
A Little More Lore- The Hair Never Lies Part 2 -The "Iconic Coifs and Primetime Power Plays" Episode

June 24, 2024 Jett Shae Episode 208
A Little More Lore- The Hair Never Lies Part 2 -The "Iconic Coifs and Primetime Power Plays" Episode
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A Little More Lore- The Hair Never Lies Part 2 -The "Iconic Coifs and Primetime Power Plays" Episode
Jun 24, 2024 Episode 208
Jett Shae

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Ever had a haircut so bad you wished you could time travel back and undo it? We start our nostalgic trip down memory lane with hilarious personal anecdotes of our own hair disasters, setting the stage for a playful discussion on the infamous "you'll grow into it" haircuts. From there, we pay homage to the iconic Pam Ewing and her feathered, dancer-inspired locks that graced our screens in the late 70s and early 80s, reminiscing about how Pam's unique hairstyle stood out in the world of wealthy North Texans.

Next, we examine the intricate power dynamics of soap opera characters through the lens of their hairstyles. Our spotlight shines on the importance of proper shaping for black women's 4C hair, and we critique Fallon's ever-evolving look while humorously questioning Jeff's lack of influence in the storyline. Comparing Jeff to the more dominant Blake Carrington, we explore missed opportunities for character development and add a deeper layer to our analysis of these beloved characters.

Finally, the legendary hair of Blake Carrington from Dynasty takes center stage. We celebrate its dynamic quality that complements his volatile personality and reflect on his transformation over the years, particularly his distinguished salt-and-pepper look. The episode also teases future discussions on iconic characters like Kristen Shepard and Kirby Anders Colby, ensuring there's plenty of hair, history, and high drama to keep you entertained. So, grab a drink and get comfortable—it's time to relive the magic of primetime soaps!

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Ever had a haircut so bad you wished you could time travel back and undo it? We start our nostalgic trip down memory lane with hilarious personal anecdotes of our own hair disasters, setting the stage for a playful discussion on the infamous "you'll grow into it" haircuts. From there, we pay homage to the iconic Pam Ewing and her feathered, dancer-inspired locks that graced our screens in the late 70s and early 80s, reminiscing about how Pam's unique hairstyle stood out in the world of wealthy North Texans.

Next, we examine the intricate power dynamics of soap opera characters through the lens of their hairstyles. Our spotlight shines on the importance of proper shaping for black women's 4C hair, and we critique Fallon's ever-evolving look while humorously questioning Jeff's lack of influence in the storyline. Comparing Jeff to the more dominant Blake Carrington, we explore missed opportunities for character development and add a deeper layer to our analysis of these beloved characters.

Finally, the legendary hair of Blake Carrington from Dynasty takes center stage. We celebrate its dynamic quality that complements his volatile personality and reflect on his transformation over the years, particularly his distinguished salt-and-pepper look. The episode also teases future discussions on iconic characters like Kristen Shepard and Kirby Anders Colby, ensuring there's plenty of hair, history, and high drama to keep you entertained. So, grab a drink and get comfortable—it's time to relive the magic of primetime soaps!

Speaker 1:

He don't care. Let him start shimmying and shaking, actually, let him get a couple good cocktails in him. Let him get good and drunk, and that hair is a mess and I love it so much. I'm like, oh my God, you can tell when he's.

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome, or welcome back to Soap Lore, the official gathering place for newbies, novices and OG diehard fans of the golden age of primetime. I'm your host, jett, viewing and reviewing the Sophia Suds' primetime storylines of the 80s, 90s and early 2000s. Today we are blathering up with part two of A Little More Young. So, whether you're new to this or true to this, sit back and enjoy. Tell the kids it's time to play outside or out of sight. Tell them no questions, suggestions or concerns for the next 25-35 minutes, everyone else in earshot. Be cool, be quiet or be prepared to be put out, because we have got to get to the root of the situation. Who is heir apparent of season four? Ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, this is Soap Lord. Hello, gorgeous, welcome back to a little more lore. This is where the only thing higher than the ratings are the hairdos. This is our behind the scenes episode, where we jump into storylines, character history and a little bit of info about the actors who play these iconic characters. I hope you are ready for an intense episode because we have got to name the heir apparent. Just to refresh your memory, we've gone through several categories. We have one more before we jump into the main event. Today we're combing through the archives to untangle the secrets behind the most iconic coiffes. I hope I said that name right Coiffes. Pour yourself up something bubbly and bright and let's get down to the root of it. Let's see who does it best. This next category just might be my favorite category. It is the best you'll grow into it.

