
S4 EP5 Falcon Crest - Shadows: The "Friend or Foe? And Florida Man Does What Now?" Episode

June 12, 2024 Jett Shae Episode 206
S4 EP5 Falcon Crest - Shadows: The "Friend or Foe? And Florida Man Does What Now?" Episode
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S4 EP5 Falcon Crest - Shadows: The "Friend or Foe? And Florida Man Does What Now?" Episode
Jun 12, 2024 Episode 206
Jett Shae

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What if your closest ally became your deadliest threat? Tune in as we unpack the explosive events of Falcon Crest's "Shadows," where Richard narrowly escapes an assassination attempt by his so-called friend, Paget. Witness the dramatic power play and the mysterious French identity of a Nazi child that will leave you questioning everything. Plus, the emotional sunbathing scene with Cole and Aunt Terry reveals the heart-wrenching struggle of moving forward after a loss.

Prepare for riveting power struggles at the newspaper, as Maggie is pushed by Richard to find her biological parents and explore a new career as a radio reporter. With Richard's grand vision of a global media empire, significant changes are afoot at the Globe. Lance's journey from privileged heir to diligent newsroom worker is a testament to personal growth and professional grit, offering listeners a glimpse into his quest for respect and credibility.

Finally, hold onto your seats as Maggie's dramatic encounter with the volatile Joel , aka "Florida Man," at the racetrack takes an unexpected turn. Greg Reardon's bizarre horse fascination and interest in Melly Mel add another layer of intrigue. The episode wraps up with a suspenseful recognition scene that hints at potential blackmail and future conflicts, ensuring you'll be on the edge of your seat. Don't miss out on these thrilling and heartfelt moments from Falcon Crest—stay alert, stay hydrated, and keep your drama on TV!

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What if your closest ally became your deadliest threat? Tune in as we unpack the explosive events of Falcon Crest's "Shadows," where Richard narrowly escapes an assassination attempt by his so-called friend, Paget. Witness the dramatic power play and the mysterious French identity of a Nazi child that will leave you questioning everything. Plus, the emotional sunbathing scene with Cole and Aunt Terry reveals the heart-wrenching struggle of moving forward after a loss.

Prepare for riveting power struggles at the newspaper, as Maggie is pushed by Richard to find her biological parents and explore a new career as a radio reporter. With Richard's grand vision of a global media empire, significant changes are afoot at the Globe. Lance's journey from privileged heir to diligent newsroom worker is a testament to personal growth and professional grit, offering listeners a glimpse into his quest for respect and credibility.

Finally, hold onto your seats as Maggie's dramatic encounter with the volatile Joel , aka "Florida Man," at the racetrack takes an unexpected turn. Greg Reardon's bizarre horse fascination and interest in Melly Mel add another layer of intrigue. The episode wraps up with a suspenseful recognition scene that hints at potential blackmail and future conflicts, ensuring you'll be on the edge of your seat. Don't miss out on these thrilling and heartfelt moments from Falcon Crest—stay alert, stay hydrated, and keep your drama on TV!

Speaker 1:

Number one. He knows karate, so if things go left he can hit them with the one-two right real quick. It can be on, it can be whatever. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome, or welcome back to Soap Floor, the official gathering place for newbies, novices and OG diehard fans of the golden age of primetime. I'm your host, jet, viewing and reviewing the soapiest, thuddiest primetime storylines of 1984.

Speaker 1:

We're headed back to the West Coast for Falcon Crest, season 4, episode 5, shadows Mwah. So, whether you're new to this or true to this, sit back and enjoy. Tell the kids it's time to play outside or out of sight To obey. No questions, suggestions or concerns. For the next 25 to 35 minutes, everyone else in earshot, be cool, quiet or be kicked out because we're talking about our stories. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is Soaphorn. Welcome back, party people, to another fun filled edition of Soap Lore. Today we're going to lather up with one of my favorites, falcon Crest.

