
S4 EP5 Dallas: Taste of Success - The "Walk with a Lean into It" Episode

Jett Shae Episode 204

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Can betrayal ever lead to unexpected passion? Join us as we explore the whirlwind of emotions in Dallas, Season 4, Episode 5, "Taste of Success."  JR may be on a cane but his handicap is nonexisteant! This episode is a rollercoaster of scandal and intrigue, featuring the explosive dynamics between Sue Ellen and JR. From JR's deceitful antics to Sue Ellen's cycles of anger and reconciliation, we dissect the complex layers of their relationship. With insights from Dr. Elby, we delve into the psychological facets of Sue Ellen's constant battles with public humiliation and denial. 

Amidst the high-stakes drama, we also focus on the captivating chaos of Lucy's love life and Bobby's challenging rise at Ewing Oil. Lucy's audacious attempt to pull Mitch away from his studies with a strip-down scene is both eye-catchingg, cringe worthy and reflective of the era's norms. Meanwhile, Bobby navigates the rough waters of family business, dealing with the contrasting perspectives of patriarch Jock and matriarch Ellie. Their differing views on family unity and business management add another layer of tension to the Ewing household.

Pam's journey toward self-sufficiency and personal happiness forms a crucial subplot in this episode. Witness her resolve to stand on her own, reconnect with old friends, and re-enter the workforce, even as she grapples with the harsh realities of life at South Fork. As we transition to an exciting teaser for the next episode's discussion on Dynasty, we remind you to stay hydrated, moisturized, and keep the drama where it belongs—on your TV screen.

Speaker 1:

You didn't even ask her who the father was. She's going in, out, up down and all the way off about this baby. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome or welcome back to another fun-filled edition of Soap War. I'm your host, jett, viewing and reviewing the Sophia Sudsy's Primetime Storylines of 1980. That's right. We're moseying back down to Dallas to enjoy episode season four, episode five. Taste of Success, or Renewed, might I add. So, whether you're new to this or true to this, sit back and enjoy. We've got a lot to give you today. Tell babe, no questions, suggestions or concerns for the next 25, 35 minutes. You're gonna be cool, you're gonna be quiet or you will be kicked out because we have got to get to the bottom of this debauchery, possibly botched episode. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is soap war. Hello, gorgeous Welcome or welcome back to another fun-souls edition of so Plour. I use the word fun very loosely this week, I gotta give it to you. We're all rolling on cut. I'm not pleased.

Speaker 1:

Season 4, episode 5 is on 1, and I just don't know how to adjust to this foolishness. I'm absolutely beside myself. I hope your day is shaping up well. By the time this airs, summer will at least be in the first few days of June. I hope your days are doing well. I don't know much about the world's weather. I should probably look into that, because I read one time that when it's Christmas in the States like Australia's, christmas is sometime in July. It is what it is Wherever you are. I hope you are kicked back and just vibing, because that's what we gather for. I'm so upset, I'm absolutely beside myself. Let me tell you why. We're going down to Dallas. We're going to discuss the whole Sue Ellen character arc. We're going to talk about JR, who I just love to hate. I love him so much. Bad girl Kristen made out like a bandit, while my girl Pam is scraping and scraping for the bottom of the barrel, just so she has an identity. This is a fool's errand. And we have got to talk about Lucy being the ultimate stalker, gaslighter, just not being wife material. Let me get to the show. Okay, season four, episode five.

Speaker 1:

This episode is called Taste of Success. This is a terrible name for this episode. It's supposed to imply that Bobby has gotten a big head about his position at Ewing Oil. Only he hasn't. And it's like 14 minutes of the whole episode.

Speaker 1:

Let me give you the synopsis and those of you who are new to this, not true to this welcome. I hope you enjoy this endeavor. This is worthwhile. Okay, if you're a millennial, if you're a zillennial, x, whatever. And the world is awry. You need to look at some of these soaps and I'm like I get it, because life imitate art and art imitates life. Taste of success. This was filmed in 1980.

Speaker 1:

The synopsis is as follows Bobby Ewing, oil's newest president, finds power intoxicating, which promotes apprehension in both Pamela and JR, but but for different dot, dot, dot I'm assuming they're saying reasons. That is a complete and total farce. I don't know who wrote that synopsis. That is barely the iceberg on this episode. I'm so upset y'all, I can't hardly stand it. Grab yourself something bubbly, pour yourself up a bubble bath. We got to get into this foolishness.