Speaker 1:

Haircut, oh boy, oh boy. I don't know about you, but as a kid I was slightly experimental. Middle child kind of left my own devices quite a bit, which I preferred, but I didn't really enjoy waiting around for people to do things. I had two working parents. My mom styled her hair quite often. I had an older sister, have an older sister who would style my hair, but once she got to be a teenager she was busy doing teenager things. She didn't have time to do things. I wanted bangs.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I decided in kindergarten that it was time for me to start snipping my bangs. Maybe I decided these scissors were whack and they wouldn't cut through straw, but, unbeknownst to me, they actually cut through my hair. My mom starts unraveling my ponytails and next thing you know she's like Jet, did you cut your hair? And I'm like well, I tried, but the scissors didn't work. The scissors were scissoring. My mom was not shy with the barrettes and the ponytails.

Speaker 1:

I might have had 10 or 11 in my head. I looked cute every single day, but definitely when I cut that one I didn't think it snapped in half. Sure enough it did. I also didn't realize that bangs were at your forehead. I just wanted a piece of shorter hair. I thought it would look cool like punky brewster. Yeah, needless to say, I walked around for several months with a chunk of my hair about six inches shorter than the rest. It's all good, because you know what I grew into it much like these characters.

Speaker 1:

Now you know who I'm going to say. Y'all know who's first on this list. First and foremost is Pam Ewing. Now I should actually deduct points, because I don't know what rich North Texas woman wears flat hair in the 1970s and 80s. It's almost blasphemous. But the minute I saw her come on the screen with that kind of flat. I'm wearing a 60s helmet hair and it's like shaggy the Carol Brady, but it's the extended Carol Brady. I wasn't mad at it. Somebody did a really good job. Her face was framed, it was feathered. It was still exciting. But I just thought to myself there is no way a rich woman from North Texas, from an oil family of all things, would have that flat of hair in the early or, excuse me, in the late 70s, early 80s. It works. So Pam's face is framed. It is really, really, actually quite beautiful. It reminds me of like dancer hair. It seems like someone who is a backup dancer for like Janet Jackson or something. I really like it.

Speaker 1:

Now, the other version of this is our girl Fallon. Now hear me out as a texture girly. I am a proud black woman with 4C hair. It is wonderful. There's a lot you can do with it. There's a lot of do with it. There's a lot of. You know. You can go from straight to curly. I can pretty much do any style of hair. I understand that not everybody can, but I understand even more than most and those of you with textured, curly hair or wavy hair. You understand we can't just go short on a whim. You have to have that shaped to perfection so that your curls, coils, coils or waves will lie in the way that they should.

Speaker 1:

Fallon seems to have wavy hair. I can't quite put my finger on it because it seems like her hair is quite fine and within the first two seasons she was definitely using a lot of the sponge roller technique. It was fluffy because it had been fluffed. But when she appeared, actually at the beginning of season two on the um, what is it? The inter alexis episode where she's in the, the, the courtroom, shocked and in awe.

Speaker 1:

We see this brand new haircut and it's the pam ewing. But it ain't quite pam ewing. You know what I mean. It's a little too shaggy, the waves aren't quite working, it's like your hair is not quite heavy enough to carry that look. But I think eventually she might grow into it or shave it off. I certainly hope they do something different with it because she ain't growing into it like she needs to grow into it. But you know who did Pam did so Pam Ewing gets the award for best. You'll grow into it haircut.

