 2:

She's like Jeanette is like well, what happened? It was very sad, it happened a while ago and she was thrown from a horse and it was, you know, it was awful. So she says to Kirby but don't, you know, don't focus so much on losing your baby. Focus on, you know, having a healthy baby. You can see the wheels starting to turn in Kirby's head about pregnant women. Probably shouldn't have been riding horses like ever, right, I mean?

Speaker 1:

exactly. I don't know why this is news to anyone, why this would be a good idea, like Pam did it in Dallas.

Speaker 2:

Like right and the rattlesnake spoke the horse and she fell and lost her baby. Like why was she on the horse?

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, you're right, that's the third. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's on dynasty at this point, wow.

Speaker 2:

I know so it's a bad precedent to set for pregnant women with like who live on ranch history and I also shouldn't drink heavily, right, I thought that was a given.

Speaker 1:

Definitely I'm pregnant.

Speaker 2:

No, Gosh, okay, so now. Okay, so back to Lamaraj. Fallon happens to run into Dr Edwards, who's, I think it looks like he's about to check out, because he's probably so freaked out by Adam he just wants to get out of town. So, but she presses him about this whole mercuric oxide, you know issue that Adam had represented somebody who got off because he had been poisoned. And Dr Edwards said like oh no, no, adam was right, that was not a case about mercuric oxide, it was about minerals. Adam was right. So he goes along with Adam's lie. But Fallon really does not look convinced to me. I mean, she just kind of stares at him, looking quite suspicious.

Speaker 1:

So he looked really nervous too, as he said it.

Speaker 2:

He's not a very good lie. He was kind of twitching like, oh no, adam, adam was right. Okay, you're a bad liar, you're terrible, so okay. So Blake pays a visit to Alexis in her hospital room and I guess there had been some kind of conversation in late season three where this now this is after the Lily Ponds, you know cat fight, where both had humiliated crystal in front of Alexis, and Alexis have pointed out that, oh, you know, you humiliated her, which means you don't really love crystals. So we should get back together because we have kids and you know like, reignite our marriage from 20 years ago.

Speaker 1:

I just have to say the writers there, please, you're going to tell me, with Mark Jennings on deck, she would be like let me go back to you, blake. Why Blake is not the sex symbol. He's never going to be the sex symbol. I don't like the idea of two women fighting over him for any reason, but one woman.

Speaker 2:

But they did try to make him a sex. I just never think it worked. And then they put him in sweaters a lot more. But did you, do you remember there was like a scene and I think it's season two where like he goes swimming and like you go, you remember that? And then Alexis she's like admiring his like breaststroke or whatever, and he gets out, it's like, and I think they made it seem like he was this virile athletic, it just like it was like a lead balloon, like oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like no, I remember that very well. Like yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it was. I think he can't serve well as like a sex symbol, because he's not. He's not sexy. Like he's not sexy the way JR is sexy, like the way he sort of will sizes and stuff, where you know like, okay, jr is a horrible husband, he's womanizing, but he's just kind of sexy. We can't help it like that. It's like like there's no sexy vibe there at all. There's none.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't like. He's not where JR is, JR is, he's funny, he's got that charm. You already know he's going to love and leave you, you know this. But at least it's going to be fun. Blake, I don't know if he's. I don't know if he's going to I'm going to sit at his feet and he's going to read me a book, or if he's going to buy me a pony. I don't get that. He comes off very fatherly or psychotic and there's nothing in between. So I kind of change your way of being, Crystal Kiss. I don't need to see that. Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think it's where. I think there's been scenes where they lay in front of the fire on the rug and start going out at like.

Speaker 1:

No, no, please don't. I don't want to see that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I think Alexis has always sort of carried a torch for him. I think if he had relented and said you know what, yeah, I'm going to dump Crystal and let's get back together, he would totally have wanted to do that. I always get the sense that she always like her deepest desire for some reason I agree At least.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely in season beginning of season two. I couldn't tell on this episode if she was just toying with him, but I agree with that. I think she would definitely, if not for the, the affection between them, and definitely for the money for the murder.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. And then of course they have the children, so much I mean. They're grown, so whatever I mean does it matter if they're grown adults, but maybe Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so, okay, so Blake, yeah, so Blake sort of calls her out on that ridiculous kind of like conversation that they had and he implies that maybe she set the fire or or had somebody set the fire to kill Crystal, in case Crystal turned down the million dollars, which it seems kind of a stretch, like because the problem is padlocks and Chris or Alexis points that out Like well, okay, but the attempted killer like padlocks the cabin set on fire. So why would I have really arranged that?

Speaker 1:

Right, she would have said it like she would have made more sense to sit in her car and wait for Crystal to go in and then set it on fire.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, so that's a theory made absolutely no sense. Oh, and then he sort of, and then he kind of terrorizes her by saying like well, maybe it could have been McVane, because you know he did try to choke you to death before I intervened. And then he's like you know, if it wasn't McVane, which it well could be, like he's still out there and maybe he'll try it again.

Speaker 1:

I love the look on her face. She's like oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's true, so it was not a concern. Yeah, which makes, because he seems to be off his rocker at this point.

Speaker 1:

Mcvane, right, yes, he was super, super drunk and he yeah, he was. He promised he was going to choke her out again, but they just okay, and that's moving. He is completely stumbling out of the office. Lawyer Andrew makes a comment about it and I'm like they're going to go, let him drive wherever he needs to go. And they're like, oh, don't worry about it, you can be a drunk pregnant woman. Drunk, this is your find.

Speaker 2:

Well, you recall that episode of Dallas where Ray or no, maybe I'm jumping ahead, but yeah, in Dallas they often drive drunk, like not just around the ranch, but like just around Dallas, completely drunk. I think I'm jumping, yeah, oh yeah, I know they do that quite a bit. I'm thinking of jumping ahead in Dallas because I, when I recap the latest season, they were driving drunk all over town. So yeah, so okay. So what happens next? So Mark is helping Crystal pack up her stuff because she's being released from the hospital, and I thought it funny. She has all these designer suitcases and she was only there for one night.

Speaker 1:

I thought that, like there was Gucci I don't have any, but I'm like I thought that's a must have. Wow, that was very jaja of her for one night stay in the hospital.

Speaker 2:

I know I don't know where she's come from. I don't know. Maybe somebody brought them for her, maybe mark brought them for her.

Speaker 1:

I think so, cuz Fallon, that's right, fallon. And when they were with the baby, she tells her where they went for I forgot about that. But yeah, that was.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, because I guess she needs more clothes because she's going to live at La Mirage for I don't know Another few episodes, so she needs something more to wear. I gotta say this to.