Speaker 1:

We're back on the west coast where, when last we left, richard was about to get pumped full of lead. I had all but forgotten about that just slightly, and this episode did not disappoint. We've got a couple plot twists, some character development, a rather intellectual idea of what a widow or widower should be, and many, many other surprises. So settle in, pour yourself up something fantastic, get comfortable and let's jump right into season four, episode five of Falcon Crest Shadows. And when last we left, richard had taken it pretty hard that he'd lost the globe. So he's gotten big. He had a big drunk. He was lying in bed. I thought Pam was setting him up for the okie doke at first, but then she seemed just as surprised as he was, or whomever as the audience is that someone was in her home with a pistola, ready to put something inside a bridge. You know, last we left, he's covered in a blanket, he's resting. Someone sneaks in with a gloved hand to shoot him. Turns out it's his boy, pagin, aka Mr Do-Dirt, mr Do-Dirt, mr Do-Dirt can't stand Pam. So I was thinking oh, he meant that for her. He pew, pew, pew. He shoots at the bed. Luckily Richard is actually hiding in the bathroom. He saw all of this coming. He was only pretending. He okie-dokied into the audience and Paget. Meanwhile Pam pulls a pistol out of her silk gown. I don't know where she was holding it, maybe she's wearing a holster, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

They decide they're going to let pageant go. But I guess he's like dude. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The cartel got to me. I had to do something. Hey, maybe I can be a double agent for you. And they're like dude. First off, sir, that is not the art of negotiation. You have nothing to offer at this point. Richard already knew the cartel was coming to kill him. He just didn't know you were a double agent until you started following his lady in her windsuit around. Read the room, brother. Read the room. He is very, very lucky that he didn't also end up shot up like that pillow Now. Now Richard's got to go out and get a new bed. It's a whole thing. Luckily, richard ain't no killer Apparently Pam isn't either and they decide to let him him go.

Speaker 1:

The cartel is none too happy about all this, but that doesn't really matter, because the cartel is only sprinkled about in this episode. So, surprise, surprise, I have forgotten the Nazi children's name. But in this episode it appears that he has assumed some sort of French identity and no one is connecting him to Jacqueline's past or the cartel. I keep forgetting this because Richard talks about the cartel every single episode. Nobody else really knows about it. Chase knows about it. I could have sworn he used the word cartel at some point, but on this episode he doesn't use that language, so it's's like nobody else is really really thinking about Jacqueline at this point. You know, when they bury somebody they're dead and dead. Ain't nobody worried about that? No more.

Speaker 1:

Which brings me to a very interesting scene with Cole and Aunt Terry. Now they're sunbathing, enjoying the pool, soaking up some beautiful rays. We'll get into Terry's past here in a second and we'll get a little bit into to cole's. But this is a very telling scene because, among many of the other things I'd forgotten, both cole and terry have lost someone. It's not that I forgot, it's just nobody's talking about it. Like I said, when you're dead and buried on these shows you're just gone. No one talks about you very much. Philip is only brought up for vengeance. But other than that that, there's not long conversations about Michael or Linda. Not really Linda, a little bit, but not so much. Anyway, I had no idea that Cole was some sort of Olympic diver. He does like a three point turn and spin into the pool Like this is a.

Speaker 1:

This is an Olympic sized pool. This is a regular degular backyard pool. He's splashing, his Aunt Terry is admiring him. Oh, look at my nephew, look at my baby. Well, he gets out and he's just like oh, you know, terry, dating sucks, which I hear is still the case in 2024.

Speaker 1:

He's like, you know, when I met Linda, I was excited because, you know, I was in love and I just I was excited to not have to look anymore. The fact that I'll have to jump back out there at some point is terrifying and it just stresses me out. I really don't want to do it. And Terry's like baby, you aren't. You need to be like an auntie. I forget your mom was adopted, which is why you didn't pick her up on my horse ways. But, baby, I've been on three, four, five dates by this point. So he's kind of laughing at it and his thing is like that was the whole point of getting married. So you'll never have to search again. You know I found love.