Speaker 1:

Season four, episode five taste of success. I surmise, by watching all of this, that the writers thought okay, we've drug out this whodunit who shot JR far long enough. We need to jump into new storylines for season four. And that's what they did On this episode. They decided enough is enough, let's put a kaput, let's go ahead and end this. When last we left Sue Ellen, thanks to the brilliance and covert listening skills of Dr Elby, sue Ellen realized that she woke up sober with a hangover and a huge headache and no gun. Put two and two together and discovered that her baby sister was the one who shot up JR.

Speaker 1:

This episode JR is cleaning house, he is stacking his chips, just so so that his mama and daddy don't realize that he is a whore of a husband who is philandering all over town. And this is my thought. He didn't get that from nowhere. He's not. He's's not an anomaly. He got that from one of the two. So either Ellie was hoeing or Jock was hoeing. Listen, if this is your episode, you want a clean cut. This ain't the one. This ain't the one. I'll put an explicit on it. I'm not gonna curse, but we gotta get to this. I am so upset.

Speaker 1:

So this episode begins with everyone sitting in the den, everyone being JR, jock, ellie, lucy, a exquisitely dressed Sue Ellen and bad girl Kristen herself and the assistant DA. So it appears that JR, sue Ellen and Kristen have gotten together and got a little story together. Now, I don't think Sue Ellen was very much part of this, based on her behavior at the rest of the show, but for all intents and purposes, she was in on it. This is the story. Kristen was a lovesick puppy who fell in love with JR, got beside herself, lost her mind, had a moment of insanity and, pow, pow, shot him up Now. Now, if you recall a few episodes back, he couldn't remember anything.

Speaker 1:

Suddenly, this episode, while the da is there or, excuse me, the assistant da is there. Who's easier, who's easier to control, he's malleable. Suddenly, jr is like well, when she came in and she shot me up, she was just beside herself. Suddenly, jr is like well, when she came in and she shot me up, she was just beside herself. Kristen tells it, she fell in love with him from the word go and as try as she may, she couldn't get this good, christian, family oriented man to sleep in her. So she decided he needed to die. And it was just, it was a momentary lapse of judgment. She's oh my God, I must have have flipped out. I don't know what happened.

Speaker 1:

Now she's saying this in front of Jock and Ellie, who seem to be buying it, although this episode to me was distracting because everybody's drip was so drippy. It's 1980 and Jock has on the big Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen glasses from circa 19 2003. I'm distracted. I'm like I't, I can't take you seriously in these big bug-eyed glasses Ellie is sitting there like oh crap, I knew there was something wrong with this. Lucy is listening like game recognize game. There's some holes in the story.

Speaker 1:

Sue Ellen shows up in a fuzzy, wuzzy wuzzy bear purple ensemble. She put on a purple jumpsuit and a floral blue and, I think, like green sports coat. It's beautiful. It is gorgeous. It is one of the most beautiful outfits I've seen on the show. But bad girl Kristen has decided to be a little bit more demure this episode. She is wearing a brown dolman sleeve dress because she is in remorse. Oh my god, I can't believe I put you guys through all of this drama. I'm so sorry. I just can't live with myself.

Speaker 1:

Before it's all said and done, sue Ellen has to witness her baby sister tell this farce of a story that she was in love with JR. Tell this farce of a story that she was in love with JR. She lost her mind. She tried to shoot him. He corroborates the story. He refuses to press charges. He does this because she has told him that she is pregnant with his baby. He can't afford to let his mom and daddy know this. So my girl is once again.

Speaker 1:

Y'all know how I feel about Sue Ellen at this point. She is once again humiliated. She has to sit there with that. I love this man. Look on her face. I forgive this little girl for this, for this travesty, and we're going to move on as a family, as a united unit.

Speaker 1:

Only Sue Ellen feels a way, because she almost lost her whole family. She almost lost her baby. She almost went to jail for Merylder and she didn't do anything but get drunk. Yet, granted, she wanted to kill him. Hell, half Dallas wanted to kill him. But there she is in cuffs, all because of her own flesh and blood. It really be your own people. Maybe that's the name of this episode. It really be your own people. Maybe that's the name of this episode. It really be your own people. So she and JR end up taking Kristen to the airport. She is going to be flown first class to California.