Speaker 1:

Any time the Carrington wants to go out on their own, they're definitely just go to a. Leaving a mansion to go to a five-star hotel is not roughing it, building a name. But Steven did the exact same thing. I want to be on my own. I want to be on my own. Could you owe me five thousand dollars and can I sleep with your hotel, crystal? I'm gonna be on my own. Can I sleep with your hotel, sure.

Speaker 2:

Okay, crystal has no money for like this. What's funny to me, like I, I mean, I have to say I do appreciate dynasty, sort of being a little more on the feminist end, where, like, there's a lot of strong women or certainly more than Dallas. But when you really break it down, the money that they have was obtained by marrying well, like even Alexa, like she inherits Colby co, or at least half of it, because Cecil just kind of dropped dead and left it all to her right.

Speaker 1:

Working for Blake and, and you know so, he was cutting her checks, and now she just yeah.

Speaker 2:

But now she just sort of lives there and she says to Blake, I want to be at my own woman, but using money that you gave me to pay for my La Mirage Hotel bill.

Speaker 1:

Exactly this was luggage I need to keep. I guess she can pocket, but it's probably a little harder. No eBay and 83, so it's probably a little more difficult.

Speaker 2:

But nobody like emplace that out. I think you're not really your own woman if you're still relying on Like money rich man.

Speaker 1:

So there's what was blowing my mind so off they the end of season three. That's when they announced that the the last episode, that's the divorce, finally went through between she and Mark. She's technically not Mrs Carrington, no, she's technically not married to Blake. I don't know where this identity crisis is coming from, because Nothing traumatic happened really. You just you left him for the second time. This isn't the first time she's left him.

Speaker 2:

Oh, she's left him a few times almost count, but I think.

Speaker 1:

It's at least three or four at this. I agree it's been yeah.

Speaker 2:

I Can't say I've ever stormed out of my house to go live in a hotel like that's never.

Speaker 1:

Right, no, you just kind of deal with it. But yeah, she's. I don't know where this identity crisis is coming from and I kind of thought this is the writer's way of bringing her back to the forefront, making her a little more interesting, because it is the Alexa show at this point.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, I mean, she's like that's the thing about you know, joan Collins just stole the show away from everybody, but they, but they needed to like, they needed, and she really delivers. And no, yeah, no, she makes the show interesting to watch for sure. Yeah, so okay, so okay, so that's what she's packed up. And mark is there and he's sort of cooling about like oh, I just hate the thought of you know you dying, so I'm so happy you survived the fire. And he proposes they run off together, like Lee, let's leave Denver and run off together. And she's like no, no, I'm still trying to find myself, so I can't, you know, leave with a man. So she's still.

Speaker 1:

I just can't believe he would think that's another one. He said that on the last episode to. He asked her to run off with him as friends. But it's yeah. Is it her friends or is it her bank account that you need at this point mark? I'm I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because he's sort of a jiggle O-Tab guy. I mean, he over hooked up with Alexis as well and he has a long history of doing that, apparently, right right, that's how he makes his living basically, which makes even less than to why he would want Alexis to go.

Speaker 1:

Tell Fallon that's not the case because I forgot. He bought her like a bumblebee, like he tried to buy both of them a gift To seduce him.

Speaker 2:

But Alexis took the bait. Okay, interesting, yeah. Yeah, I had forgotten that he and Alexis hooked up, but they did for a ton. Oh, oh, yeah, oh, my gosh, okay, so, so, okay. So, while while they're waiting for her, I just released papers to come in the police. Lieutenant Gary Ewing comes back to the hospital and so I will carry now.

Speaker 2:

So he tells mark that he's under or no. I guess he sort of has a conversation about the the cabin fire Wonders allowed like there were no footsteps, or no, there were no tire tracks. So how on earth? You know where did this arsonist come from? So mark says, well, clearly the arsonist parked far away and then came on foot and the police lieutenant says that he's he had the motive and the opportunity to be there to kill Alexis. So therefore he's under arrest, which seems pretty flimsy to me. Like that's, you know, a lot of people had the Well, they haven't checked the alibis of like that long list of suspects that I mentioned earlier.

Speaker 1:

Right and and he's saved them. So it's like, okay, yes, that he obviously, it would be a suspect, obviously.

Speaker 2:

But let's sort of an argument like why would I try to kill them but then save them, unless I guess you could say well, since you saw crystal in there, you Saved her but you also did save Alexis. But it really doesn't make sense to arrest him based on extremely flimmy's, like flimsy circumstances. What I found, you know, is like so mark says, oh is, does this have anything to do with Blake? Like to Blake, you know, like tell you to arrest me. And so Gary Ewing is like well, yeah, we talked to Blake.

Speaker 2:

It's like Are you implying that, like, based on the conversation off-camera that you had with Blake, you thought sure I'll go arrest Mark because, like I mean, that was weird. And then Blake's like happens to walk by at that moment to watch this like happen and he's kind of smirking. It's just, that was just wild. So, yeah, and obviously like Blake wants them out of the way because he's sort of like he wants crystal back and he feels like Mark is in the way of him getting crystal back. So I will say that he told the police to go arrest, you know, in lieu of doing any inbryll investigating, go arrest mark, charge him for arson or attempted murder. So he gets like led away in cuffs and crystal, gets angry at Blake and says that you know, mark, uh, he was a hero, he saved my life. And then, alexis, you know lots of people want to kill her.

Speaker 1:

So Right, especially the guy that tried to choke her to death. I feel like he would be a bigger suspect because he actually He'd be the top of the list, wouldn't you think?

Speaker 2:

like he actually did try. So he's obviously violent, yeah, and nobody knows. Like where is he in this episode? Like where is he hanging out? Like to just track him down. So like I just feel like mark would be maybe like a person of interest along with, like the others you know the other right they would all be Is of interest. Not like being arrested, right, they would just be questioned, yeah absolutely Absolutely. This is only information I've learned from watching like police procedurals, by the way, I don't really know anything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it definitely helps to have the shows we have now. At least you know CSI or first 48, where you see there's a process and even if it looks like you absolutely did it, I can't arrest you because there's not enough evidence. But yeah, you were there and you parked your car close. Yeah, I parked close because I was going to go in and talk. If I was going to blow up the place, I certainly wouldn't put my automobile filled with gas right next door. How's that going to get out of there Like no?

