
S4 Ep4 Dallas- Who Done It?: SPOILER SPOILER The" You Trifling Little Heffer" Episode

Jett Shae Episode 202

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Step right into the eye of the storm with me, Jett, as we untangle the latest high-stakes drama from the classic soap, "Dallas." Grasp the fragile threads of fortune and fate that bind the Ewing family together – will solidarity or scandal reign supreme? We kick off with the aftershocks of the "Who Done It?" mystery, where allegiances are put to the test and Sue Ellen's predicament begs the question: can money buy freedom, or is it the root of all evil? And for those craving a slice of homespun wisdom, we answer a fan's letter about Val's charm, which proves that sometimes, the most unassuming characters steal the show.

Buckle in for a bumpy ride as we recount Sue Ellen's spiral from high society to handcuffs, with only a hypnosis session standing between her and a conviction for J.R.'s shooting. But family ties in "Dallas" are as tangled as barbed wire, and the dynamics between Lucy and Mitch remind us that love's battlefield is fraught with its own perils, espeacially  when Grand-daddy's little monster cant take no for an answer, love bombe anyone? It's not just about the money or the mansions – it's a power play with hearts and futures on the line. And as the chess pieces move, Cliff Barnes's political plays remind us that in the world of "Dallas," everyone's got an angle.

In the grand finale of our soapy saga, betrayal takes center stage as Sue Ellen confronts the treachery lurking in her own backyard. But don't fret, dear listeners, for even amidst the backstabbing, "Dallas" serves up a Texas-sized lesson on resilience and redemption. Tune in for a narrative feast where family drama and financial independence collide, teaching us all to be the authors of our own destiny. And remember, when the dust settles, it's not just about surviving the storm – it's about learning to dance in the rain.

Speaker 1:

It was fist fist, kick, kick. Fist, fist, kick, kick. He was swinging like his life depended on it. He'll be damned if he tastes backwash grapes on any day, and especially from you, jailbird.

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome, or welcome back to Soap Lore, the official gathering place for newbies, novices and OG diehard fans of the golden age of primetime. I'm your host, jett, and today we're diving into one of the soapiest, sudziest primetime storylines in all of history. I'm not even being dramatic. Let's lather up season four, episode four of Dallas. Who done it? Oh, I have thoughts. So, whether you're new to this or true to this, sit back and enjoy. Tell the kids it's time to play outside or out of sight. Tell they no questions, suggestions or concerns in the next foreseeable future. We'll let you know when we're done, everyone else in earshot. You need to be cool, you need to be quiet or you will be kicked out, because this is one of the best episodes I've ever seen and this is so cool. Hello, gorgeous, welcome back to another fun-filled edition of Soap Lore. I am beside myself. Just finished this episode. Actually, let me be honest. I've watched this twice. I had to run it back. I was so agok Agok. Did that work? Yeah, If it doesn't? Well, this ain't English class, this is Soap Lore. We gather to enjoy vintage primetime soap operas in their realist form, discuss the storylines, the characters behind the scene, tea, and more and more of that is coming up.

Speaker 1:

Just the other day, I got an alert on not an alert on Google, but in my Google feed. It said that Pam wished her what's her real name, victoria Prenzel. Victoria Prenzel wanted to wish her TV mom a happy 100th birthday. I got excited for two reasons. First off, centennials are amazing. I think it is so cool that there are human beings walking around on earth who've been here for 100 years. You're probably so annoyed with this, but I think it's so cool. In part. Two is that is, oh my gosh. She's going to find her mom, which I knew she would. But honestly, it's been in the back of my mind with this whole JR being shot up and whatnot. So we're going to jump right into whodunit after. Drum roll, please. I got a little fan mail. I'm not going to call it fan mail, let's call it friend mail, fiend mail. I'm excited that people actually listen to the show and I'm even more excited that people are rewatching this genre of TV because it is so fun and exciting.