Speaker 1:

Terry's point of view is you know, no, baby, think of it like this. It's going to make it easier the second go around, because you've already experienced love. So you're going to have to bypass all the BS. You're not going to just fall for the first thing, because you know what real love and real commitment is. So you're going to want it and you'll be able to find it easier. I think that is a wonderful point of view. It's so good.

Speaker 1:

I guess he agrees a little bit. But then he's like well, aunt Terri, I mean, don't you feel, do you feel kind of funny jumping out there so soon after Michael? And she's like Michael loved me for the way I lived, not the way I mourned Duh. Basically they're dead. We're not. Why should we waste any more of our life? Like it's a rather intellectual way of looking at that. Like, is she wrong? Is she wrong? I don't know, I don't think she is. Is she wrong? I don't know, I don't think she is. I mean, perhaps curb your enthusiasm a little bit when you're doing it, maybe feel a little guilt. Come on, y'all. We all know Terry. Terry came for the money. She got the money in the best possible way, but now she's got to look over her shoulder because Florida man has decided Terry's Florida man is a problem. He's got a coke fiend problem, he's got a personal space problem and he's got a smash and grab problem.

Speaker 1:

Maggie, our girl Maggie, who's always in the wrong place at the wrong time, is down at the racetrack, having this meeting with Richard. They're talking about being adopted. He's encouraging her. He's like listen, I know exactly how you feel. It's a very confusing place to be. I think you need to look for your real parents and you need to do it for yourself. You need to give yourself that grace and that space to acclimate to this new reality. But like, don't go crazy.

Speaker 1:

Also, I'm about to buy a radio station. I would love for you to be a radio reporter. She said. I don't know how to do that. And I'm thinking to myself girl, you have been written a movie, you have been a magazine writer, you have been a reporter reporter. You have been an investigative reporter. You've blown up spots left and right. In my imagination, the radio would not be that much more difficult. You just need to condense that like a Twitter feed. It needs to be a little bit smaller. And you got this Quiet as cat.

Speaker 1:

Richard has not actually secured the radio station yet, but he's a visionary. He knows it's coming. He can't be at the Globe. He'll have a brand new empire by tomorrow morning. His plan is to take over the airwaves all over the West Coast. No, not just the West Coast, the United States, not just the United States, the world baby. He's going worldwide because he is that dude, he's got a proven track record and that proves to be very important on this episode. So if Richard is out, that means Lance. Lance is in.

Speaker 1:

He shows up to the globe looking like a whole snack. You know he's got on his 1980s Brooks Brothers Brothers guys. I don't know suits, I'm a woman. Um yeah, I just I don't know the name of suits, I only know Brooks Brothers Brothers, brooks from a movie in the 90s, if you know. You know, I know there's like Hugo Boss, there's different ones, but he is in JCPenney's Finest or Nordstrom Rack's Finest, I don't know. He looks great.

Speaker 1:

He shows up to work at the Globe to take over Richard's office, take over Richard's spot. I kind of forgotten that he had completely taken over when he showed up to Richard's office, but I was quickly reminded when the editor in chief, I guess, is what it's called I don't know the hierarchy of a newspaper, it is so irrelevant. Just just stick with me. Long story short, this editor in chief person is not a fan of Lance and he comes into the office not to welcome Lance to the globe but to present Lance with his two weeks notice. He's like in two the office, not to welcome Lance to the globe but to present Lance with his two weeks notice. He's like in two weeks time I got to be out of here.

Speaker 1:

And Lance is like no, why would you do, why would you do a full thing like that? You know, simply put, I don't respect you, sir, and there's a gang of people who don't respect you either. You were handed this, you didn't earn this. And and Lance is like well, just OK, ok, I'll give you that. I don't know what I'm doing, but like, give me a chance, I'm going to learn. Why would you work for Richard but not me? Richard didn't have any newspaper experience either. And the guy's like no, he didn't, but he'd been successful in other things. He worked his way up through several organizations. He was a leader. I could tell, he was someone I could respect because I knew he earned his way. And so Lance kind of ponders that and he's like okay, so I mean I work, I'm not afraid of hard work, I'll get there.

