Ever wondered what you missed out on before the golden age of streaming? Welcome to Soaplore, the podcast where we dive headfirst into the wonderfully over-the-top world of vintage soap operas from the 80s and 90s. I’m Jett, a TV-loving Millennial who’s finally escaping the monotony of modern shows and embracing the drama, the shoulder pads, and the catfights of yesteryear.
Join me as I experience the soapy sagas of "Dynasty," "Dallas," "Falcon Crest," and "Knots Landing" for the first time, episode by episode. With over 200 shows, we’ll laugh, we’ll cry, and we’ll probably question our life choices—just like the characters do, but with slightly less fabulous wardrobes.
Whether you’re a Xillenial who grew up with these iconic series, a Millennial like me who missed out the first time around, or a new fan discovering the glorious chaos of primetime soaps, "Soaplore" is your time machine to the melodramatic past. Tune in, relive the magic, and let’s marvel together at how people ever survived without binge-watching.
Pour yourself a glass of something strong, because, trust me, you’ll need it. This isn’t just nostalgia; this is Soaplore—where every episode is a rollercoaster of emotions, and nothing is ever as it seems.
S3 EP2 Knots Landing - Critical Condition : The -" Who Wrote This Ish?!?!?!!!!!" Episode
Spoiler Alert!! If you haven't watched this episode , exit NOW!!!! Soap Fiends.......Have you ever wondered how a seemingly simple decision can unravel a web of complexities in relationships? Join us as we explore the intense drama of "Knott's Landing" Season 3, Episode 2, where Gary's choices lead to unexpected consequences and a growing rift with Valene. We unravel the intricacies of Karen's pivotal role in persuading Gary to stay and the unfolding drama surrounding Sid's health, setting the stage for a season brimming with emotional highs and lows.<br><br>As the plot thickens, we delve into the evolving dynamics of Valene and Gary's relationship, mirrored by Laura and Richard's own struggles. Questions arise about Abby's parenting skills and the societal views on parental abduction during the 1980s. We reflect on the legal entanglements and the tense atmosphere created by Sid's accident, as Abby seeks law enforcement's help to bring her children back home, all while maintaining a focus on the personal sacrifices made by each character.<br><br>The episode takes a heart-wrenching turn as Sid faces a critical surgery, leading to emotional turmoil for his family. We capture the raw emotion of Sid's tragic demise and his heartfelt message to his wife. The weight of these intense moments is balanced with lighter reflections, emphasizing the importance of self-care and family love. Prepare to be captivated by the raw emotions and complex character arcs that define this unforgettable chapter of "Knott's Landing.
His loves are tight. I mean I can see his thoughts, his dreams, his aspirations, his white blood cells through these pants. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome and welcome back to Silk Floor, the official gathering place for newbies, novices and ODheart fans of the golden age of hard time. I'm your host, shev Ewing, reviewing the second exciting episode of Season 3, nost Landing. So, whether you're new to this or true to this, sit back and enjoy. Tell the kids it's time to play outside or, out of sight, tell them no questions, suggestions or concerns for the next 25 to 35 minutes, everyone else in earshot, cool, quiet, kicked out are your only options, because we need all of our concentration. We are watching our stories. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is Soap Lore. Hello, gorgeous, welcome back to another fun-filled edition of Soap Lore. I'm so glad you decided to join me today because we are jumping back into Northland. Whew, baby, did nobody tell me nothing? I had no idea. I was in the middle of my feelings. That is kind of the downside of being such a softie. Sometimes I'm like, oh my gosh, it just got me all in my throat. I didn't know what was going to happen. I'm fully expecting this episode, or episode one at least to be. I don't even know if I fully thought he was going to be hurt. I think I genuinely thought this would be more of an action-packed sort of oh my God, we're running from the mob situation. I really did and I guess, if you really think about it, gary all intents and purposes got away with the deal. He did, yes, he made a deal with them. He made all his money back, he paid them back. He made a little profit on the side. So we have this whole Gary's a low key crook at this point. But he fessed up. Still not team Gary, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt for at least the next two, three episodes. I'll just I'll call it that, but I had no idea it was going to drop kick me in my chest.