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This week's soap fiend mail comes from Mahea, texas. I actually know how to sell it. It looks like Mexia, mahea. That's where Anna Nicole Smith was from. Just a fun piece of information for y'all. Rest her soul.

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Also, going forward, I won't reveal any details. If you don't want me to say your city, I won't. If you want to include your name, you can. All I have is the date and like very, very little information. So you are safe and sound, we're going to keep it that way because I like to keep my business, my business, and I tell you every week to mind your own. All right, so this is from a May 16th that says hey, jet, love Knox Landing.

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Growing up, Laura is actually pretty interesting as time question. Why is Val the? Why is Val the Vidalia onion queen? Haha, funny, but I don't get it. Thank you, mahea. Okay, I guess I do owe you guys an explanation. I you know some things just sit in my mind. A little bit funny.

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I did not remember this woman's name forever and ever. Those of you who've been listening from the beginning know I called her everything but a child like I could not, didn't think she was going to be sticking around enough. She seemed very nervous and skittish and flighty to me so I didn't think Val was going to stick around very long. Once I realized I needed to really remember her name, that she got a whole spinoff and deserves it, might I add. I decided to learn her name, but the first impression I got from her watching I can't remember what episode it finally clicked for me I think it is the accent. Her accent is a little bit different than everyone else's on Dallas and she gave me Down Home Vidalia Onion Queen. Allow me to explain.

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Those of you in the US, particularly those in the South, those in the Midwest, or if you live in a small town in the US that is maybe has a rich agricultural history or some other sort of claim to fame. There's a couple of places in Oklahoma I think there's like the largest ball of yarn in the Panhandle not to be confused with North Texas, the Panhandle of Texas there is a Cadillac grave where they have dug holes in the ground and stuck Cadillacs vertically, so they're all straight up and you can go and spray paint on them. Just different things like that. A lot of small towns have these small little claim to fame. So let's say you live somewhere in Georgia, you might be the peach queen. Or, if you're in my mind, val is from Georgia In my mind. So she is the Vidalia Onion Queen. It's just kind of distinguishing a Val from a Sue Ellen, where Sue Ellen is kind of rich and polished and she has been trained to be Miss Texas, which is a very, very prestigious, very visible title, like Miss America. You know, people expect you to go on and do great things. You might not think that of the Vidalia Onion Queen. It's not a diss, it's actually very endearing. Of dis, it's actually very endearing and to me she looks like at about 15 or 16 she won the Vidalia Onion pageant in Macon, georgia, or wherever she's from.

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Actually, now that I think about it, few hours from where I grew up there is it's a place called Sweetwater in Texas. And is it Sweetwater? I'll have to dig it up. Sweet Sweetwater is. You know? They named it probably because somebody was in the desert. They were hot, hot as hell. First time they found fresh water. Oh, this is Sweetwater. You know how that goes. There's Mineral Wells, texas, there's all kinds of names, but they have a rattlesnake queen. So these girls in high school. Every year there's a pageant and people literally round up rattlesnakes, put them all in this pit and she's going to go in there and charm them. Promise you look it up. If it's not sweet water, just look up rattlesnake queen pageant and you're, it's going to come right up. That's a Vidalia onion queen. It doesn't mean that these girls aren't going to go on to fame. It just means you're probably from a really small town with an unusual or very down home claim to fame. That's all. Also, I just like the way it sounds. It kind of rolls off my tongue. And Vidalia onions are sweet and tiny and delicious. Y'all got me started. Let's go ahead and stop talking about the Vidalia onion queen and talk about Miss Texas, because she is going through it this episode.

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When Lasswee left, her fingerprints were discovered on the weapon in question. The weapon in question was tucked away inside her bedroom closet the bedroom that she shares with JR was tucked away inside her bedroom closet the bedroom that she shares with JR. Jock and Ellie happened upon it when they were preparing more clothes for JR to take to the hospital. So by the end of episode, three cop comes by. They'd run some ballistics and boom, sue Ellen, you're under arrest for the shooting of JR Ewing.