Speaker 1:

And this guy says you know what, kid, I worked in the mailroom for 10 years. Seven years after that I did X, y, z. Then Richard moved me up six months ago. I have earned my keep. I have way too much respect for myself to work under somebody who doesn't have that same sort of work ethic. I just can't do it. Two weeks times I'm out, lance. You know tries, hey, dude. No, what if I don't accept your? What if I don't accept your resignation? He's like you're going to have to. And I was thinking to myself I don't think that's a thing, sir. Like this shows you how green Lance is, although he does run businesses.

Speaker 1:

Nepotism is one of the few isms I'm kind of a fan of it's. Just because your grandmother's rich and you worked under her does not mean you didn't work, doesn't mean you don't know what you're doing. He's obviously pretty bright. He's just kind of young and dumb and kind of a punk. For the most part. That would have been the word I would use to describe him. Until this episode, I think lance has turned a new leaf. I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking jack. He must have taken his shirt off this episode. No, he did not. You know what he did. He went home, he took off his brother's brooks brooks brother suit and he put on a polo like a respectable working man, or at least what he thought was a respectable working man.

Speaker 1:

He looks totally like an 80s villain. But he goes down to the, the mail room or the, I don't know. They're like moving newspapers and barrels of ink, I don't know whatever that room is, and he poses as a man called harold and he gets his butt to work. He starts working with the regular daggler people. He's lifting stuff, he's making a good friend, him and his friend having a good old time, kiki and they lifting barrels or figuring things out. When this super chunky man comes over and he, you could tell he's just on like this power trip. He's looking down at him. Now Lance's or AKA. We're just going to call him Harold. We don't get too confused.

Speaker 1:

Harold, aka Lance, is working with the man he calls Heavyset. I'm not joking, that's how he referred. I do not think that's someone's last name. If it is, it's a terrible last name, tragic even. But he's working with Heavyset.

Speaker 1:

When Super Chunky Supervisor comes over and he's like chastising them, you could tell Heavyset is nervous, he don't really like the guy and Lance is like, don't worry, we're going to get it. You know he's not Lance, ain't bothered. Number one, he knows karate, so if things go left. He can hit him with the one, two right real quick. It can be, it can be on, it can be, it can. It can be whatever right then and there. But also it's not that big of deal Like. This guy is just really on this power trip. So this happens more times than he's comfortable with and by the end of the episode Lance has had enough. His friend Heavyset is like man, just kind of, keep your head down. You don't want to piss off this guy, the supervisors, he's vicious.

Speaker 1:

The supervisor keeps giving Heavyset these new shifts. Oh, you're working tonight too, okay. Oh, you're working tonight too, okay, yes sir, yes sir. The supervisor comes into the locker room while Lance and Heavyset are kiki-ing and he goes hey, you're working tonight again. And Heavyset's like oh sir, please know, it's my daughter's 16th birthday. You only get sweet 16 one time.

Speaker 1:

Now Lance is watching this to see what the supervisor does and of course he says yeah, you do. What are you fired? This is all Lance can take. He comes storming out and he's like dude, what's your problem? You're taking this way too far. What do you want to make of it? Meanwhile he has been playing both sides of the fence. Lance has. He has been working down at the floor on the shop, or whatever you want to call it, and he'll put back on his Brooks Brothers suits and he'll go back upstairs like nothing happened. Well, finally, the editor in chief was like this dude is missing most of the day. Let me go find out where he is. So Lance is annoyed that the supervisor wants Heavyset to work on his daughter's 16th birthday.

Speaker 1:

The editor in chief is coming from upstairs downstairs to check on something and he sees Lance dressed as Harold, and Lance and the supervisor aka Harold and the supervisor are going at it. Well, the supervisor looks over and he sees the editor-in-chief coming in and he's like dude, this is my territory, you have no business being here. And he starts. The supervisor starts chastising Harold, aka Lance again. Well, the editor in chief kind of looks and he's like dude, do you know who you're talking to? That's Lance Compson. He is. He runs this, he owns this company.