Speaker 2:

It just, yeah, it seems, and I know that like I would imagine that you know, police and prosecutors have to have a very airtight case to ever like arrest somebody and then, you know, try to bring it to trial. Like they really do need to have something kind of airtight. So, right, this is bad for me that they just, they just lead them away in cuffs. Okay, so the very last sort of segment is where Kirby arrives at the stables and I guess, like the I never think of it, but the Carrington estate is also a ranch, so they have stables with like a bunch of horses, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've kind of forgotten about that, I don't, even during crystals, and I guess it was still on the grounds because, you know, when crystals accident happened, alexis was shooting I guess one of those skis I forget what they're called a little clay. Yeah, she's shooting. Yeah, she was doing that, but I didn't. I never put that together because they only talk about the mansion, they never talk about anything else.

Speaker 2:

So you don't often see the stable, like unless it's like part of a storyline. Some go to the stables which everyone forgot were there, but yeah so. So Kirby like well, she drives to the stable, so I guess it might be quite far. She drives to the stables and she insists on riding the most ill tempered horse, like the Tony, the stableman or whatever he. He brings this horse out and he's like warning or saying this one's like way too temperamental. You might want to ride a like a calm mare, since you're pregnant.

Speaker 1:

And the pregnant lady's already lost a baby there, so he probably shouldn't.

Speaker 2:

but no, she's my but I don't know if Tony knows she's pregnant either. So that's fair enough. But so so she's all established to Tony and says I don't need your opinion. So I, you know I'm going to ride this horse. But what I noticed, like I watched this scene carefully, so he kind of helps around the horse and her head is turned. So I think that's a stunt double. It looks a lot like her.

Speaker 1:

I was very impressed, erica. It's funny that you said that, because when he helped her I noticed there were no, I don't ride horses, stir straps, those are whatever stirs, okay, stir to put her foot in. So he, you know, he made the little cradle and she flicked her leg over really good and I thought, oh wow, like she's, she's a true professional here. But that would probably be because it's a stunt, double your right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think, like riding a horse, like not everybody can do it or, as you know, willing or able to do it, probably, so you can tell by the way, they cut the footage, like I think they maybe put her on like a really friendly horse and just pictured like the top of her riding but like certainly the stuff where she, like the horse, is jumping over like fences and like down trees and things like that, that's a stunt double for sure. I mean, no doubt there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean I would be terrified to get on a horse. It's a full disclosure. I am not terrified of horses, I would do that.

Speaker 1:

I fell a home. I was like five and I haven't tried it again. So I'm like, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was impressed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so anyway. So so she jumps over a few, or the horse jumps over a few things and clears the hurdles and then she's kind of has the thought of crystal losing her baby by being thrown from the horse kind of in her head. And they approach like this fence, this white fence, but the horse it looks like the horse kind of backs out at the last second or I know she's kicking. I don't really know much about horse riding but the horse kind of says like I'm not doing this, but the horse, it goes flying on the horse and crashes into the fence and then is like knocked on the punches.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, when the horse okay, my first thought as she's riding it is if she has a goal to accomplish here, we all know what it is you gotta stop. She was such a professional. I was like you're very good at this, you should be a little more clumsy if you're trying to fall off. But then I did have that thought. I don't know a lot about horses either. The horse decide like I don't want to jump over this, and no sooner than I thought that he decided like this is too high, like the, everything she hit was getting a little higher and I thought surely horses aren't that compliant all the time. They can't be.

Speaker 2:

I think it looked like that to me, like I watched the scene a few times and like it looked to me like she was digging into the horse, which I, I guess, like prompts them to go faster, but the horse seems to have got a mind of its own and decided he wasn't like able to clear that fence and he just kind of like abruptly stops and then she, like it causes her to go flying over the horse. She crashes right into her hands, which looked like that could maybe cause some injury. But you know you have to think okay, I understand she wants to like abort this baby, but you could end up parallel like I mean, you could seriously edit yourself by doing this.

Speaker 1:

That's true. There's other consequences, and I was also thinking like Crystal. Not only did she fall off a horse, she got drugged through the entire meadow, did she? Yeah, crystal, I remember it was. It shouldn't have been funny, but it was hilarious, crystal was. Her foot got stuck and so she was drugged through the hole wherever, and they found her somewhere else. So I don't know, kirby, I think you might be okay. You might just be a little bit sore for a few days, is what I'm thinking. But yeah, with her, luck.

Speaker 2:

She'll probably be just fine. Just you know, if you're.

Speaker 1:

And then she'll have to explain why she was on the wildest horse in the stable. Like people are going to start asking questions.

Speaker 2:

Well, especially since Jeanette, I mean told her what had happened to Crystal, and I'm sure Jeanette will blab that. So you know at least her, you know fellow, like employees, and then it'll get back to Jeff that she was actively trying to be like miscarry this baby.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's going to be pretty obvious, right especially, we had a conversation and she went and got dressed to go do the exact same thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's connect. Those dots are pretty easy. So, yeah, not the brightest. She's not the brightest of characters really on the show.

Speaker 1:

No, she's been a great addition, though. I have really enjoyed her. I thought Quadia would be back um last season. They talked about her enough. I feel like soap operas are like who done it's? You don't bring up people for no reason, and they keep asking about Joseph this episode. So I'm wondering is Joseph in Europe? Is he digging up dirt on Alexis?

Speaker 2:

No, he has a day off. Like what's funny is so, but don't get he's. He's like he's a suspect because he, you know, he, you know, told Alexis he wouldn't he'd have to do something to her if she ever, like threatened to expose the secret the mother had. They're seeing, so were he. But he's like he just had the day off. But they keep asking about him as if why isn't Joseph here? It's like I don't know he's not a worker, like if I have the day off work, nobody really, like people know that I'm not there and like they kept asking, so kept being an issue that he's not here.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know. Yeah, yeah, that's what I figured. I figured something's up. I figured he was in Europe, you know, because Alexis is. She has the information, so he needs to go clean house. But he's such a stiff corpse of a character I just don't even he's. Yeah, he's an afterthought most of the time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's, he's, but it's like. I would assume though, like I've never heard the term major domo, but like like a head man servant at a at a Carrington mansion would be kind of an uptight guy, you know, making sure every napkin is folded and all that, so that's sort of tracks, I mean. I think it's, it's funny from that point. But yeah, he's like barely human. I mean, he's like right barely.

Speaker 1:

Sure. So, all in all, what did you think of the season opener?