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Now, my girl is. She's not even reluctant, she's kind of doing that thing and using the language you use when you misplace something, like I know I had it, so I must have walked in here with it. Or you ever arrived at lunch and you can't find your sunglasses, but you're like, I'm positive I had them in the car. So it's kind of that foggy, uncertain certainty. The recipe was there. I definitely wanted to do it. I had a gun, so I must have done it. This is the language she's using. Nonetheless, she is stripped of her dignity. Down at the police station they take her Ja Ja Buick lacrosse size ring, her pearls, her black and white lucite bracelet that perfectly match her Cruella de Vil, colorway. She is stripped of all of that and all she can say is I must have. I mean, I think I might have.

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Now the cop questioning her is that's good enough, we'll take this as a confession. Just as he's about to start writing all this down, kyle Bennett, aka her lawyer, comes in the room and he's like y'all clear the room, I need a moment alone with my client. Kyle Bennett is a good man and a great lawyer. He says Sue Ellen, don't say nothing. You didn't see nothing. You didn't hear nothing, you don't remember nothing. Matter of fact, don't say nothing to me. I'm going to try to get you out of here as quickly as possible. Let me see what the bail is. They quickly realized that the bail is set for $100,000. And Kyle says Sue Ellen, do you have that kind of money of your own in a bank account?

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And very quickly Sue Ellen realizes that her resources have all been run out. Her mother is away on some faraway trip, kristen doesn't have any money and she's only a Ewing by marriage. They're not inclined to give her a single thing, considering she shot a Ewing who is a blood Ewing. So her lawyer's like well, do you have that kind of money? She's like no, I don't. Do you have the jewelry? I mean, everything's back at the ranch, I don't have anything. And she's really sitting with this Now, unbeknownst to her, back at the ranch, there is a little bit of hesitancy within the camp.

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Bobby and Pam thinks that she not only needs a lawyer, but they think she should be bailed out. They can't stand the thought of her being in jail Quite frankly, nobody wants her in jail, not even JR and in quiet as kept. Lucy, pam, ellie and even Jock don't really see that. They don't really. They know she shot him or they believe she shot him, but they don't really believe it. They're like she don't really seem like the type. I don't really see her being able to shoot anybody, especially JR. That just don't seem right. But in the meantime, in between time, the Ewings are going to stand together. Don't send her no money, bobby, because Bobby wants to give her money. He's got $100,000 of his own very easily. He wants her out of jail at the very least. Jock's like absolutely not, she can come back here and shoot your brother, she can finish the job. Ellie's like okay, just bobby, just leave it alone, don't worry about it. Well, in the combination of these two scenes it is decided that sue ellen has to spend the night in jail. She's, quite frankly, she's at rock bottom again. North texas.

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Lolita is front and center this episode. Just a little bit I want to talk about her and her boyfriend. So last episode, lucy went smooth the F off on her boyfriend, whose name is Mitch, because he is a doctor. He's studying, he needs to put himself through med school, which means he has two, three, seven, eight jobs. He squeezes her in when he can. That means they have to catch the matinee because he needs to park cars at night. That means they can't really hang out on the weekend because he's going to take this job in the lab so that he can afford these books. He's doing what he has to do. He's resourceful, he's scrappy in the best possible way.

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Lucy doesn't take this very well. She's not used to being told no. And after going off on Mitch for keeping a schedule that is conducive to him becoming a doctor, she stalks him, ambushes him outside the classroom at his college. He's going from one headed to the other. You know he just needs to stop by his car real quick, switch out the books.

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Now he's surprised that Lucy is speaking to him and she then proceeds to gaslight him by reminding him of his non-existent temper and how he never flies off the handle too. He's got a temper. You don't forgive me, don't you forgive me? And he's just kind of looking at her. You can tell he sees it. He's not saying it, but he sees it and he tries to say Lucy, I don't think this is a good idea. I'm sure he's looking down the road like man, this girl is hot, cold, flip-flop. I don't know what to expect and I have a very busy schedule that is not going to slow down for the foreseeable future.