Speaker 1:

All right, enough of the hullabaloo, let's get to the main event, that is, the golden home for lifetime achievement. Now I might be jumping the gun a little bit here. I don't really care. It's time to have a little bit of fun with this. I'm gonna start off with Jeff because, jeff, I am liable to get pissed off and not want to talk about him for the rest of the season.

Speaker 1:

I just can't even believe that this man has hopped back into the sack with Fallon Fallon, who he chased for many a moon, damn near millennia. Has she ever been interested in him? Not one time, not when they were married, not when she was banging his uncle, not when she had his baby. Not one time has she taken an interest in him. But all of a sudden she is McGruff, the crime dog. She needs to fly across the USA to Billings, montana. Nowhere Montana. No shade to anybody in Montana. Ain't nothing in Billings. You don't need protection. Why not hire one of your do-dirt guys? Why not bring one of your do dirt guys? Why not bring one of your bodyguards? After all, you are a billionaire's daughter, right? Why do you need skinny, scrawny doormat Jeff? Who is Jeff going to hit first and foremost?

Speaker 1:

Before we get any deeper into this, I'm not even going to dignify this with the respect she thinks it deserves. Who is Jeff going to fight? He'll fight you in court. He'll fight a parking ticket. Hell, he might even fight for a parking spot. What he's not going to do is handle a man in Billings Montana who's been drinking and sucking up mercuric oxide for the last three years. You don't want that. Remember. Jeff's off the meds. Jeff's not taking the mercuric oxide anymore. He is sober minded and perfectly co-opt. You can't fight in penny loafers. Also, have you ever tried to fight in hard? So y'all forget it. But you know what I'm saying? You can't fight anybody with hard-soled shoes. Jeff, have a seat. But we'll start with him because he's the one who just kind of initiated this whole.

Speaker 1:

A little more lore. I kept going over it in my mind and I said you know what, jeff? I just this doesn't make sense to me. The kid is good looking. He's obviously the Boy Scout of the show and, if perspective push is true on all the other shows, even the Boy Scouts get their fingers a little bit dirty from time to time. Jeff actually has not, or so I thought let's roll the tape.

Speaker 1:

Jeff Coley is a nephew of Cecil Colby. He has a father who is deceased, as far as we can tell, this is a soap opera. I'm not putting anything past anyone. He went to some sort of mausoleum to speak to his deceased father, who he does not recall. Now, as a common sense person, I know that there's a whole spinoff with the Colbys. Somebody survived. No one's come out of the woodworks just yet.

Speaker 1:

So far he is the. He's the man of the Colby clan as far as we know. The um, he's the man of the Colby clan as far as we know. Now he has a strong affection for Blake because Blake and Cecil were friends. I guess I don't know, or maybe it's because he has this huge crush on his daughter all the time. I really don't know. But he seems to have at least a majority control of both Denver Carrington and Colby Coe. He kind of floats back and forth as he pleases and he is actually running Colby Coe at this point.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like why isn't he more than man? It's like I get him. He's tall, he's gorgeous, he's good looking, he's polite, he's really smart, he's got that impeccable hair. But he doesn't have the other thing that the other men have on the show and that is real power. Allow me to explain. Just hear me out, okay, blake Harrington, as flimsy and as weak as he actually is, he still has secretaries. He has a do-dirt lawyer he had a major domo until episode two of season four. Lawyer he had a major domo until episode two of season four. He has a little spy at Colby Co in the form of a former son-in-law who he would very much like to adopt as an adult, which is possible. They just haven't gone through the paperwork.

Speaker 1:

Blake has minions, blake has a staff, Blake has people to follow his command. But you know what? Jeff has played himself time and time again all in behind Fallon. Instead of taking his brand new bride who, let's admit, they got together a little quicker than I would believe, but we're here now. What are we gonna do? Instead of taking his bride and building his own home, he would much rather stay at Blake's home to be shielded. He's got these daddy issues. Instead of taking over Colby Co, like it is his birth to do, he'd rather play second fiddle to make sure Alexis likes him. He has mommy issues as well. I think this all stems from Alexis being Colby Fallon's mother and Blake being her father. This all revolves around Fallon, who does not give a damn about him.