Speaker 2:

I thought it was, I don't know. I mean this happens a lot on dynasty in Dalla, I guess all the 80 soaps. Like they go through all the trouble of setting up this gigantic, like you know, cliffhanger. The cabin is literally burning to the ground, nobody could possibly survive, and yet they do, and it's like, and then they're barely hurt afterwards so they just they obviously sort of brush off, like like what happened in the cliffhanger. It's like, oh, everything's fine, like within an episode everything will be fine. So I mean you're not gonna, I mean they're not gonna kill off Joan Collins, they're not gonna kill off, like you know, linda Evans or anything like that. So I didn't expect them to, but I was surprised at how quickly they were like released from hospital, or at least Crystal was, we know. I think it's interesting. People don't know who tried to kill Alexis. So that mystery is interesting because somebody could try to kill her, like in the hospital or something right, that person right and try, or they could have been trying to kill.

Speaker 1:

In me it seems like it'd be Alexis, but it could have been Crystal, that, but that's a good point. I hadn't thought about that earlier until Blake. Like not that I believe Blake, but I'm like it could. But who would want to kill Crystal? Honestly, she doesn't leave a house. She knows no one is she worth it?

Speaker 2:

I find her a bit bland, like I mean, part of the reason season one was so boring was she's too bland of a character she really is and then she's not, and she's always on the cream.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like, are they trying to make her seem very innocent? But it wears thin really, really quickly. And I was. I was upset that Sammy Joe wasn't back. These are my. I'm just going to name my disappointments for season three. So disappointed that Sammy Joe wasn't coming back. I just knew that she was going to come back and milk them for money. She was going to manipulate people. Didn't happen. I thought Claudia would come back and snap in or out of some sort of psychosis and do something that didn't happen either.

Speaker 1:

So where dynasty isn't boring, I would say it's not super interesting outside of like Alexis and the Jeff thing, that that last season and the introduction of Adam, but otherwise it's just, it's pretty yeah, it wasn't like the most exciting season or opener, and I guess I'm looking forward to like what this would lead to.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm looking forward. I look forward to Jeff finding out that Adam tried to kill him and everybody else finding that out. I don't, I can't remember. He must find out and I honestly can't remember when or how that happens, but I think it's like maybe it's things up to happen like sort of in subsequent episodes, right and oh. And then the whole Adam thing, like does Adam find out that he's the father of Kirby's baby and does he ever get charged with raping her? If?

Speaker 1:

I doubt it well, his dad is walking around with a manslaughter charge for me and he's probably going to be fine if I had to guess. I don't think he is worried about that but he got charged.

Speaker 2:

He actually Blake was charged with manslaughter and then the charge was two years of probation, or and it was two years which you've already served, or we'll just give you probation, and then he would just walk down the court and he was really mad about it. He's like no, I should have been like found one guilty, like dude. You could be like sitting in a press all like for manslaughter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, seriously, I remember he went to his parole office and it was just he had to sit on regular pores. I mean like we only did that once, like they never really carried like yeah, yeah and then he flew to Vegas and I'm like I've never been on probation but I thought there were restrictions to what you could do and didn't, but not for him.

Speaker 2:

I think there are right yeah, I mean, I would assume that you can't leave the jurisdiction, or if you do, you need permission. Right, he just juts all over the place, but they sort of like. You know, dynasty was sort of notorious for just kind of dropping things once they got tired of like something like Blake was blind once. Or am I jumping ahead? Do you remember him?

Speaker 1:

no, no, no, this was. It was, uh, I call that episode three blind fits of rage. It was. He was blind for like three or four days. I remember that that was so much fun. It was two episodes. I love that. That's when um Logan Reinhardt had thrown the dynamite.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I said he was blind and I think that like these soaps have very little like patience for disabilities, because, like, if somebody goes blind or like loses a limb, like they'll quickly get a limb, like an artificial limb, and then they walk perfectly or they regain their sight because they just they can't carry through something like that for the long term right, it's abortable.

Speaker 1:

You'd have to have a lot of range and you have to not blink. So yeah, he wears sunglasses. Yes, for sure. So that's interesting about dynasty that they drop things, because I've noticed with Dallas they might bring up something on season episode three and then you don't see it again till episode 10, like that body burial thing. The whole thing was them yeah way at the beginning and then they just talk about it for a while.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I guess they were sort of maybe and I don't know how the writers work back then, like if they had any kind of story arc and they laid the plant to the seeds, like in this early episode, and then led a bunch of episodes past and then, oh, they found a body on South Fork. Um, like I don't know if that was planned. I mean, I don't know, I don't know how they wrote back right, like, um, like I think nowadays they do have arcs, like they probably plan the whole season.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, yeah, I feel like in dynasty they just they. They start things and then they drop things and then they do something else and then they go after something like another storyline and it's. It's a little like it feels like you, just um right, I think it's about a character and then introduce them later like it's, it can be confusing.

Speaker 1:

I agree. I agree, falconcrest is not. That's one of. They don't. They don't drop anything. So if they bring it up, you know it's gonna, it's gonna be follow. The follow through is always there. So it's interesting that dynasty is so different. But it's also I just call it a soap tax. We're just gonna accept the fact that that's how that has to. Be sure, like you mentioned, mark to the cop and Mark's gonna get arrested. Sure he did. Sure nobody has any third degree burns this. These are the third. So we've got Crystal in a fire, you've got Steven Blone to bits and pieces and Alexis none of them have ever been burned. That's a soap tax we're just gonna accept.

Speaker 2:

Even a little burn, like you know. I'm sure people have seen, like you know, photos of real life. People have been burned like those scars last forever. I mean they last for many years if they never go away. Like and being in a cabin that's filled with flames and smoke everywhere, you would think he would have some residual scar.

Speaker 1:

From top to bottom. There was no escape, but they were no problem. Mark just burnt through. He's not burned, that's the interesting thing. He didn't have any. You know, smoke damage nothing. He's fine. He can go wherever he wants, I know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then what that was like. There was one scene during that whole blaze. Did you notice where, like part of the footage I don't know what it was, but it was like the ceiling, where it literally looked like like Dante's Inferno? It was like what was that?

Speaker 1:

That's what made me think of Backdraft. Is the movie I was thinking of? Yeah, it was yeah, there's no. It would have collapsed. I would have thought, but it was. They went a little heavy on the Inferno, on the whole burning scene, I think.

Speaker 2:

Nobody could have come out of there. I think it would have been a little more realistic if, like, part of it had been on fire, but like not the door where they managed to get out of, or something Right. This did not look survivable, like we're not gonna survive.