Speaker 1:

Well, all of a sudden, the supervisor starts backtracking and stutter step, and all that was a funny joke. Hey, hey, maybe we can meet up sometime so I can tell you about the ideas that happen around here. And Lance is like no, no, no, no, I don't think I will. I don't think you're that good of a guy. And the supervisor's like yeah, just ask the room. So Lance says hey, everybody, if you think this dude is a good dude, I want you to raise your hand. Absolutely nobody raises their hand. They have all been waiting for this moment, waiting for this moment, waiting for this. They can't stand him for real, for real. And when the opportunity comes to finally throw him under the bus, everybody bends and lifts with their knees and lifts the bus up on him and smashes it. They Hulk, smash his reputation. He is promptly fired and, mr Heavy said, is elevated to a new position. By doing so, I dare say that Lance has been elevated to a new position too.

Speaker 1:

He's like the Grinch. His heart grew a little bigger. He's been vigorously working his muscles. He got in there on the ground floor to prove himself, earning the respect of not only the people on the ground floor but the editor in chief who was going to quit, and he's like you know what, sir? I redact my resignation. Lance is like what resignation? So wonderful to watch him kind of come into his own.

Speaker 1:

This one this was the first episode. He hasn't been a complete and total. Well, no, I'm not going to say that His jerk level. I suppose more than one thing can be true at once. Perhaps in business he's not a jerk, he's young and dumb enough to know that. He's young and dumb. He's like let me, just let me learn something from y'all. He's had enough back and forth and this is his opportunity to make a name for himself. He will not be just Angela Channing's minion. He wants to make a name for himself. You can tell that this is his opportunity to make a name for himself. He will not be just Angela Channing's minion. He wants to make a name for himself. You can tell that this is important to him. But in relationships maybe he's still a jerk and that's okay. You know what? That's a lot of people, I would say. Either way, it was wonderful.

Speaker 1:

It was very good to see him this episode handling business and, dare I say, he made a friend. That's probably what it is. I've never seen him make a friend on this show and he did. I want to take it back to Florida man just for a second, because I'm watching this and I didn't leave the room or anything, but I'd look down and I'd look up and Florida man, whose name is Joel, looks a whole lot like Lance. Just briefly, I'm like, oh my God, I wonder if that's his cousin or whatever. So I look up the kid. Turns out he used to be one of the hardy boys. Talk about six degrees of separation. So does the name parker stevenson ring a bell? You ogs? It just might. One of his first movies was called the lifeguard and he starred with sam elliott. Aka what was his name? Chance from the yellow rose.

Speaker 1:

Last summer he went on to star in the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew mystery series alongside teen heartthrobs Sean Cassidy. I know exactly who Sean Cassidy is. I used to watch the Partridge. Wait, was he on the Partridge? I get those guys confused. There was David and Sean's brother, right? Okay, well, I know who he is because I used to love Naked Night. I used to watch the Partridge family Brady Bunch I know exactly who those people are.

Speaker 1:

Had no idea the Hardy Boys was a television series. That would have been interesting because I definitely remember the books from Elementary and the Nancy Drew and on AV Cart Day. I don't remember ever watching those. I can't believe that never came up. So anyway, he seemed to be pretty major. He was on that show from 1977 to 1979. He's in TV series with Burt Reynolds. He was in that miniseries, north and South.

Speaker 1:

He was even married to my girl, kirstie Alley. God rest her soul. God, I loved her so much. I used to love her soul so much. And look who's talking. Look who's talking too. Wonderful woman, oh, iconic, best role she ever played. I don't hear what anybody says.