Speaker 1:

I don't care about this random little hookup. I can't stress enough how much Fallon has just totally disappointed me throughout this entire series. I really thought she was going to be something special. She's not giving what I thought she'd give and it just seems so unlikely to me that all of a take is one little trip where he's like man. You're just that powerful woman. You finally grown up, fallon. You know you're leaving our baby with a nanny like a proper rich woman.

Speaker 1:

You're running La Mirage. La Mirage is a dump. I said what I said. It's the biggest dump. I'm so sick of this damn hotel. What do they do in La Mirage other than they had like one party that was semi sort of lit. They had nothing. They have a tennis pro who's going to talk you out of your draws at some point Take. They have a tennis pro who's going to talk you out of your draws at some point. Take your money. There's nothing else to do. It's just a holding place for all the misfits who can't handle their problems at home. I'm so completely over this.

Speaker 1:

But I'm like Jeff. If you just take the reins, if Jeff would have his own household, he might be the man, but he doesn't want to be and, and you notice, he's able to bag abroad. He's able to bag a bubbly baddie, but he can't make him stay. Claudia, the stallion slept with him two times, got his keys and left. She was like I will probably do jail time and remain with you. Kirby seems to be the only person who wants to stay with him and it just doesn't make sense. But it's like he doesn't hone any power, he's just the nice guy and eventually the doormat has got to turn into a Doberman, or else he just prepared to be run through the meat grinder over and over again.

Speaker 1:

What a disappointment. What doesn't disappoint is that gorgeous head of hair. All of you girlies, if you're, especially if you're, an elder millennial, maybe a late Gen X, you'll understand this. There's nothing, in my opinion, better than iconic 90s hair, and I mean across the board, from the box cut to, you know, box braids, to that iconic writer, strong from boy meets world, that middle part draping your eyes, the skeet oldridge from scream the um jtt haircut. You gotta part it down the middle and let it flop around and and do what it needs to do for your white guy. That's the rules that make it up. That's what it is. That is iconic 90 hair.

Speaker 1:

Jeff almost has iconic 90 hair, only of course this is the 80s. He rocks that side part. He keeps it. It's always intact. He can run 18 miles. It's never shaken out of a perfectly tailored coif, and I think that's part of his problem. If you can't mess up your hair, if you can't let loose from the tip of your head, from the top of your head to the tip of your penny loafer toes, you're never going to get far on this show, at least not yet Now.

Speaker 1:

Clearly he's going to have some sort of spinoff at some point, so maybe this is his breakout season. I'm certainly hoping for it, but so far Jeff continues to be a dud and it really pisses me off and I'll let this go after this that the whole reason he's annoyed with his wife that he chose to marry is because she's acting really strange after her father committed suicide. Now what is she supposed to do? What is she supposed to do? She hasn't said boo about you living in this house. Well, she said a little boo about you living in this house. Well, she said a little bit about him living in the house with his ex-wife, as she should. There's no reason on earth why he should still be leaving, living in the mansion with his ex-wife and her father and her stepmother and 47 maids and potential major doulas. What? What do you gain from that? She's taking that like a champ. But let her be bereft, let her be upset about the loss of her father and all of a sudden it's a problem. I can't stand you, jeff. For real, for real. There's no way I'm going to give him the best hair of this. No way. Jeff Blew it, you blew it. He's really, really. Yeah, john James is really upset about that.

Speaker 1:

Now, 40 years after the fact, we might as well get the menfolk out of the way. Let's talk about Blake. Blake Harrington, the salt and pepper shake, rattle and roll up on you, billionaire killer with a coif to die for. Blake and his antics have been amplified by the impeccable choreography from his hair. Now, whether he's imposing his will upon his wife or he's embarrassing himself on a candid camera in his nemesis slash frenemy's office, this man's hair does not know how to chill. Where Jeff's hair is, never out of place, blake's as soon as he gets a little bit rattled, it's shaking, rattling, it's flopping all around and, lucky for him, he's got enough hair to do just that.