Speaker 1:

Not at all. I think they had been in a bedroom or something and they came out and everything was on fire. That makes more sense. But yeah, they took it to the umpteenth level. So I got a final question for you. You're obviously a writer, you're obviously a television fan. Is there an finale or a season opener of any show? Any time that you wish you could rewrite, and if so, what was it?

Speaker 2:

To rewrite. Well, I think the one I enjoy the most is well, first of all, I have to say the dynasty is my favorite of all shows. To recap, I mean that just remains my top favorite. I think it's the season five finale, where you know, I don't want to spoil anything, but I'm sure you've heard of the Moldavian massacre. Does that ring bells Maybe?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so there's a, there's a like a royal wedding that this is in the future, so I'm not going to spoil too much, but there's a royal wedding where all the principal characters go to Moldavia to see the, this couple get married and they're like I guess the, the groom is part of the Moldavian royal family, like he's in the line of succession. So they have this big royal wedding and there's a massacre and it looks like everybody's been mowed down by gunfire. Oh God, again, again, totally unsurvivable. But that that was so much fun because I love where they sort of go on.

Speaker 2:

Fake, fake location, you know, like I'm sure they weren't in Moldavia doesn't exist. Like in the water, yeah, like I'm sure they just did it in like a I don't know off a soundstage or something in California, but yeah, but it's like this sort of like you know exotic country all the principals are there on the kind of a slash vacation royal wedding. And then you know rebels in this country. I have taken over and they've attacked this wedding and they break through. And then that was fun to write because it's so completely absurd and like by this point in the series it was like so crazy that's what happened?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like you'll just, you'll just be so charmed by it, Like when you get to that episode and of course you know when the the next episode like airs, you know almost nobody really dies. It's just quite fun, of course. And obviously Blake doesn't die, crystal doesn't die, alexa seven die, and then like, but that was the most fun, like that's, and it's kind of iconic like that, that episode where they all get shot.

Speaker 1:

Massacre. Okay, and that's a season.

Speaker 2:

Season. I think it's season five. Let me double check. Yes, yeah, season five, it's so 29, it's called Royal Wedding 29 that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

So so this season they have 24. I think last season it was 22, 29 episodes. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

I mean to recap it just like yeah, as you know, as I'm going through this, he's like oh, my goodness, like I feel like I've been recapping along. It's like this goes to episode 29. Like good, they had such long seasons back then. Like they just wait. I mean, those seasons went from like September well into like May, I think, like every week was an episode.

Speaker 1:

They would have to, because I was thinking to myself, like you know, now they do the mid season and they might break things up and you don't really notice that it's 22 episodes, because, it you know, they might go from January to May and then they pick up next whatever this whole same season, but back then, that's, that's crazy. That's a lot of. That's a lot of TV. I'm going to watch it a lot.

Speaker 2:

Lots of just a lot of work to write. I think you know they were banging out these grips and I think, like maybe that's why the script sometimes are, you know, not at the same quality as what you get today, where, like, if a season typically will have 10 episodes, that is not uncommon anymore. Where you have a show, they have 10 episodes, so and, but the episodes are beautifully written there, you know, like they're just really high quality, but there's only 10 of them where I think a show like dynasty was so campy and fun, but you know the quality of the scripts was probably not up to the standard it would be today. There's just a lot more of them, you know, to watch. I think that's it's not. Oh, it's right, it's hard, I would think.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's really fair. You have to fill in stuff with fluff and eventually you got to get crazy with the storylines with 29.

Speaker 2:

And I think that like and I'm and I haven't even like watch, I've read about it on Wikipedia like dynasty just went on for so long. I think even the actors were like thinking, okay, are we going to stop filming? At some point it was getting so nuts like they just, I think, ran out of ideas and I think there's literally a storyline involving a UFO at one point, like in season nine. Yeah, I mean, it gets.

Speaker 1:

It gets that bad yeah when you got to go extra terrestrial. You know it's time to cut the cord.

Speaker 2:

I was kind of up there with like Fonzie jumping, literally jumping the shark, and like happy days where they just you need to stop the rapid up, like oh my God, did you ever watch Dexter? No, no, no, I've heard of very good things, though.

Speaker 1:

Very, very good things, but they are infamous for their finale. Like people, we have no idea where this came from, just out of nowhere. So I mean that makes sense, and especially today, where you people are watching the show more than once. People are scrutinizing everything. You're going to have to be a little bit more on point.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah, that's what makes the show Dynasty so much fun? Because it was not, like it was not engineered for this at all, for us talking about it and analyzing every scene. And it was not engineered Because it's so careless, like the script writing is often. It's somewhat careless, like there's a lot of inconsistencies, you know, they forget, you know certain things characters said or did previously. And that's what makes it fun for me, because and I I embrace all and I'm really not even criticizing it, I'm just I embrace it because that's just this is what television was back then. It was just, you know these things 29 episodes in a season. It was super fun to watch. It's very, very different from the shows that that air today. You would never, never see that again.

Speaker 1:

So oh no yeah, and none of the shows today would make it nine seasons like that. Like, with the exception of like an er, I think Grey's Anatomy is on season 200 and some I don't know whatever.

Speaker 2:

But are you? Are you a Grey's Anatomy like watching?

Speaker 1:

I was when it first came out. I think I probably watched the first five or six seasons, but I haven't watched it since then.

Speaker 2:

They need to wrap that up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because it's still like, it's still live, right I think, oh, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I think they're like. I think they're literally on season 19 or 20 I have lost count but it's like way, way up there, like doesn't.

Speaker 1:

It's time to go.

Speaker 2:

And I think, like not even like the original cast, like no one is like are very few are left, like maybe like a handful it's.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when you lose the their originals. That's when you got to stop. You can only break in so many characters, I think.

Speaker 2:

And you run out of ideas and it just it's not as fresh like I think it was probably good for a good 10 seasons like I watched. I think I stopped watching it past season 15. I just couldn't take it anymore. I think like the first 10 were pretty good and I think they could have wrapped it up at that point.