Speaker 1:

Now some people may or may not believe that I've skipped ahead. I have not. I am simply a television child. I'm someone who's loved TV my entire life. I love stories, I love books, I love magazine articles. So you just start to develop a sixth sense for this sort of thing.

Speaker 1:

It made sense to me that Lucy and Kristen be the stars of Knott's Landing. You all remember that episode. That was completely a shock to me. Gary the Dud never entered my mind. Valvoline Valine, the Vidalia Onion Queen, never entered my mind as superstars for this spinoff. I thought it would be the younger girls because, quite frankly, they weren't doing much with them on the show.

Speaker 1:

Guess where Kirsten's going? She's flying out to California, but before she goes, mind you, she's flying first class because, I mean, why not? She's flying to California, where there is an apartment waiting for her and she's going to get a big fat check, according to JR, every single month, where she can spend as she wishes up until the baby's born. And then I guess they will reevaluate the situation, as Sue Ellen has to stand by his side while this man who's been boning her baby sister for the last eight months is basically buying her off. He's not questioning her. He's not doubting her. She feels a huge way about it, but she does the passive, aggressive thing that most women do who are raised in that atmosphere the Southern Bells. We're not going to say anything. Obviously she's going to keep tight lip till they get home and then she unleashes and one of the best scenes I've ever seen on the show. So, jr, when they get home and he's like honey, don't you think that worked out well, she's going to be cool until she has a baby, and then she flips.

Speaker 1:

She's like you, freaking idiot. You didn't even question this half. I know my sister. I know my sister very well and you could be one of 12. Hell, you could be one of 100 people who could be her baby daddy. You didn't even question her. But when I had your baby, you had my face spread all across the news why I just kept Sue.

Speaker 1:

Ellen had definitely slept with Ray and Cliff. So I'm in on me. That's irrelevant though. That's irrelevant though, I guess, if you're playing tit for tat, if you're playing, I cheated, you cheated. I cheated with miscellaneous people. You cheated with my sister. There is no coming back from that.

Speaker 1:

He cheated with a family member and she veils away about it. She's so enraged and she's yelling at this point he's like baby, keep your voice down, down, my mama gonna hear. I don't want my mama to hear. You didn't even ask her who the father was. She's going in, out, up, down and all the way off about this baby. She's flipping out and you know he's still on a cane. I forgot to mention that jr by this episode can stand up and he walks with a little bit of a limp, but he's still that dude, he's still on a cane. I forgot to mention that JR by this episode can stand up and he walks with a little bit of a limp, but he's still that dude, he's walking with the cane.

Speaker 1:

And she backs him up on the bed, she pushes him down and, in a fit of rage, just like with the birth of John Ross Ewing III, passion takes over. Before you know it, they won't be wooing in the bed. This turns her on Betrayal, sleeping with her sister Having her face splashed all over Dallas. One more again being imprisoned. How much humiliation can a woman take? God bless, this is before Jerry Springer. If she had been on Jerry Springer, chairs would have been flying, fists would have been flying, but not on this episode. No, no, no. She thinks this is kosher. Have been flying, fist would have been flying, but not on this episode. No, no, no. She thinks this is kosher and cute and good because in the heat of the moment, she's like this is the best lovemaking we've ever had. You should have slept with my sister years ago.

Speaker 1:

Oh, adding to the weight and total disrespect of sue ellen is the uh, it's not push gift. I don't really know what to call this. This would be the. I had an Affair. This is the Kobe Bryant movie ring. God rest his soul. No disrespect to the dead, but do you remember when in kobe bryant was out it having an affair with that one girl in like denver or something, and his wife found out about it and she got this big jaja cabal ring? That's exactly what happens.

Speaker 1:

Sue ellen gets a middle cities bins station wagon, kind of a neutral color, very sandy color. She is the insider zone. Jr. This is so wonderful. Oh, my god. It's not a push gift, it's like a forgive me gift. I guess that's what you'll call it. We'll say this let's call it the amnesia gift. Take this beautiful car, forget that I've knocked up your baby sister and we're going to live the rest of our lives happily ever after, because you know, you have every reason to believe that, right, right, well then, gobsmacked, I suppose, and absolutely enchanted by this beautiful new mercedes and a brand new lease on life, which pisses me off because this eighth, first, second, first, second, third or fourth time that she has been humiliated. Every season. There is a significant portion of the season where she is embarrassed.