Speaker 1:On episode one Now that I've dried out, everything's fine, he's breathing, he's fine, looks like he's going, looks like he's gonna pull through. I'm gonna go ahead and do the same thing I did last time, where I watch. Probably I'll fight for about 20 minutes and then I'll give a little blow by blow. Come in with some thoughts, because there were a couple of things I wanted to talk about on episode one that just kind of got washed away. I want to talk about Karen calling Valene a little bit dumb. She didn't call her dumb, but she made a comment saying something like Val, I forget how smart you are sometimes. Now why would you do? That is what I want to know. We all know why, but the Valdalia Onion Queen is a lot of things, but she ain't slow, crazy like a fox, that one. So let's jump into this.
Speaker 1:I'm watching this on Amazon Prime for all of you newbies. Fully out, looks like in December of 2024. They released the entire season, so you don't have to go spend any money and any more money for you have Amazon. You don't have to go out and buy it. You can stream it on here, although I am a little bit concerned. So as I look at this, I don't know to go out and buy it. You can stream it on here, although I am a little bit concerned. So as I look at this, I don't know how they decide what picture to put up, but it's just Knott's Landing and it has the couples when you look for it.
Speaker 1:But every time I click on an episode it shows me Valene kind of dressed like Big Bird. I don't really know what that's. I don't know what that's about. I don't really know what that's. I don't know what that's about. I don't know if she's gonna have like a Vegas residency, residency or what, but she sort of looks like. Looks like it could be a fever dream. They got a big birded out. I don't really know what's going on, but this episode is called Critical Condition. I'll read the synopsis if you are new to this. I try not to do this on Amazon, because sometimes I feel like it's not always really what it's about. Sometimes they'll give away everything and I really do enjoy going into this blind. So I may not always watch it on Amazon. I might just continue to do it the way I've been doing.
Speaker 1:But let's go ahead, since this is the second episode of the first season and it seems like there's going to be a little bit of carry over. They didn't really resolve anything on the first episode, so it seems like we're going to pick up right where we left off. It said Sid faces a risky operation that could cost him his life, karen convinces a guilt-ridden Gary to stay and not landing, and Abby tries to obtain a warrant, for I'm assuming the next word is Jeff, dot dot dot. Gary to stay. Gary, get on my damn nerves. We are past this. This is what I need. Okay, you know what? Y'all Grab yourself something bubbly and bright. I'm going to do the same thing before I get worked up. We're going to discuss Gary, we're going to talk about the fun parts of episode one and then we're going to jump into this one. Okay, in the spirit of being fair and honest, gary did put himself in a little bit of a predicament.
Speaker 1:However, one of the things that is really standing out to me on Knott's Landing in particular, during season two, I think we saw so so much more of it Val and Gary are growing apart. There's no question about that. She may not have as much going on in her life, but she, she actually has something else to focus on. I think they bonded over the fact that once upon a time, a really, really, really long time ago, they were in love. They had a traumatic experience together. Actually, it was his fault. I'm going to keep saying that he chose to leave. He left her with the wolves she was in, separated from her child, and I really, really do think Valene's whole thing, her whole whole purpose, is like I just want what I lost. This could have been something amazing. It's almost as if she feels like they were robbed of the life they could have had, and I do agree with that. I think Gary feels incredibly guilty about that. But it was more than just his family for him. That's the whole thing for me.
Speaker 1:I don't think they were both upset about the same thing in equal parts. She lost her whole life, two people she loved. She's been running scared. She finally had to overcome that fear, risk it all to get what she wanted back, and she did. She didn't do it by brute force. She did it by standing 10 toes down. She did it scared, she did it with her head held high and she's got the quote unquote love of her life back.
Speaker 1:Considering their love story started when she was a teenager, it's not unusual for that to change and morph into something over time. Now what you would want is for it to morph into a more solid and stable and loving relationship. But I think for Gary there's so much shame in what happened because he understands that he bounced on them. They now are having a little trouble conceiving, which probably will change this season I'm guessing three seasons in. She's bound to have some cheering at some point.
Speaker 1:But Gary had his own demons long before he met Valene. So it's not just we lost our family. I walked away from my family to get away from an even bigger family and I never really knew my place. But now, in this beautiful little enclave of Los Angeles, they are thriving. Things are going well. He's good at business. Things are great until they're not, and then they are again, and then he's found out. Then he has to face everybody. So I'm going to give him credit, much to my own personal chagrin. I will give him credit for manning up, for facing it. He didn't run when they came to confront him. He was ready to do it. He's still ducking Valene. It's as if Valene is not really allowed to say how disappointed she is, and that's the problem for me.