Speaker 1:

And you know one of the. I agree I think I've probably got to season eight the more that I think about I'd have to look at who the characters were. But also there's so much drama surrounding the show in real life and one of the things I love about kind of watching these shows from ago is that you don't have that. These people they can. They do a whole season and you wouldn't know what people thought about you until they wrote your letter or yeah, you know something to that effect. So you can be a little more goofy, you can lose yourself a little bit more in the character. But I found that on Grace Anatomy they started to kind of shape the storyline to fix things that were happening in real life. You know what I mean. It was let's get rid of this guy because he is in real life. So it's true for those things. It taints it a little bit when you know that and with this I can just watch it and enjoy how silly it is In a few things. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I think back then, like there was no social media, so even like and I don't know, like, I think that the set of dynasty wasn't the most like happy set Because of social media, that it was hard to really get gossip, you just didn't really know about it. You know a lot, which I actually prefer, that I don't really want to know every single about an actor. I just want to like watch them act in a show or movie and just like just embrace the performance and not have all this background about, like the terrible person they might be, like I don't know. I kind of have that sort of baggage, I guess, with those characters.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's just fun and I agree, I think a lot of. There's a couple movies I'll watch if I see one actor like oh, I love him, I love his work, so I'll watch that, just on the street, that, and you don't get to do that Very much anymore.

Speaker 2:

You know art it's really hard to nowadays. Yeah, too much over sharing.

Speaker 1:

I agree, I totally agree. One last question that I want you to share all of your social media, if you have any. Speaking of, I found the divas, eric and I wanted to do the diva. Was it diva Christmas the 80s?

Speaker 1:

I forget the original, the name of it Ladies of the 80s Is that right, ladies of the 80s, the Christmas movie, I think it's, yeah, ladies of the 80s, I think it's the ladies of the 80s of diva Christmas, something like that. What is on Amazon now? I see this. I couldn't yeah, I just saw it, like today, actually, I got curious can rent it for 299 and I was going to see it. Did you ever watch it? I saw that it was on YouTube to.

Speaker 2:

You know it's been a crazy busy work week so, no, I didn't get around to watching that, but I would like to. If I can catch it on YouTube, I'll definitely catch it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree, I've had kind of a crazy couple of weeks myself so I hadn't seen it, but I think I might just pop in and watch that, do you? So Nicola Sheridan's in it, of course, my favorite from Dallas to Ellen, what's not Linda Gray? What's her name?

Speaker 2:

Linda Gray.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so Crystal is Linda Evans. Linda Evans, okay, do you recognize any of the other ladies on the?

Speaker 2:

You know, I don't know. Ladies, let me just Google it. I'm not sure I all I remember is Nicola Sheridan and Linda Gray.

Speaker 1:

I didn't realize Nicola Sheridan was in another soap opera. I kind of thought she was like an 80s, 80s or 90s video.

Speaker 2:

Vixen Actress before she was in not slanting and she was quite a principal character to oh wow. Oh, I love to. She was young in not slanting and she was. You know, I loved her on that show. She was wonderful. And then she was on this housewives, which I never I remember her from.

Speaker 1:

She was awesome there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she. Now she shows up in the dynasty reboot as Alexis, which shocked me. I didn't know she was even in it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yes, tell us about that. So you finished the first season.

Speaker 2:

I did. Yeah, I watched the first season I. I kind of had to force myself through it a little bit, so it's hard to compare. So I would say it's Glitzier, the house looks, the mansion looks really cool. I'd love to live in that mansion, so I enjoyed that. Um, blake is played by Grant show, who used to be on Melrose place as Jake. Did you watch?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember him Super hot.

Speaker 2:

I mean, he's a way hotter Blake than John Forsythe, of course he's. You know, he seems younger, at least he's more youthful he's. He's still not very nice, though, like I don't. Like the character is still not Anybody you think somebody would want to be married to. Anyway, so he's, he's nicer to look out, I suppose. Um, but I don't know, I just didn't find it very compelling like the storytelling. It just didn't grab me, like I. Like I said I kind of had to force myself so I would have it on TV while I was, you know, doing other things. Fallon was very spoiled and bratty, which I kind of enjoyed. She was really almost too much, though she dials it down a bit like throughout the season and she's in a very deep love affair with Michael Collane, which is the show for the chauffeur. Oh, yes, yes, yeah, yeah, so she's, but they're actually that seems like the heart and soul of the show to me, a little bit like she really.

Speaker 1:

Does love him oh. Yeah, okay, because in the original they were just having an affair, her and Casual, like it wasn't really anything like a big love affair.

Speaker 2:

But I feel like in the reboot, like she really does love him and he's like a really super nice, like down earth guy. He's not really sure if he wants to have a relationship with the spoiled rich girl, but towards the end of the season like they get together for real because like she, you know, wants to be with him. So I really like that part of it. Sammy Joe is a guy like he's a gay, openly gay, which is an interesting twist and but he's so cute like he's the actor. I don't know his name, but he's just adorable. He's very fun to watch, sammy.

Speaker 1:

He's a boy's name. I never thought about that. So Sam mule Joseph, I guess.

Speaker 2:

They just call him Sam. Yeah, and just crystal. So that's crystals, nephew, and she's like a Hispanic woman and she but yeah, but I don't know if it's supposed to be the crystal, because then he hooks up with another crystal because she why don't want to spoil it anyway. It's oh Quite bland, it's Could be a little bit better. I don't know, I'm I don't think the actress had a lot to work with, with like in terms of script, but it just, I don't know, it was wasn't as charming as watching the original.

Speaker 1:

Did you ever watch Dallas? The read. I feel like Dallas has been rebooted several times.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, I have not watched it. I think they took a different approach, though. Like where are they? Kind of, did the next generation Mm-hmm? Right? Like I think would be interesting? Oh yeah, like I think, because Larry Hagman is on it, like he he dies not long after, but any looks quite ill, I think, you know, just based on like the photos I've seen of it. But I think they like go to the next generation living on the ranch.

Speaker 2:

I don't really know anything about the story lines or how well it was received like by viewers, but I would like that's me would be the more interesting approach is like to say like okay, what, what happens in the next generation? Like you know what happens to those characters, like the children, and that because dynasty, just sort of, they reimagined the existing characters into completely different characters and it was see, chris, I don't know if, yeah, I don't know if I would have chosen to like if I had been in charge of the recap or the reboot. I don't know that I would have done that. I think I would have gone to the next generation of, like Blake's Grandson and then Danny and whatever, like the next generation of.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's right because they're, yeah, there's. Was it Danny and Blake? That's perfect. Yeah, you can just read, because that way is. I mean, you're not. You shouldn't reinvent the wheel, you don't have to. If you know I'm piggyback on things, I think that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, 902, and I wasn't a fan. I don't like that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I hated it. You know what I think? My theory about that was like they, they tried to be like. Did you watch a curb your enthusiasm with Larry David? I did back.