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But Lucy, she's a bright girl, she's a quick one, that one. So she love bombs him with this exquisite set of doctor books just the thing a young man like him would want. And I mean they are perfection. They are in mint condition. She has them in the trunk of her car. How could he say no? This is the very set of books that he needs to complete his collection, move on with his education. And it's the same set of books that he has been saving up for. Actually, scratch, that, that's not exactly true. He has been saving up for a used version of these books. He could never afford something this exquisite.

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Lucy sees that glow in his eyes, that wanting look, and she's saying just take him, because I mean, he's considering it. You can see him going, the wheels turning, and he's like oh my, the books, those lines, the pages, the education, the knowledge, the costs, oh God, the costs. He of course refuses, albeit reluctantly, but she continues to coax him, pointing out that, listen, you can't shlup around this. You want to be walking on campus dropping books with the pages flying out of them. You don't want old, broke boy books, you want these new books. Come on. Before you know it, he falls. He's like oh my God, yes, he'll take them. He's like Lucy, you really shouldn't have done that. And she does the Lolita thing. It reads weird, but it is Lucy. It is very true to Lucy's character. At this point he tells her you know you shouldn't have. She goes I did a lot of things I shouldn't have, with that goofy look on her face. All right, loose, okay.

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Sue Ellen, meanwhile, is sitting in the clink. When Cliff comes by to visit her very briefly Now, she thinks he's there to gloat. He quickly tells her that's not the case. I can't stand to see you in this way. Did you do it, sue Ellen? And she's like no, she's not supposed to talk about it, but he's also a lawyer. She's like I must have. He's like don't worry about the bail, I'm gonna let me hit the pavement. Let me see if I can get you some money. I'm gonna get you out of here. Okay, she believes in the court. At some point someone bails her out. By the end of the episode, she is bailed out.

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She is a free woman, only she's not free at all. She has nowhere to go. She can't go back to the ranch, she can't go down to her mama's. So she's like wandering the streets and the only person she can think of at the moment is Cliff, because he was the only person besides lawyer Kyle who came to visit her. So she goes to his apartment to thank him for bailing her out and he's a little confused. He's like I try as I might, I wasn't able to come up with the money, but why don't you relax here? I have a meeting to attend. Once I come back from the meeting, we'll figure all this stuff out. Okay, she can't stay there, she just can't.

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She is reliving all the trauma she's already been through. Remember, she's been through the whole paternity test thing with Cliff. She's had her face splashed on the paper time and time again. It's just too much. This is not a safe place for her. So she continues to wander the streets. Eventually she sucks it up and remembers that she and Kristen have made up. So she goes to the only place in Dallas she can head to. She can't go to the daughters of the Alamo. None of those are her real friends. She don't have no cousins. She has. She ain't got no cousins. That's very country. So she heads to her sister, kristen, and Kristen's like girl, get in here, of course, of course you. What you need, you need food, you need coffee, whatever you need, I got you. I already told you, I got you. She's super great. Despite not having money, she's able to get around town fairly easily. So I'm going to assume that Kristen has her own car.

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Sue Ellen wakes up at the crack of dawn to meet Bobby downtown at Ewing Oil. Now of course she knows she can't grow up to the whatever floor and be. She can't go in the building, she just can't. So she catches him on the sidewalk. He's a little surprised, but he's also really relieved because they care about her. She's like Bobby. I'm so sorry how you holding up, miss Sue Ellen, you doing okay. No, I'm really not good. I need to see my baby. Can you please ask JR to bring let me see the baby? And he's like all right, yeah, yeah, yeah. So they go back. You know he goes home and of course Jock is saying no to everything. But don't, nobody care about Jock. Jock runs nothing. He don't even run his mouth. That good. Sit down somewhere, jock. Miss Ellie says yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll meet her at the park tomorrow about one o'clock. Me and Pam will take the baby down to see her.