Speaker 1:

Is the movie drop dead gorgeous? It's got Kirstie Alley, denise Richards, kirsten Dunst and Smurf from Animal Kingdom. Can't remember her name, helen, somebody or another. So so good. But yeah, he's pretty official, but he doesn't. It could just be the haircut. They've got the same sort of haircut, but now that I think about it, so does the lawyer boy from Dynasty. It's just, it's the haircut of that time period between 1980 and 1984. I suppose that was the look. Much like the Bieber flip over, much like the frosted tips. Y'all remember that. Oh my God, what were we thinking? And the flat ironing God, it was a mess. Everybody had frosted tips at some point.

Speaker 1:

Anyway on the show his name is joel and joel is bad news. He's got impulse problems. He figured out that his ex-wife or ex he's a pimp maybe, I don't really know. Terry doesn't seem to want to be anywhere near him. He's claiming that they're still married. Matter of fact, not only are they still married, he has paperwork being sent up from flor Florida that should arrive any day and it's going to expose her for who she is. So he's like I'll take what I can now. Apparently he went to her house and stole a watch. He just seems like a bum. I'm having a hard time believing she actually married him. He's clearly the person she was running from, but of course she's told no one and I do mean no one about him. He even called down over to the house when she was at the pool talking to her nephew about how they should get over being the spouses of dead people. So the money that he gained from stealing Terry's jewelry has quickly run out.

Speaker 1:

Let's flashback to Maggie. So Maggie's at this little meeting with Richard at the racetrack. He wants her to not only consider being a reporter for his new radio station when that is erected, but he also wants her to find her birth family. So she's walking out to the car and she has to walk past a security guard who's too busy looking at girls in bikini probably Sammy Jo and whatnot in this magazine in broad daylight. He didn't even have the decency to do it inside of a booth. He's not even looking on his phone decently. He's got it out for God and everybody. Anybody who drives by is going to see him looking at girls boobies through the bikinis. And the guard is so busy ogling this news, this magazine, that he doesn't notice Joel Cole. And Joel is going to be a problem. I hope he's not on the show long term. This is going to be so obnoxious.

Speaker 1:

Joel let's call him Florida man doesn't notice Florida man walking by and he certainly doesn't notice Maggie. Well, he only notices Maggie because, richard, anyway, florida man gets to his car and he's pissed. He reaches in his pocket and he's pissed. He reaches in his pocket and he pulls out a fistful of $1 bills and a fist is fistful, is a very loose term there's probably like $4 and he gets pissed and he punches his windshield his own windshield, actually, it's not even his windshield. He stole that car from another Florida man, go figure. So he waits because he spots Maggie before the security guard guy does.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, she's minding her own business. She goes to her car to unlock it. He comes, puts her in a chokehold, snatches her jewelry takes off and running, gets in his car and she's freaked out thoroughly, but only for like 10 minutes per Maggie. Maggie is never freaked out long-term about anything. This woman walked away from a plane crash and was telling her son like dude, when are you going to clean Linda's crap out of this room, maggie? Can we look into that a little bit? Love her to death, but she's remarkably unfazed at all times. So Florida man is indeed a thiefy thief and he's unapologetic about it. I kind of like his bad boy-ness, but he's very irrational. So I can only imagine how much havoc he's going to wreak for the rest of the season, especially since Terry is too terrified to tell anybody about who he is.

Speaker 1:

On the complete other side of that coin is the not bad boy of this season, greg Reardon, aka the manimal. The manimal is a mild child of the series, but he thinks he's super sexy. Now, this is the trouble with having a handsome face and not much personality. I am beyond bugged by his over annunciation of all of his words, by his over-annunciation of all of his words, as if his mouth has been CG'd on later on in production. But he's starting to have eyes for bad girl Melly Mel. Now, both Melly Mel and Angie can look at Greg Reardon and know that Melissa will eat him alive given the opportunity, but for the moment she seems to be a little bit interested. Mind you, something is brewing with she and cole. But greg reardon keeps popping up, shaking her hand, watching her with his goofy little eyes and like hey, have you thought any more about stallions?