Speaker 1:

She's been made to put back on her Miss Texas pageant. Thankfully, she's never gained pounds since then. She's had to sing by Rastrazan. She's had to watch her sister live in an apartment paid for by her husband while he's boinking her. Now she went to jail. She had her face flashed on the front page of the news.

Speaker 1:

Everybody in Dallas knows that she's a drunk. They know that she is a drunk who slammed into a pole and gave birth to a baby prematurely. They didn't even know who the baby daddy was until after the fact. She got lucky. The love of her life slammed into a non-existent mountain between san angelo and dallas, texas, which I know to be non-existent. And now she's got her face splashed all over the news for shooting her husband, when in fact it was her baby sister who's now carrying his baby. He didn't question that and she splashed all over the news. When is enough enough. I guess all it takes is a mercedes man and she's like oh, this is cute, this is cool.

Speaker 1:

She is so confident in this new delusion that she takes it to dr lb. Now I'm sipping on a sonic slush today because I love slushies, lest we forget. But Dr LB, with his immaculate listening skills, deduced that. Wait a minute, sue Ellen, you probably are not a killer, because you didn't hide the gun. You didn't tell me that, remember. He is the reason she is walking footloose and fancy free on the streets of Dallas, but she has forgotten that when she gets to him, she forgets that he's her psychologist, and she didn't want to talk about JR. Why are you? Why are you bringing up this? Why are you bringing up Chris? And he's like oh my gosh, she, this, are you this obtuse? Are you for real? You almost went to jail, baby girl, you forgot. So I'm like you know what me and JR are? Just fine. He doesn't want Kristen anymore. Kristen is going to California.

Speaker 1:

As far as I'm concerned, she's a non-factor in our life. She pulled the whole Evelyn Lozano from basketball life. She's a non-mf-ing factor, sir. I don't know, chris. Think about this though If your husband knocked up your sister, that means all the birthday parties, all the graduation. Your mom has two grandchildren. It makes for an awkward situation, but she just can't seem to fathom that. She can't seem to put two and two together. She is being oblivious and she's being obtuse and it pisses me off.

Speaker 1:

This far in the season, because this is season four, she's been through the ringer with this man. There's absolutely nothing at this point he can do to surprise her other than pull a gun on her. There's literally nothing he can do. So I don't know why the writers would be like oh yeah, yeah, she's going to believe that he's her dude. He's never going to be that dude. She knows who he is at this point, but she chooses to believe you know what? He sent Kristen away. It must be okay, lord. If the glove don't fit, it must quit. We got to move on to some more foolishness.

Speaker 1:

Can we talk about Lucy for a second Now? Lucy, last episode, when last we left, lucy had seduced her boyfriend Mitch, and Lucy had seduced her boyfriend Mitch with these brand new, exquisitely plastic-lined, pristine books he needs for his education and his career. That's a double whammy. This means he doesn't have to get a 14th job in order to pay for his way through school. She can't understand that people work for a living and they work hard enough to where they need to, you know, take moments away from her. So what does she do? She, she, okie dokes the uh building super, tells him that she is mitch's sister, and okie dokes her way into his apartment and then burns up all the food, get his whole house smelling like burnt macaroni and cheese and what.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what she's trying to make. It was a mess. Did she look good making it? Absolutely. Lucy's wearing no tracks. She looks amazing all the time and her makeup. This episode is exquisite. I'm not a fan of 80s makeup. This is 1980. This is still 70s. Zsa, zsa Gabor, glam. This is Debbie from. What's her name? Calla Mia, calla Baby, what's that group called? I can't remember the name, but she's giving me Debbie Harry and it's looking really good.

Speaker 1:

This episode, though, mitch is still studying because, I don't know, maybe he's going to school to be a doctor and he needs to kind of be up on the latest and the illest and all the things. She doesn't understand that. She's sitting on the couch licking her finger seductively Incredibly gross. To a millennial like me it's a bit too overt, but I guess it wasn't in 1980. She's licking her finger, turning the pages. Licking her finger, turning the pages. Licking her finger, turning the pages. Mitch is studying. He ain't even looked over that one time. She's like Mitch, how much longer do you need to study? I thought he's gonna say no. 20 minutes, two hours, 10 hours. I don't know he's like for the rest of my life.