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John Ross, his little trademark windmill kick, makes not one but two appearances this episode, and I'm here for it. Once when he's unexpectedly dropped into the lap of jr after his try I'm for return home from the hospital. And once more again at the park when his mother tries to feed him backwash grapes. I love it. He has flipped out on gary, he has flipped out on Gary, he has flipped out on JR at least twice. And see, well, and you know what, how dare you put those used grapes in my mouth?

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John Ross Ewing III loves, loves grapes. It was the only reason that he was able to sit still in his father's lap. But much like his older cousin Lucy, john Ross Ewing III hates to use anything and reward his mother with that windmill kicking and thrashing fit. So he's eating grapes. I suspect I haven't looked it up, but if I'm just kind of paying attention to the scene, his nanny quote unquote, which they make her dress like a nurse, I don't know why is always around. That's probably the actor's real mom and the only way they get him to like chill out is with a fistful of grapes.

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So he, john ross, ewing the third, and his mama are eating grapes at the park. Now he's shoving him in her mouth as fast as she can take him. Well, she takes him out of her mouth and she tries to put it back in his and, oh baby, he is not having it. It was fist, fist, kick, kick. Fist, fist, kick, kick. He was swinging like his life depended on it. He'll be damned if he takes backwash grapes on any day, and especially from you, jailbird. Once the baby has been secured off the premises or down wherever the nurse slash nanny takes them.

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Sue, ellen walks over and she apologizes to pam and ellie, but they're both looking at her like you can tell they're kind of thinking and they're like girl, are you sure that you shot him? We just, we just don't really think that's any. You really can't remember anything. You remember anything, sue, this don't seem like you. She's like I know, but I mean I can't remember nothing. I don't remember nothing at all. So I must, must have done it. But I'm real sorry. They're like girl. Don't even worry about it, because you know they both wanted to shoot him too.

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So Cliff, meanwhile, did have a very, very brief meeting with Donna Culver, while Sue Ellen was chilling in his apartment. Donna Culver, you know Donna, is that's Ray's old squeeze, that's his millionaire widow main squeeze that he wasn't really ready for, remember, couldn't take her brains, I guess. So they bumped into each other at her stepson's rally where Cliff, for all intents and purposes, was networking. He's bored to tears at the DA's office and he remembers that he has a following. Now, in the 2010s and 2000s, you know what I mean. The term following obviously means something I don't know what the equivalent of that would be in 1981. So we're just going to call it his following.

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He has a perfectly good fan base, voter base that's just sitting there with nothing to do. So he goes and he talks to her, donna Colbert's stepson. He's offering his services to Mr Colbert but Donna spots him as she ushers her same age stepson off before Cliff can sink his claws in too deep. She goes to meet Cliff at his office and as he's leaving, she's walking in and she explains why she would love, love, love, love for him to just back up, back up, because it's on, back off. The same age stepson tells him you know, cliff, I admire you. My late husband admired you, but I think your laser-like focus on destroying the ewing's has destroyed you. I just basically, you're too obsessed and it's a problem. You could have had this beautiful, illustrious career, but you, just you know, you weren't focused.

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She doesn't know all the details, but that is her perception of cliff, is unbothered. He assures hers that he ain't there for the spotlight. He's not trying to reclaim his seat in office, but he figures why not use my fan base or my following to help out your son? I like where he stands. I think he's got a great head on his shoulder and you know what, if the ewing's crumble beneath his feet, that's just a bonus for me, baby, trust me. Trust me, I don't want the spotlight. I can be. I can play the number two, I can play the number three. I'm not worried about it.