Speaker 1:

I've seen it. I've seen it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I've ever like finished a season, but I've definitely seen that so basically like that show, like it's a comedy series and it's really like Larry David sort of as quote himself, but it's like a heightened version of himself. And yeah, whereas I think that they tried that approach, like they tried to do heightened versions of like their actual selves, like Corey spelling, jason, please, but it just came off as kind of strange, like I wish they had just done the reboot as the characters, like what happens to them. I right, right, yeah, like I was. I was kind of surprised that they didn't do that right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wish they would have continued on like that. And then I the what is it Beverly? No, there's Beverly Hills 902 and I, which is, I think, the original. And then they have younger kids. I. Don't know because it was. It was such a. Did you watch that one, or have you ever seen it?

Speaker 2:

I don't do it with you, it's like I do the chance. I think I watched like two or three episodes.

Speaker 1:

I just I don't know, I just never got back to it, I felt the same way. I would check in from time to time and it just I was. You can't do. This was such an iconic show like you can't reinvent it I don't want to see. Even with Saved by the Bell, they tried it with the new, the next class. No one cared. We want our originals. Just, you know, move on with that, so maybe.

Speaker 2:

I just Know like you, you like you get magic sometimes. You know the lucky Shows like they just have a magic with the cast, the writers, the director. It just comes together sometimes and you get really lucky with the show and that's what people want like. And then when you try to reboot it or just try to manufacture into something else, it just doesn't always work very well because that magic is gone.

Speaker 1:

So that's a perfect way to. Yeah, you can't reinvent it, and I think sometimes A spin-off is a way to go. We can follow just one character and let the ring introduce me a new characters into that. But I just missed a point. You when you get your hopes up for a or something fun.

Speaker 2:

But I know, there's a spin-off, sir, I would say not slanting is a really good spin-off, so I would encourage you to watch it. I think if you can push past the first season, it gets really, really good, like it's quite compelling. It's funny, really that that's I'm gonna ask your advice.

Speaker 1:

Pretty soon all three shows will be wrapped up. It is kind of difficult to watch three at a time. Yes, with this, my my original plan was to find a note. Okay, I don't think. Maybe I won't compare them apples or apples. If it's a spin-off, we've got the Colby's coming up. I'm gonna wait another season until you watch the Colby's. It's not good.

Speaker 2:

I have watched the Colby's I have watched the Colby's. Yeah, that aired when I was a teenager and I absolutely watched every episode of that show.

Speaker 1:

Oh boy, oh Well.

Speaker 2:

I kind of.

Speaker 1:

I feel like not landing is gonna be. It might need to be swept in with the others, like it's such a long running.

Speaker 2:

Um, not slanting I would. I mean not slanting. You have to watch. It's like you know seriousness, because it is worth your time. It's a really good show. It's really. I mean, I forget that it is a spin-off, because it it does seem like its own show, like it's.

Speaker 2:

And then sometimes the people kind of show up. It's like, oh yeah, I forgot, but it's based on Dallas. But, honestly, like it's good on its own, like it stands on its own very, very well. Um, the Colby's, on the other hand. I mean the Colby's. You should watch it just for the almost comedy factor. It's really. I mean even Barbara Stanwyck, who is one of the characters on, as she told the creators, or the I get the writers, that this is the worst pile of garbage those are.

Speaker 1:

And it's one season or two.

Speaker 2:

I think two. They hobbled along for two seasons and then they just threw in the towel it was. It was that bad, yeah, but it's, it's enjoyable. If you enjoy, like 80s train wrecks, you should definitely. I love it.

Speaker 1:

I okay. Yeah, it's two seasons. So I've done a series called the um Um single season sensation. So it wouldn't fall into that, but I think it'll be worth it.

Speaker 2:

I'll just check that out what is on your list of single season sensations.

Speaker 1:

Uh, there was the yellow rose, which was did you ever watch? This Would have been early, early 80s, 1982, 83. It was, um, okay, it's starred. I'm going to mess up the names. It definitely Sybil, shepherd, sam, what's his name with the stash? Sam Elliot, neil, some, elliot, elliot, david, soul, really, what else was it? There was one more. I loved it. I actually have the DVDs. I'll send them to you if you just want to watch something and not think about it. Oh, it's so good, erica, I promise this one is like.

Speaker 1:

I wanted it to be a series. This one, I wish it and gotten it would have been picked up. I think it aired after After dynasty. I can't remember what network it is, but anyways, it's his family in this ranch in Texas, south Texas, and they're just kind of dealing with the changing tide of what it means to be on a ranch back in the day and what it is now. They're fighting the same things that you and I are, except they're sort of embracing a little bit better the oil coming in. But then they deal with things like the drug trafficking, human child homelessness. So it's like it could have been a drama. It would have been a really, really good drama, but they tried to open up with the love story between Sybil shepherd and David soul. So I'm going to send them to you. I'm going to send you the DVDs. It's so good. Yellow rose. And there's one in the mid 90s I forget the name. It has Aaron Spelling's son, something about the beaches.

Speaker 2:

Randy spelling. Yeah, was it Randy Randy, I think that's Randy, he was in a show.

Speaker 1:

He was on a soap opera too. I remember a minute. I just I it's all a little bit blurry, oh God was he. Yeah, he was in like a soap opera and I don't mean to be ugly, but you know, you got the smoking hot greased up guys and then there's kind of nerdy kids in the corner. But okay, we'll go along with it.

Speaker 2:

No nephens. Yes, start on nine, beverly Hills, nine and two and oh, several times. Right, he was Steve's half brother, was he? Yes, yeah, I can't believe you don't remember he was in a number of episodes as I can't remember the name, but he was like one of the half brother. Yeah, oh my God, yeah, look it up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, he was not going to win an Oscar.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, it was fun. It was fun watching him, but he really got the role. Dad was, you know, the creator of the show.

Speaker 1:

Oh, a hundred percent, as. But you know, I've always loved Tori spelling. I thought she was. I can't picture anyone else as Donna, ever I thought she was so good, yeah, but this one is called Sunset Beach, and I think Carrie, what's her name?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Russell, I think she's in it.

Speaker 2:

I've seen that show.

Speaker 1:

I figure that'll be one. Yeah Well, that'll be the next one, and there's a couple, I think it's models, ink or doll the dollhouse, something like that.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to do a couple of models. Models ink is a spin off of Melrose Place. Oh and yes, linda Gray is in it because what's her name? Heather Locklear is. Amanda, played by Heather Locklear, is in. I think she's in a crossover episode or something like that.

Speaker 1:

I think so. Melrose Place. Is Melrose Place a spin off of?

Speaker 2:

921L, or was just yes, yes, it is A triple spin. I like that A triple spin off. Yeah, oh, wow, yeah, I watch models also.