Speaker 1:

Again, I'm a huge fan of the salt and pepper look. I feel like everyone, if we're all lucky enough, we're blessed enough to live a long, happy, healthy life, or a long life, we're all going to go gray at some point. Some of us will do it gracefully, the other, the rest of us, it's going to sneak in when it wants to. It doesn't matter. I feel like he's done it gracefully.

Speaker 1:

I have looked back at some of his. What's his name? John Forsythe. I've looked at some of his earlier work and he had very dark hair and it was fine, but there's something very distinguished about the salt and pepper hair that really, really worked for him. It it made you believe that this man is billionaire, that is a billionaire, and that he's powerful and he understands the assignment.

Speaker 1:

Now the truth of the matter is that he is a complete and total loose cannon, doesn't know if he wants to be a good father or a tyrant at any moment, and it has been enjoyable to watch, because I love when he goes from zero to 60 for no reason, whether he's cussing on his gay son for the 1400 time, for coming out for the 8000 time, whether he is demanding that someone loan him the money because he's good for it and I've worked from the by. Anybody got time to hear all that. Blake, he don't care. Let him start shimmying and shaking actually. Let him get a couple good cocktails in him. Let him get good and drunk and that hair is a mess and I love it so much. I'm like, oh my god, you can tell when he's coming out. It kind of reminds me of Pauly D.

Speaker 1:

If you ever watched Jersey Shore, his hair was always perfectly cool until he got really, really drunk and then it just fell flat. I love a flat hair, floppy hair. Blake, unfortunately he's committing manslaughter. He's attacking people or he's getting lucky. He's tripping and falling and causing more damage than he would if he stood 10 toes down. It is what it is, but he is giving these youngins a run for their money.

Speaker 1:

I dare you to name a better head of hair as far as men folk on Dallas or Dynasty. It's hard press. I agree with my husband, jay Bobby's hair is quite flawless, but it's just not the best. You know what I'm saying. I almost prefer JR's helmet hair over Bobby's because there's so much. I get so much more with the helmet hair. That's my whole thing. With Blake. I get so much more with the salt and pepper shake, rattle and roll type hair than I do with the perfectly coiffed and refined Jeffy. Jeff. I think it's a good time to remind you that you get to decide who the winner is.

Speaker 1:

Buzzsprout's new feature allows you to text me. Just text the show notes for the link. It'll say send us a text message and I will answer your question. I will tally your votes. We've already got a few in. I'm super excited for those of you who would join the conversation from season or, excuse me, episode one of A Little More Lore. The Hair Never Lies.

Speaker 1:

But on part two I think we have to get to the crux of the situation. We'll discuss all these on an upcoming episode, but in the meantime, in the between time, let's get back to the to the good, all right Part of this episode for me. I wanted to dig into the background a little bit more for these iconic characters and the actors who played them. As far as I can tell, john James and John Forsythe don't seem to have many commercials specifically tailored towards hair. That's what I was looking for on this episode, but I did find out a little bit of a tidbit. This is going to be old news to you OGs, but for the rest of us, color me shocked. Only I, kind of halfway, did the research for this, so bear with me. We're going to leave the Mile Hall City just for a minute and travel on down to Dallas.

Speaker 1:

We can talk about bad girl Kristen, aka Kristen Shepard, aka Mary Crosby. Now I read her name in the credits. I didn't think one thing about it. I didn't think twice about it, so I just okay, I accept that that's a name. Did the last name, crosby, ring a little bit of a bell for me? Yes, it did, but I thought maybe I'm thinking Cosby and I'm moving on with my life.