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She likes where this is going and she believes him. And he's like now, last I checked, you and JR Ewing weren't exactly best friends. She's like no, no, we're not exactly friendly, so let's go have a little snacky poo and plot and scheme and plan. Her same age step-sons rise in the political world. The conversation with Pam and Ellie really struck a chord with Sue Ellen and for some reason maybe she paid for all of her sessions with Dr LB in advance because she still has money and tax fare or gas money to go and see him. Luckily for her, dr LB who looks a little bit like an elf to me, we'll let that go for now. He dibble dabbles in hypnosis. He very slowly takes her back in time and we get to watch the events of the day in question unfold in real time and it goes a little something like this cue the woo-woo music gotta look at my notes here.

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So she got up and got dressed that morning and she stared at the gun on the bed. She thought about it long and hard, came to the conclusion that, yep, today is the day she has decided to pop a cap in JR. But then she remembered that she had this appointment with Dr Elvey. Little psycho analysis never hurt nobody and you know it might be good for her state of mind when she kills JR. So she decides to go ahead and keep the appointment.

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After she leaves Dr Elby's office she realizes she's going to need a little liquid courage before she shoots JR. So she heads to the nearest bar. She left Dr Elby's and went to a bar and got a drink or two, or seven, eight, we don't know how many. She got a bunch. She stumbles out to the pay phone, calls JR's office, only to find out that he's not there. And she gets good and upset and she's like I know exactly where he is. She heads on over to Kristen. So she gets to Kristen. She's once again not finding JR. Kristen gives her a little drinky poo, she takes it to the head and decides she can't stay there, leaves Kristen and you guessed it goes to get another drink. She got a drink or several, she doesn't know, because she woke up in a car at the airport with an empty bottle of booze and a killer headache. Went home. Everybody was gone. Kristen comes by to tell her the JR was shot, went upstairs to shower, then goes to the hospital.

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Dr Elby is a great listener, even if he does remind me of that Frosty the Snowman claymation series that they had way back in the day and they like play it every November and December, the one where the little elf wants to become a dentist. He reminds me of a character on that show and I think it's just. It's something about the makeup and he's got these really piercing eyes, but they always kind of paint him this unnatural color and he sits real stiff. Reminds piercing eyes, but they always kind of paint him this unnatural color and he sits real stiff. Reminds me of one of them claymations every single time. Anyway, that's neither here or there, because he is a fantastic listener and he's like so well, and you sure you don't remember anything else. Well, no, no, he goes.

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Well, you left off the part where you put the gun in the closet. And she starts thinking she's like well, no, because I wouldn't remember that, because I was sober by that point. I woke up with a headache, came home and I was surprised everybody was gone. Then I that's when Kristen came by I took a shot. Oh, it's starting to click, it's all starting to click. She's like no, because I changed purses, so I definitely would have seen the gun. Then there was no gun in my purse. I had to. You know, I had to keep the drip up of because I changed purses, so I definitely would have seen the gun. Then there was no gun in my purse, I had to keep the drip up. Of course I switched purses to match my ensemble. I ain't seen that gun since that day. It all clicks like you trifling little half for you.

Speaker 1:

So now she's in Bolton, now she can show her face back at South Fork. She heads, she gets a cab with what money, I really don't know. I'm still trying to figure this out because she's ripping and running all over Dallas and you know they live on the outskirts, so that's quite the drive. She gets to the house and JR is outside. Love this scene. He's got his back to her right and he hears her voice. His back to her right and he hears her voice. She's like jr. His eyes get real big. He's thinking, oh crap, she's coming to finish me off. So he tries to wield the safety. He's wheeling up to the uh, the phone, but he's don't you come any closer, don't get any step.

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Kristin hears the ruckus from upstairs. She comes down. What's going on? What's going on side note. Shoot him up.

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Psycho side, piece or not, her dress is impeccable. She's wearing this killer brown halter wrap dress. It is so gorgeous, beautiful. But that's neither here nor there, because Sue Ellen's like oh, look who. It is my best sister. You was really trying to help me out. Huh, girl, you was really trying to look out for your big sis by shooting this man. And Kristen's like I make no apologies, I did what I needed to do, that's it, that's all.