Speaker 1:

He keeps making all these horse comments, although I dibble dabble in the 80s. I don't fluently speak 80s, but it feels like an innuendo, but I don't think he's suave enough to make those so he could. He's either really obsessed with horses and think she's impressed by horses or he's making innuendos about horses. Either way impressed by horses or he's making innuendos about horses. Either way, the manimal has no swag. But apparently the manimal can be bald. He seems to be leaning a little more towards the dark side. He and kirby are the sort of characters with season four that I'm keeping my eyes on because they're having these moments. Kirby just choked out Lexus and the manimal does indeed go on a date with Melissa after Angela prompts him. So time will tell if he's doing it just because it was an opportunity or if he is willing to play ball with Angela all the way if he's really willing to be her new do dirt guy, because Philip was hard to replace. I don't quite think he's got Philip in him. He was upset over some her pulling the strings with this cotton.

Speaker 1:

Oh god you. This is what drives me crazy about the show. There are so many damn titles. So Chase is the. What is he? The water city manager? A water manager? He's on the aviation board. Blase, blase. One of the guys on the aviation board is who she was like, trying to manipulate into getting Chase off of the aviation board until the investigation is complete. Now Chase has not lost his pilot's license. He has lost pilot's license. Oh my God, there I go again. Jeff Vidalia, his license, god, that was so hard, not to say license. His license has been suspended until the investigation is complete. So he has been temporarily removed from this board that I didn't know he was on.

Speaker 1:

These people got jobs, do you hear me? Everybody on this show has 45 jobs, except for my girl, emma. Oh just, it pains me to know that she's not still at the globe being a secret computer whiz, hacking into mainframes and whatnot, you know, spilling state secrets. This episode she had a mere cameo. So very end of the episode. It was dimly lit.

Speaker 1:

She is taking an evening stroll in her very fine silk outfit and she keeps hearing someone say Emma. I'm thinking, oh my god, she's having a psychotic episode. This is wonderful. I was wondering if she got back on the meds. I love it, you guys know. I love it when someone is off their meds on tv. On tv, well, she may or may not be, but I'll tell you what she did see. She saw julia outside of that hideous wig.

Speaker 1:

Julia pops up in the vineyard. I told you what did I tell you? There is a trap door in the daggone spring house. If there's a spring house, I mean there's water underneath, which means I don't care what the investigator said. They look like somebody would have been burned to a crisp. No, they didn't. She's fine. She crawled to safely. Clearly, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully. This isn't an aberration. Oh, that would be weird. I forgot. This is a soap opera. That could definitely be a possibility. I think we're going to leave it there today, guys, this is a wonderful episode, very exciting. We've got a crack fiend from Florida. We've got the East Coast Madam Queen shaking in her boots, maggie's going to find her parents and hopefully, her jewelry. Oh, oh, oh. One little thing, one little thing. Apparently, joel also has a job. He works the vineyard.

Speaker 1:

There's a moment where Maggie is introducing him. Only she doesn't recognize him, but he's being super weird and she's just kind of Maggie's got one of those faces. She is, she has a face I wish I had meaning. I don't want to look like her, but she always looks poised and slightly surprised, but pleasantly surprised, even if she's icked out. So she's not giving off a vibe that oh my God, you're creepy and weird. She just looks like, oh my gosh, it's so lovely to meet you.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know if she recognizes him. I don't think she does and, like I said, it's the 80s. Many, many people have that same haircut. But either way, he recognized her. That's the point. Joel immediately recognized her. So maybe there'll be a little bit of blackmail, probably some sort of fight that's going to pop up here sooner rather than later. Anyway, we'll have to figure that out next time. In the meantime, in between time, keep your friends close, your enemies closer and your jewelry in your pocket, because Florida man will put you in a headlock in the quickness. Hey Rob, you and your sister blind. Remember to stay moisturized, hydrated, mind your own business and keep all of your drama on tv. © BF-WATCH TV 2021.

Soap Opera Recap
Power Struggles at the Newspaper
Soap Opera Drama and Intrigue
Recognition and Deceptive Introductions