Speaker 1:

Apparently, miss Mary Crosby is the daughter of Bing Crosby. I'm going to keep it real. This is where my halfway research goes. I believe I'm like 89% sure Bing Crosby does some sort of Christmas music. Couldn't point him out if my life depended on it. But it doesn't matter because Miss Kristen Shepard is an Epo baby. I actually don't mind. I don't know why people get so up in arms. Why wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you pass on a good thing to someone you love, someone who's actually good at it and, dare I say it, she's pretty good on the show.

Speaker 1:

So I'm doing research because I want to see how these women in particular arrived at their roles, how they you know what they won, what they did before they were on these iconic soap operas. Surely they were in commercials, because they all have this incredible head of hair For the record, just those of you who are keeping score. We are going through Kristen, going through Kirby and, of course, north Texas Lolita herself Lucy. Now Kristen may play a North Texas Lolita, but it appears that she actually went to college at the University of Texas at Austin. She's a hook them horns. She did her bidding, she graduated high school really early and it seems like she started acting fairly early, appearing on specials with her dad, you know, nepo, baby stuff. She made an appearance here and parents there.

Speaker 1:

I can't seem to find anything about that. I care in like a shampoo commercial, but also I didn't know. As you know, I try not to dig too deeply because I want to have a raw, real and reaction to the shows in real time. I went to her IMBD just so I can just make sure that I've done my due diligence and tell me why. I see a picture of her and Lance comes in and I'm like, oh my god, please don't tell me she's going to do a crossover onto the Falcon Crest. Is that where she left? She left Dallas to go do that actually would be awesome, but I do feel like the timeline would be awesome. But I do feel like the timeline would be extremely off, because this JR episode or who shot JR was circa 1980, while season four of Falcon Crest is, uh, about 1984. I don't remember her being on it before. I could be mistaken.

Speaker 1:

So let me look again and sure enough, I see this and it looks like Lance, but he's got that feathered hair. Remember I told you he and Cole have haircuts circa 1984 and I've seen him as a renegade later on. His hair is much longer. So this must have been before that. This must be after Grease, but before or during Falcon Crest, because it looks like he's dressed as Beauty and the Beast.

Speaker 1:

Sure enough, our girl, bad girl Kristen, and Lorenzo Llamas were on the Love Boat. I got to check out that show. I haven't seen it in many, many moons. That is one of the shows that Erica reviews on her website Television of York. Go check that out, but I haven't seen it in a really long time. I will definitely go back and look at this now to see.

Speaker 1:

I love when I see a crossover, I actually don't mind it. And seems like she's gonna appear on Knott's Landing, which makes sense to me because I originally thought it was going to be Lucy's spinoff in Knott's Landing. But I also thought about Kristen because one of the first episodes she's in she talks about how she wants to be an engineer and she was going to go to USC. Totally thought it would have been about her. I thought she'd have a bigger role, or at least her and Lucy. Maybe they'd be frenemies, something like that. It just made sense. They're young. They weren't really doing anything with them on Dallas, but color me surprised and Kristen on the show don't care about anything.

Speaker 1:

Bad Girl. Kristen is the winner of the Miss Texas Side Shake 1980 Award and the Baby Mama Matron of 1981. If my calculations are correct, she should be giving birth circa 1981. Giving birth to a millennial, by the way. Now she's doing a Texas side chick prowl. She may steal your man, she may get you locked up in a sanitarium Hell, she may even frame you for attempted murder, but what she won't do is not do her hair Her aim with that curling iron barrel is much better than her aim of a gun barrel, because she missed. I do believe the point was to shoot him dead. She missed out on it, but she never misses with their curling iron. Baby, don't play with her. Or perhaps it's sponge rolls.

Speaker 1:

She strikes me as a curling iron and hairspray girl. She's giving us big bouncy Texas curls on waist length hair, and it seems like she continued to work clear until at least the year 2014. I love it, though. Her hair held secrets. Her hair was patient. Her patience was long as her hair, because she definitely played the long game. She played the quiet game and she managed to dupe this man into funding the rest of her life based on an alleged pregnancy. But more so than that the fact that she could tell his mom and daddy that he was sleeping with her and do you know how horrible that looks. It's one thing to be a man whore. Don't be a man whore with your wife's sister and then have a kid with her. It's unforgivable. Bad girl. Kristen is definitely in the running.