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So JR picks up the phone. I'm calling the cops. Kristen basically says let's just wrap this up. I wish you would you want your baby to be born in jail? Now he freezes like oh crap, because now the tables have turned. If she is indeed pregnant with his baby, his mom and daddy are going to know that he not only is a two-timing, conniving, horrible, horrible husband, but he banged his sister-in-law, which is unforgivable, it is despicable, and he wouldn't have had a baby by her. So he's just like oh, he tries to put the phone down. Sue Ellen's like no, I don't know, hell, no, I ain't going to jail for her. So they wrestle and tussle. End scene Gosh, I guess I should have put the spoiler alert at the beginning of this episode, but I'll put it in the show notes Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler.

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Even though I suspected Batgirl Kristen, I guess I thought she'd have more remorse. I did start to notice that she was never actually questioned. So she's been walking around willy nilly collecting all the details. She knows how he's healing. She knows that he doesn't remember anything. He knows that Sue Allen doesn't remember anything. It's just the perfect, the perfect person, and he had it coming Now. I can't hardly wait. I'm going to go ahead and watch the next episode because I mean, is she really pregnant? Was she sleeping with other people for secrets? I kind of thought that was that's what was implied when she and Euphoria were talking about taking down JR. I mean, she could have just been talking to him. These are old men, they're boring. She just wanted to hang out with them. But this episode had such a beautiful cautionary tale.

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You look at a character like Sue Ellen, who has been mortified more times than we can count at this point, one of my favorite season one episodes of Winds of Vengeance. She had to put on her outfit, she had to put on her swimsuit and sing Barbra Streisand, all because her husband was sleeping with another man's wife. Season two she's got her face splashed all over the news because Cliff wanted her baby to be his baby and it's just embarrassing. So she had all that put out there Turned out to be JR's baby. Season three she's dealing with him sleeping with her baby sister in her face. She meets a guy who's technically, I guess the love of her life, he dies. You know, she has really, really been through it and then at the end it's like I'm going to be put back into a sanitarium. I was in a sanitarium when I slammed into a truck or a pole and had my baby. It's just a lot. She's been up and through it and the worst part of all this is that if you you think about the way they're raised, the way she and Kristen are raised, are raised by a woman who must have struggled growing up, didn't really have a great relationship with her husband at at least as far as I can tell based on the information given. So she trained her daughter to be the most poised, the most long suffering, the most beautiful woman she can be so that she can land this man, only to have this woman's trials and tribulations be splashed all over the papers and this episode. She was really left high and dry. She had absolutely nowhere else to turn. Now you can't keep disrespecting her throughout the rest of these seasons. I'm like this is already season four. There's got to be a come up or something. But it's such a good lesson.

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Then you move on to Lucy. Lucy is a natural born Ewing. She has all of these things afforded to her. She doesn't have to worry about them disappearing, unless the family suddenly goes broke, which I doubt. She now has her parents back in her life, she has all the resources, but she's still looking for that attention. Still looking for attention because even though she's surrounded by people, very few of them really really care what she does. And when she's trying to get the attention of this guy trying to put himself through school, you see, she'll scheme and scam, just like Kristen, but it appears to be loving. To me that's the most manipulative type of stuff ever you ever had someone.

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I think of siblings. This is the most innocent form that I can think of. If your sibling punches you in the arm and it really hurts and you're like crying, whining. Oh, don't cry, don't cry here, here, here you can watch the TV. I'm taking y'all back to the 90s, late 90s, early 2000s. Here you can have the TV, you can have the DVR. Here's some. Whatever you can wear my shirt. You know it's loving, but it's also for. It's also for. It's more for their good than it is for yours. And that's how Lucy operates. It's always going to be more for her good.