Speaker 1:

This is an odd couple, to say the least. I don't know why we keep giving lucy these throwaway boyfriends. I don't know if we're building up to something. I don't know if she's going to be a nun at some point, but this is clearly never going to work. He's too smart for this, she's actually too smart for this. But here we go, lucy. I know what'll get him hot and bothered. I'm going to strip down to my skivvies Now. Mind you, this is 1980.

Speaker 1:

One of my favorite movies of all times is Steel Magnolias, and there's a line in the movie, dolly Parton's character. She hasn't left the house since she was 14 years old without some sort of lacquer on her legs and the other lady's like that's because you were raised right. I suppose Lucy was raised right. Huge question mark after that, because she is wearing pantyhose and she's wearing sandy shoes from Greece. This is a little bitty woman and I've heard some whisperings about her within the groups.

Speaker 1:

Of course you know I am doing my diligence. I'm doing my very best to not get too much information so that my my view of the show isn't skewed in any way. But I've seen a couple grumblings about, uh, miss tipton or lipton or whatever her last name is, and I need to look into that because I heard that she went od trying to get this role for the show, so I'm going to do a little more lore about her. Next, anyway, she decides Mitch does not need to study, he needs to look at her. So she strips down to her skivvy. Oh God, it was beyond awkward and I'm like God. I'm definitely not into this because all I'm looking at is like her eye makeup is exquisite, she looks amazing, but then she starts removing her clothes.

Speaker 1:

Apparently she's walking around in 1980, dallas, with no bra on, which is very dangerous because you know the pits thing that's the thing they're not realistic with it. Every time I see a show where they're like in Miami. Miami Vice is unrealistic, dallas is unrealistic and any show in California is unrealistic because you know it is swampy balls hot. In all of these areas you are not walking around with 17 pieces of clothing on. You're walking around with a bare minimal so that you can live the rest of your life. But no, lucy dropped her blouse and then she drops her skirt and all I see is that this is that faux wool material and it's got elastic in the waistband like Jack, calm down, get over it. This was par for the course in 1980. But all I see is one of the usher ladies from my church, lucy, how you walking around with candies and a cotton blouse, handmade, and an elastic waist skirt, talking about you. Sexy, not today, baby, not today. You're not. But apparently Mitch is into it because he's like let me drop my boots and get some. It is the biggest. Okay, they almost look like siblings. It is the weirdest.

Speaker 1:

The last thing I want to talk about is bobo. Remember bobby was gonna leave. He and pam were on the first thing smoking, which was his two, his little red two-seater. They were headed to california. They were gonna hang out with val and gary for a little bit and then decide their next move. He's a ewing, after all, she's got a head for business as well. They were going to be just fine. Then JR got, so they had to go back to Dallas.

Speaker 1:

Bobby has been running Ewing Oil at the request of his mama and daddy. Now here's the difference, though. Between Jock and between Ellie there's definitely a rift. This is the second episode in a row where Jock and Ray have run out to the I don't know, just in the middle of the pasture and had a moment together where Ray seems to be a very astute student of Jock. He seems to be a little bit obsessed with him. He can tell when something is wrong. Jock wants JR to get back in the saddle at Ewing Oil, but Ellie's thoughts is okay.

Speaker 1:

I lost gary, I almost lost bobby. Jr is a real ewing. The other ones are south fort, fort, whatever their last name is. It's not fork, it's whatever they're. More like me, I'm not trying to lose two sons, so I'm gonna do whatever I need to do between now and next week to keep this kid here. Her whole stance, this episode is don't piss off Bobby, let him do his thing. She respects him and Kawhi just kept. Bobby's doing a great job. Only, all of Dallas.

Speaker 1:

Despite JR being shot, despite him being outed as a shy she businessman, they still don't want to cross him. He's working behind the scenes. You know, the devil works hard, christian works harder, but JR Ewing works even hardest. He's pulling strings. He's keeping track of everything. He knows all the moves. Bobby can't seem to get this other $100 million. He needs to buy this refinery. So he reaches out to the cartel and they're like screw you and your brother, we're never doing business with the Ewing's at all. But then they go behind his back and reach out to his homeboy who's selling the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

Now the guy who's selling the refinery likes Bobby specifically. He didn't necessarily like Ewing oil, but he just needs to get out of it, like he's trying to get out of the business. He's's an older gentleman, he wants to live his life and he's trying to hold out for Bob. But none of the banks are saying yes, none of the normal Ewing banks are saying yes. So he starts to feel sabotaged.