Speaker 1:

We gotta talk about miss kirby anders colby now. Her nerves may be frazzled, there's no doubt about that, but her hair never is. Kirby is swinging butt length raven locks around like it's light work. She still has a hand strength to marsha, marsha, mars, braid and brush her hair each and every night and choke a random wiggy wench who bullied her father into his death. She choked Alexis, ouch. Oh my gosh, she'll do it in a baby's nursery too. Please don't play with her Long hair. Definitely don't care. Only she really really does care. That's the thing about kirby. I like that. She and lucy are almost polar opposites.

Speaker 1:

Kirby's hair is very long and wavy. I think it's just below her butt, so it's almost as if she is. I don't want to say it weighs her down, but you can tell it's quite heavy. Part of my thought process was okay, the hair needs to be versatile. It needs to be something that you can switch up from time to time. She doesn't switch her hair up quite a bit, but I feel like it's playing the role. So whether she is so, whether she is pining after Jeff or choking Alexis out in the nursery, her hair is part of her character. It's pulled back into a ponytail. It's not really curled a lot. She sucks, sucks it under her hat. But I kind of like the weight of it because it anchors Kirby. She's carrying a lot on her shoulder Now.

Speaker 1:

She's certainly suddenly worried about this. You know what's going on with my mom. What's going on? Or does she know about her mommy? I don't think she knows about her mommy. She just knows that her dad uncharacteristically ended his life out of the blue. She is walking around carrying the demon seed of adam who now lives with her, and she didn't feel like she can tell anybody. She also tried to, you know, take care of the pregnancy on the back of a stallion. Only she forgot that she was a champion equestrian, so that fell at the wayside really quick. Even when she fell off the horse she still survived. She's like dang it. Why am I so young and lively? But that gorgeous head of hair is is noteworthy to the point where I thought there's no way this woman has not had her own head and shoulders commercial or something. So I did a little digging, couldn't find a head and shoulders commercial. But apparently miss kathleen beller, aka kirby anders, was in the godfather part two, and that's no. No, she wasn't.

Speaker 1:

That's one of my favorite movies of all time. I've definitely seen it at least nine times. Like she was not, she was a kid in a play that don't call you on what you go watch. Okay, it's not the same. I mean she was. She was in the movie Let me not discredit but it seems like she kind of rode the coattails of that as her hair grew out.

Speaker 1:

She's in a Bic commercial, a Bic print ad, where they build like this tribal necklace and some cuffs with Bic pins that were sold for like 29 cents I don't think they've actually gone up on the price. That were sold for like 29 cents. I don't think they've actually gone up on the price. If you do the math. I buy those pins. That's still one of my favorite pins to this day. It's a really, really great ad if you have time to go and look it up. But I couldn't find any hair ads, which just seems like a waste of time to me.

Speaker 1:

I also might have stumbled on the fact that it looks like she's only on the show till 1984, which is really upsetting because I think we're right about there. So we might have Kirby one more season, maybe one more after that. I hope she's in the spinoff. I hope she does other things, because I'm starting to enjoy her, especially this season where she's kind of frantic and a little bit unpredictable. Either way, she is making her presence known. Hopefully she finds her voice and continues to choke out people left and right.

Speaker 1:

Kirby Anders is definitely in the running and, last but certainly not least, we have Lucy Ewing, aka the North Texas Lolita, aka the blonde bombshell with no bundles. She's the only person on this list with a cosign from Clairol. That's right that, clairol. In 1978, she was in their Son of a Gun commercial. The Son of a Gun was a blow dryer that was apparently not heavy so that you could blow dry your hair. So you can watch the commercial on YouTube.