Speaker 1:

She I don't even like saying she seduced Ray, because that is so icky and gross. Ray is was fully a grown man, she was fully a child. But she was able to hang the fact that he lived on her land and was employed by her grandparents over his head. So the only successful technically relationship she's had so far she's had to do some manipulation in him. If I was Mitch I'd be running from the hills. You could see he kind of clocked that she's not going to be easy to shake. She's kind of overbearing and is love bombing him for this attention. So we'll see how that goes. She's not quite doing it right, bad girl Kristen. She's not quite doing it right, bad girl Kristen.

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The most interesting by far because she's raised in the same household as Sue Ellen. But she and Lucy both have their youth going for them. Not that youth should be desired, because you're young. It's like you still have your life in front of you. You know you lack the experience, but if you're smart, which I believe Kristen is, you can watch people going through what you should be going through, if that makes any sense.

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Her the blueprint was set. Sue Ellen followed the blueprint word for word, schematic for schematic, and still ended up like this, still ended up in a loveless marriage. Now Kristen sees this. She's like I have the same training as her, let me get in there, I can control this up in a loveless marriage. Now Kristen sees this. She's like I have the same training as her, let me get in there, I can control this man in a better way. And then she quickly realized that that wasn't going to work either. So she thought, okay, let me look at the situation. Sue Ellen still has everything she has because she has a baby by him. So at the very least, no matter what, he has to take care of her because of that. Why don't I run that same game? Tried to kill him and didn't work. I wish he would. I know he's afraid of his mama. I know half of Dallas wants to knock his block off. She has enough leverage because she, unlike Sue Ellen, was able to actually work alongside of him. So not only does she have his bed hopping secrets, she has his business secrets which could be very, very valuable. So he's going to have to figure out what to do with her with the quickness. Last but not least, you got Donna Culver, the brightest star in the bunch, if you ask me Now, her relationship with her husband was a little bit taboo.

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She married the old billionaire but the one thing she did she was by his side much the way much like the way Kristen was with JR with his business dealings. The way much like the way Kristen was with JR with his business dealings. Only she paid attention, not so she could manipulate him, but so that she could use this to her advantage later on, maybe not even in that way. She was willing to learn, she was willing to be a student versus just a pretty little piece of arm candy like Sue Ellen, versus just being this young, hot to trot little thing like Lucy. And she didn't ever disrespect her husband. Even after he was dead she still wanted to wait and give that time so she could properly mourn and honor him, unlike Kristen. So when you look at the formula of how to be a successful wealthy, kept woman, you got to play your cards right. Wealthy kept woman, you got to play your cards right.

Speaker 1:

The key ingredient here is not only having brains but using those brains to forge ahead a future that is going to benefit you for many, many years to come. Sue Ellen's whole life is dependent completely on JR Ewing. Lucy's whole life is depending on getting the right relationship and the right amount of attention, which is going to be a struggle because she's a poor little rich girl who has everything but guidance. Kristen had the guidance, figured out how to slide in and be the shoulder, to lean on the confidant, but she's too young and too hotheaded to really forge ahead and make a way for herself. Or or maybe you know what? Maybe she's found her new gig. I really don't know.

Speaker 1:

Either way, I enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see what this trifling little heifer do. I cannot wait. It's the audacity. For me, it is the way to be like oh really, you want me to tell your mom and daddy that I'm carrying your baby? Oh, my god, that's another thing. It was amplified this episode. How much jock and Ellie or basically Ellie still run the show. These big grown people could make one single decision, one money move, without running it through mom and daddy. We don't want to upset mom and dad. That'll have to wait for next time.

Speaker 1:

All right, guys, thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you've enjoyed this episode. Don't forget to reach out. Text me. Check for the text option within the show notes. Keep your friends, those your enemies, closer, just in case you shoot them and they wake up from a coma and you don't have a rich sister to pin it on. Baby, keep your head on a swivel. Be a Donna, don't be a Lucy. Forge your own way. Flip that money, stay hydrated, stay moisturized, mind your business and keep all of your drama on TV. Bye.