Speaker 1:So when I read the synopsis and it says Karen convinces a guilt-ridden Gary to stay in North's Landing, karen convinces a guilt ridden Gary to stay in outstanding, I don't. I'm really, really tired of Gary not carrying his own emotional weight. I understand he's growing, I understand he's been through a lot, but it is no one else's responsibility for you to bear that you need to man the hell up. Karen's got a lot on her plate. I checked. She does not need to comfort or convince a grown man not to run away again. Yes, this sucks. Yes, he was in a car accident. It's sort of Gary's fault because he got in bed with the mafioso types and then lied about it. Yes, but at the end of the day he didn't know, none of them knew, nobody knew that there was an infiltrated, a mole, I guess you call it within the shop. Which is weird, because I'm like if all he does is work on breaks, how did he know Sid was going to get in that car? Maybe he knows he tested, I don't know. Maybe there's a whole lot going on.
Speaker 1:Soap tax, soap tax, soap tax. I just don't want to see in this season. I just don't want to see in this season. I do not want to watch Valene specifically surrender so much of herself and so much of her progress to ensure that Gary feels okay. There's a lot of comforting Gary on this show and I'm not a fan of that. There's a lot of that. It's very similar to the Laura and Richard situation, where Richard needs to be kind of called a little bit more and Laura sort of makes these excuses for him and even when she wants to proceed, she knows how to proceed with him in a way that I don't know. I think she's just kind of better at taking him. So she knows he's going to be pissed, but she knows how to do it with her chin up. As for Valene, constantly has to shrink. I just don't want to see that anymore. I really, really don't. And to my point I made earlier about Karen saying Valene, I forget how smart you are sometimes, excuse you, I know you smart, miss New York, and you know Karen is my girl. Y'all know I love Karen, but I beg your pardon, valene is playing country dumb. Trust me, she don't miss much. I can tell. All right, enough of this jaw jacking.
Speaker 1:No-transcript. Okay, I made it a whopping six minutes in, but I need to say this before I forget Abby. There was really no resolution on the last episode with Abby. The children are still not here. All she has is this tape where Jeff is telling her how she kind of sucks at being a mom. Now, mind you, we haven't seen Laura, we haven't. I mean, we've seen Richard. I haven't seen Ginger or Kenny.
Speaker 1:So I don't know if everybody else feels the same way, but I kind of get the vibe that they all. Abby's not the best mother. Let's just say that she's not a bad person. Her kids are taken care of, but her kids are often taken care of by someone else. So the consensus I kind of get from Val and I kind of get from Karen although they don't agree with the fact that he kidnapped the kids, it don't really seem like anybody thinks, like they're not necessarily worried that the children are in danger. That's kind of the vibe I'm getting. And I would even say at the end of the last season nobody was overly concerned because the kids were with the dad, and I think that speaks volumes about Abby. But at the same time her kids are missing now.
Speaker 1:Granted, sid's accident is horrible timing, by the way. He is flexing, he is laughing, he's doing the back and forth with the eyes which he's been doing since last episode. He's able to squeeze his hand, he can even lift his arms up, so things are looking good. The doctor's like, okay, okay, it's cool, but just you know, could be something else. His bedside episode. He's able to squeeze his hand, he can even lift his arms up, so things are looking good. The doctor's like, okay, okay, it's cool, but just you know, could be something else. His bedside manner is much better this episode, although it was perfect last episode. He just, I guess he thought she understood he was paralyzed. It seems to be wearing off.
Speaker 1:So we see Abby go bursting into the DA's office, or district attorney deputy, something like that. She wants to make an appointment, she wants an investigator at first I thought she meant a private investigator. No, she wants like the real, real police to be in it. So she ends up busting in on the district attorney telling him about her situation and she, she just sort of burst in while he's walking, he's talking to this other couple and she goes my kids have been kidnapped. So he comes out to help her. He's like, okay, where's your husband? She says my husband is the one who stole them. And he goes well, that's not kidnapping, that's child stealing.
Speaker 1:What I didn't realize? There was a difference, I guess. I guess there is and I looked it up briefly, but it looks like a lot of things happened circa 1981. Do y'all remember America's Most Wanted with? I think his name was John Walsh. We all remember. If you don't, if you might, if you're younger than Gen X, gen Z, excuse me millennials, maybe you don't, but, um, there was a show called America's Most Wanted and every Saturday would come on and it just kind of give tell you different stories from across the country. They were able to catch a lot of people and Mr Walsh started as an advocate because his baby was stolen from a mall and, you know, someone took his life. They never really figured out who they kind of thought they did know, but they did really figure it out. So it looks like that might have been the catalyst. I may be wrong, but I just briefly looked it over.