Speaker 1:

The actress is, of course, miss Charlene Tilton, and I wanted to do a little bit of a dive. I stumbled upon something that said that she was very like, persistent in trying to get the role of Lucy Ewing. But I watched an interview with her from recently. I think it was from like 2019 ish. Maybe it was during 2020, because it was definitely over. Zoom, when I tell you, the hair has been cut, but that hair is still hairing.

Speaker 1:

She is a gorgeous woman. She has not. She's aged, gracefully. She looks wonderful. I hate when people say you have an age, you should age. You should not look the same at 19, 20 as you do at like 60 years old. She looks wonderful. She has this really thick head of hair and I was slow. I was kind of annoyed with the interviewer because she's dropping these gems, but it's just kind of a sign of the time. She was dropping actors that maybe people don't know as much, but her let her tell it. She thought Larry Hagman was her father for some reason, so she'd written him a lot of letters when he was on I Dream of Jeannie and she was absolutely thrilled out of her mind to get the role of Lucy. So she gets the role of Lucy.

Speaker 1:

This was when it was just a miniseries, it was just the was just the first season which I've talked about. It lean, which is only five episodes. Then she goes back to her regular life. Well, she starts, you know, living her life. But people start slowly recognizing her at that point. But they thought she was.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, what's the name of the lady who cries? It's not Tammy Faye Baker, it's another woman who she sort of looks like, like this woman used to do those campaigns to feed the children in the 90s. Can't remember her name, it'll come to me later and I'm just not gonna look at it right now because we've got to wrap this up, but the point I'm trying to make is that her star was rising but before that she'd done a commercial here and there. She did a commercial in japan, she did a jeans commercial and then she did this particular commercial for clare all where she plays an actress pretending to play a farm girl during the great depression or something. So it's like she and this other actor and it's torrential rain falling on her and then then she goes to you know they yell cut. She goes, she blow dries her hair with the son of a gun blow dryer and she's like my arms don't hurt.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to say listen, not everybody's good at everything right away, not everybody is good at everything right away. Was it terrible acting? It was not perfect, but you know what was Her hair? Kind of refreshing to see at least one of these people on my list make it to a hair commercial. It just doesn't make sense to me. Especially bad girl Kristen. I feel like she could have in the 90s. She definitely fits that whole Vidal Sassoon wave that came about, but all right. Vidal Sassoon wave that came about, but all right. Other than wreaking havoc all over South Fork in North Texas.

Speaker 1:

Lucy, although she has this gorgeous head of hair, she does not have the experience to learn how to wield it properly. She's picking every wrong man she can. She doesn't understand her worth with her family. She doesn't know how to take care of herself and now she is simping for this guy who's trying to be a doctor. Now will she buy his love? Quite possibly Is she seducing him with those Goldilocks. It's working a little bit. He's got the feathery hair too. Time will tell if her Longlocks or her Lolita lineage will work out in her favor. I'll let you be the judge. All right, guys. That's it. That's all for this episode. Thank you for joining me on a little more lore.

Speaker 1:

I love to dive into the goings on of the actors and the behind the scenes of some of these iconic shows. If you know anything, reach out to me, send me a text. I'll happily answer all your questions, share your tidbits and continue this community In the meantime, in between time, join me next time as we jump back into our regularly scheduled program. And it's time for episode six. And you know what I'm starting to miss? Knott's Landing. What about you? Especially now that I know Batgirl Kristen's going to pop up at some point. I can't wait to get that figured out. So join me next time for Vintage Soap Opera Debauchery. In the meantime, in between time, keep your friends closer and your enemies closer, your hairbrush, hairdryer and hot rollers even closer, because you'll never know when your iconic hair can turn into an iconic role. Stay hydrated, stay moisturized, mind your business and keep all of your drama on TV. Thank you, bye.

Behind the Scenes of Soap Lore
Power Dynamics in Soap Opera Characters
The Iconic Hair of Blake Harrington
Soap Opera Hair Award Winners
Vintage Soap Opera Debauchery