Speaker 1:

I remember that one being on in real time, like I think I'm. I don't know if I ever got into it, but I do remember when that aired.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did, I liked it. I like that show. I thought I was disappointed when they canceled it.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that when you get invested this is awful about the yellow rose Like it could have really been something really great, but they couldn't compete with Dynasty and Dallas, and yeah, they just couldn't compete Too bad.

Speaker 2:

It's too bad, like some shows go on far too long and then others just they don't get to, sort of like get a foothold and continue.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there was a show on the WG. I watched, the outsiders, where it was about these people in the Appalachian Mountains. They'd been there for a few of the years Total outsiders. They kind of slip in and out of society. But it's only two seasons. It ends on a cliffhanger and WG decided to not do like that sort of programming anymore. So it's just, it's too bad. I really wish that, like Hulu or Netflix or someone would pick it up. Such a good show and had really great ratings was wonderful.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes that happens like another network or entity will pick it up and that, yeah, that's happened with a few shows. I think they just continue it. Nice Well.

Speaker 1:

I wish Well, erica, once again. This has been so much fun. I know Again have to do it again, but I forgot to ask you last time what? What else do you want to share? Do you have any socials? Are you working on any new projects?

Speaker 2:

Well, my main project is the recap sites, so TV of your dot com or television of your dot com, they both work. I don't really do much social media other than just when I finish a recap I will post it on my Facebook for television of your and Twitter or X whatever. But yeah, you can access all that through the website.

Speaker 1:

So I love I'm actually going to go back. I decided I'm going to go back and read all of Dynasty up until now so I can cackle. Dawson's Creek has me in stitches. I love that you point us. That's what you call his bombs here, but it was so.

Speaker 2:

She looks like the shaggy. I just the name is stuck now. She stuck with that name for the entire time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love it so much. Please, please, please, run. Don't walk to television of your. You will cackle the entire time and one day I'll have to talk to you about the, the sex in the city reboot. I still don't know. Jerry's still out for me on in just like it's.

Speaker 2:

Have you watched both seasons of it?

Speaker 1:

I'm almost done with season 2. I think I think there's what 10 episode, 8 episodes of that. There's not very many, I think. I'm like on episode 5. I think you're right.

Speaker 2:

I think it's like 8.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, not very many, but I found it harder to get through the second season than I did the first.

Speaker 2:

Well, what I felt strange about it was, I mean, the show. I'm not sure the show stands up. Well, it was very, you know, like a complete lack of diversity, which I think they try to make up for overcompensate for sure, overcompensate. But it seems like what seemed out to me about, like the opener, like this, this first episode, season 1 of the reboot, was they acted as if they were asleep for 20 years, woke up and then all of a sudden have to navigate this whole New York, presumably like a rally between the town.

Speaker 2:

They act like oh, we don't know what is a podcast. Like Like it just seems like they were a dormant for the whole time and then woke up and all of a sudden had to deal with 2022.

Speaker 1:

Like it was very oddly written in that way, but I agree, I agree and I think, as far as the new people coming in, it's like you would have never been in the same circles and even if you were they're in the same circle. They would have never been friends. Some of the women that are coming in and I'm like, oh okay, we'll let that be. But you're right, they did approach it a little bit strangely and it come. When I watched the original, I never thought that they were bad actresses, but after the film and then after the new series, I kind of, especially Charlotte. She's coming off very, I don't know. It's just it's not landing.

Speaker 2:

She seems almost I don't know like she's trying to play like a vapid, ditzy version of her former self. I don't really understand that character. Like she was, like a strong mind Like she was not that.

Speaker 2:

And I think I mean I felt like her acting like in the original was fine and actually was impressed by some scenes she did, and then she just comes off as like this vapid, over involved mother with these two daughters. I don't know, it just seems like in her whole like she's not working right. So her whole essence is involved with, like raising of these daughters, you know, taking them to school and being involved in their school, and that's all she's really doing. It just I don't know. It just seems like she's a shell of her former self, Like I don't know, I don't care.

Speaker 1:

And she's trying to be a comedian and it's just not happening. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then there's, of course, it's, the entire baggage with, like, kim Cottrell and Sarah Jessica Park. Apparently, they absolutely hate each other. I had no idea. Oh yeah, no, they hate each other. Like it's like it's, there's no secret. I mean, they're on social media. Like Kim Cottrell absolutely does not. Like her says as much, would not film. Like she did a small cameo, but she did it privately, would not film with anybody else. Like and I just feel like, if it's going to be under those circumstances, maybe don't have the cameo because, like we all know that under duress you wouldn't film with anyone. Like it's a thing she does by herself, like I just felt like just then do away with it. Like don't I?

Speaker 1:

don't know. I agree, well, she's such an iconic character and I think just she's probably the fan favorite, I would say for sure. And I think that caused a little tension too. But yeah, I didn't realize that until they started doing the films that they didn't really get along. It was very surprised.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, the others apparently did like the three. The other three did, but Kim Cottrell, I guess, never quite fit in with them and I think she would once a point at one point about I will never do that character again, so don't even ask. Oh, wow, so yeah, which is fair.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I think everybody needs to move on when they want to, and she has a right to do so.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, especially because her character was so hyper sexualized, like I'm not sure I've ever met another woman who has that kind of sex all hours of the day, like I mean, and talks about it at all. I think that was one of my quibbles. Original show is I mean, yeah, I have girlfriends and we don't really get together and talk about that like all the time. No, no Right.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, regular things to do. Well, all right, Erica. Thank you once again. It's been a pleasure. It has been. Thank you for having me. Absolutely Anytime, I'd love to be a guest on your show when you open it up. I'm just excited to do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would love to. Yeah, that'd be so much fun.

Speaker 1:

I think you should go for it. I think you got it all Excellent and you have tons of scripts. There's more organized, all right. Well, I guess we will talk soon and make sure to keep all your drama on TV.

Speaker 2:

Okay, talk to you soon, hopefully very soon. All right, bye-bye.

Speaker 1:

All right party people. That's it for this episode. What do you think Television, of your the podcast coming soon, hopefully. Fingers crossed, join me next time as we jump back into our season four premieres. Have not forgot about not landing. We're going to jump right back into that too. But in the meantime, in between time, take care of yourself, because you deserve it. Be good to yourself, mind your business, stay happy and keep all of your drama on TV.

Discussion of Dynasty Season 4 Premiere
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Television Series Reflection and Comparisons
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Sex and the City Reboot Critique