Speaker 1:It seems like kidnapping and child stealing was defined a little bit differently. So kidnapping would be if you held someone against their will, if you plan to do harm to them, that's kidnapping. If you held someone against their will, if you plan to do harm to them, that's kidnapping. If you held someone against their will, with no intention or like you, just you did like no robe, no violence in keeping them, it's called like unlawful imprisonment or something to that effect. But child stealing, or child abductions as we're called now, are slightly different and they usually use that word when a parent takes the kid.
Speaker 1:Even so, the tone so far is that Abby. This sucks. But we also know Jeff's not going to do anything. Police are hesitant to get involved. She's even like hey, no, I have. I have the paperwork saying that I have the custody. It surprises me that she has custody, though. Like, how did that happen? If everybody thinks she's a sucky parent? I don't really know. It's only six, seven minutes in. I'm fighting y'all. I'm trying Let me calm down and we'll go from there, but it seems like this episode might be a little bit about that, a little bit more about her kids, but I can't stress this enough. Nobody seems that bothered by it. Okay, promises, promises. I'm not gonna be able to do it, no.
Speaker 1:So the next scene uh, laura comes out. Well, abby's talking to the detective. She's like I have this tape, I have everything where he said he did it. He's like I'm really sorry, child stealing is in a different office. Plus three days is not that long. I didn't realize it had only been three days. He's like that's just really not long enough. There's women coming here all the time, hysterical, and then the guy, the dad, shows up two or three days later from a campaign trip. It's just, I'm sorry, please fill out the proper paperwork at a different office. I can't help you. So she leaves.
Speaker 1:But we get to see Richard and Laura, and this tiny little scene had so much in it for me. So Richard is preparing dinner in their kitchen. He's cracking the garlic, he's stirring something up. It looks like he's trying to make a dressing. Seems like Richard is in his rebranding era. He is no longer the douche. He's showing up for Karen at the hospital in a really, really sweet way. It looks like they grew his hair out a little bit too. I don't know if he had some work done. He looks amazing.
Speaker 1:So he's cooking and in walks Laura and I'm like oh my God, laura's the third blonde on the show. Last time I said they only had two, so they have Valene with the bust down. Abby's got the. It is slightly more 80s now that I look at it, but it's not as 80s as her previous haircut. But it looks like they gave Laura a little bit of a perm, and I love it. Not only do they give her a perm. Remember she was all in lavender all last season. She had the suit jackets on all the time. Super professional woman. She comes in this episode wearing this really cute sundress. Laura has been doing her thing too. She looks really cute. She's got on like some cha-cha dancing shoes, so I'm thinking she's coming back from like a mix or something.
Speaker 1:She's like oh Richard, oh my god, what did it work? Scooter has been a complete and teetotal nightmare. Remember, scooter is baby Victor Newman from Young and the Restless, her boss. They could have an affair. They choose not to because they would lose a friend. So I bring this up because, if you'll recall, in season two there was an episode where Scooter and his wife came over to dinner with Richard and Laura and you could tell how close Laura and Scooter were. Now Richard, already having not one but two affairs we had a fling and an affair Goes into the kitchen to cut up some more lamb or something and Scooter's wife comes in and she's like oh my god, you're handling this so well.
Speaker 1:She's basically putting that bug in his ear like they cheating. What you gonna do about it? And you know it made Richard insecure, but I mean, what could he really say? So flashback, she's in the kitchen about to tell him about her day. She goes well, you know, his wife left him rich, is like what? And I'm like what? She's like yeah, left him for a ski instructor or something. Doorbells ring and she goes to answer and to my surprise it is abby at the front door and abby says hey, laura, can I talk to richard now? They don't like each other. Laura did get her snap back that one time when they were held hostage at the baby shower. God, this is so soapy. They were having a little baby shower for Ginger and Laura did finally get to slap. Maybe was it that episode or was it another episode. She gets to slap Abby and Abby's like all right, I'm going to let you have that once one time. But I didn't know. That was complete water under the bridge.