Speaker 1:

At some point and that is accurate because he has been so he pulls an unusual gamut and he reaches out to the Ewing 21 or 23, don't remember the number, but think of it as the Pam and Cliff Barnes unit. He wants that to produce oil because it is very lucrative. He wants all the banks to see that there is money to be made. He's going to be able to pay back this loan with quickness. But they don't want to work with him, unbeknownst to him, because they're in bed with JR. So finally, towards the end of the episode, he has an administrative assistant who's on his side. They have reached out to all the banks. The banks are like no, even the banks they work with the most. It's like we can't do it.

Speaker 1:

Unbeknownst to Bob, it's because JR is pulling the strings and he's like stall this, stall this, stall this. We need to make sure this never happens. And this, stall this, stall this one to make sure this never happens. And it takes Bobby until the end of the episode to be like wait a minute, there's more than one bank in Texas. Why don't I just reach out to another one? He grabs their assets and he gets on the phone and then he has a meeting, and this bank in particular has one viewing business for a minute. So they're like yeah, absolutely Whatever you need. He's like well, I need y'all to sell this. Today I got a hundred million up. I'm going to put that up as collateral. Here's all my property. I need y'all to sell it. Then I need you to do what you need to do. Here's a hard part, though. Although he's been successful, although he has been running things well.

Speaker 1:

Jock is of the opinion that JR needs to run the business business. So when he hears about the whole cliff barns, pam barns, well-signed he's super pissed. How dare you do this behind my back, bobby? I can't believe you did this. He is more afraid of ellie than anyone else. So I started to notice that there is a real hierarchy within this series. Ellie is a Don Donner, she's Tony Soprano, she's Uncle Junior and Jock is Tony Soprano. Okay, then you got Bobby as Chris, so forth and so on. Reluctant as it may be, a little bit combative, but it works. If anything happens to Tony, chris has got him. If anything happens to Jock, bobby's got him, but they got him. If anything happens to Jock, bobby's got him. But they want JR because he's more ruthless. But JR is pissed off most of Dallas. So there's a very.

Speaker 1:

This is the first time I've actually been more interested in the business aspect of this episode more than the soap aspect of this episode. All things are shaping up well. Bobby, by the end of the episode, secures a deal. He's like guess what, daddy? We have a whole refinery, just like you always wanted a jock tan leather hide, as he wants to be. He can't say much else about it. There's something going on with jock, though I can't quite figure it out. He sounds different to me. He sounds a little more gruffy and a little more gravelly. But I mean, that's just an old man. He looks fine, but like he's just. Maybe he's more vocal this season. I don't know what's going on, but he seems a little bit off. They're acting to me, they're acting funny around him. That's just my personal opinion, but he seems to be a little bit more involved in the show.

Speaker 1:

Last little thing thing Pam is bored out of her mind. At South Fork she saw what happened to Sue Ellen. You see what happens when you have a baby and maybe your husband ends up shot up because he's a jerk. Pam realizes like I can't trust these people. I need to continue to stuff my own bag. Let me make sure I got my own quaint so I can live my life. Bobby can do whatever he needs to do. Let me do what I need to do. So she reaches out to her redheaded friend who was mad at her until she started sleeping with Mr Store, aka Mr Phillip Erickson from Falcon Crest, and Pam decided she's going to go back to work, which I think is a wonderful idea. All right, guys, guys, that's it. That's all for this episode. We're gonna jump into Dynasty next, because I watched and I have many, many opinions in the meantime.

Speaker 1:

In between time, keep your friends close, your enemies closer and your baby sister closest, just in case she has a thing for your man. The last thing you want to do is end up in prison with your face splashed all over the blogs and newspapers because you didn't shoot your man. Then you got to protect your baby sister. We're not in that. It's a brand new day. It's 2024. She's going to jail. By any means necessary, stay hydrated, stay moisturized, stay out of other people's business and keep all of your drama on tv. Thank you.