Speaker 1:I still maintain that Laura and Richard have a very strange relationship, a very, very strange marriage. Can't quite put my finger on what's going on, but she's like yeah, come on in, abby. She's not tripping, she's not ugly towards her. So Abby comes in the kitchen, but Laura also also keeps talking. So she's like and Richard, the man is 28 years old. So Richard puts down his stuff and I'm fully locked in at this point. I'm like what Richard's like? What 28? She's got to be 50 if she's a day. Laura claims that the wife is only 48.
Speaker 1:Now this is where I'm once again going to wax poetic about Gen X. I don't know if the earth is spinning faster. That's some theories. Now I feel like people just look younger. Now Most 50 year olds I know have tattoos. They have. They listen to like rock or rap music. They don't look. This woman looks 50, is very generous. I thought she was in her 60s. I'm not even being shady, she just she looked like a very classy, much older than 48 year old woman. So Richard and I are just shocked.
Speaker 1:What Gagged, like I can't believe she left him. She's like yeah, you know she thought he was having an affair all this time Turns out she was going to leave him. Now two things can be true at the same time. Victor Victor, baby Victor Newman probably was having an affair, but we don't know this. Well, just like I'm into this story, I'm telling you Abby gets pissed and she's like will someone listen to me? I had forgotten Abby was there that quick too, because I wanted to hear more of the tea. I wanted to hear more of the tea between Scooter and them and why Scooter was acting a fool.
Speaker 1:I really was into. I wanted to hear all about it. But Abby's pissed because she's like nobody will take me seriously. I'm like I'm sorry, abby, I'm guilty of the same thing. And Richard goes. Well, did you talk to that PI I gave you? She's like you mean the dude with the pinky ring and the shiny suit. Understandably, she's not really into shady characters at this juncture in time. And he goes. Well, who did you expect? You thought back. You thought it was gonna be some squeaky clean guy. I gave you the best call the detective, do this, find someone else. So he basically agrees he's gonna call somebody for her.
Speaker 1:But as she leaves the house, laura catches my attention because a she looks a little bit different, but she is cutting this cucumber like she's diffusing a bomb, like the woman's never held a knife in her hand ever. I thought she was making me very uncomfortable. She was doing it so slow and just like sharp, jagged moves. It was crazy. Richard's like God, her husband's such a douche I can't believe he would steal these kids like that. Laura's like mm-hmm, richard can tell something's up. I thought Laura would start talking about how uncomfortable she is with the girl, but she's like no, no, no, I with the girl. But she's like no, no, no, I do think Jeff is wrong, but at the same time I think the kids are better off with him. So this kind of okay, I'm glad I was. That was right, because again nobody seems that concerned about missing children not one of them and that does kind of fold into the consensus that they don't really think like.
Speaker 1:Abby is Abby because probably because she's Karen's sister-in-law she's gonna get the respect. She's fun, she's not a terrible person, but she ain't a great. She's not great at a lot of things, a lot of things that you should be bragging about. She looks great at taking your man. She is acting a little bit bratty this episode. But also I need to give Sid's whole family a lot of grace this episode. I need to give Sid's family a lot of grace because this is very stressful and I can only imagine. Kids are missing. Ex-husband taunts you with a tape. No one will help you and your brothers in the hospital. She's going through it. So I won't say that she's bratty. I will say that she wants what she wants and she's going to try to get it any way she can. So hopefully we get a little more information here in a bit.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm starting to get a little bit nervous now. I made it to 22 minutes. First things first. Um, we got to see ginger.
Speaker 1:Ginger's about tired of that baby. She's so tired of being pregnant. All she wants is, you know, maybe a little loving and a salami sandwich. No pun intended, she can't have that. She's pissed. She's trying to eat a little bit of salami and watch TV with Kenny. Apparently, they don't go anywhere, they don't do anything and no one is really talking to her about Sid, because they're afraid you know they're gonna upset her because she's pregnant. She's like I'm so sick of this baby. I am so much more than this baby. I just give me, give me my salty sandwich Kenny TV.
Speaker 1:I don't think I like Boy Scout Kenny. I kind of need Sylvie to come slinking back in the picture. He was a whole lot more interesting to me then. But they're watching bed, they're watching bed. They're watching TV in bed and she's trying to get something going and he's looking at it, looks like he's looking at me, like at the audience. It took me a solid four or five seconds to realize the TV's on his side of the bed. Oh, my God, oh, I don't know. I don't want to talk about them. No more, give a girl her salty sandwich. But I totally feel her. She is over being pregnant. She can't wait to drop this baby and get back to the club. Okay, remember how I had just said I don't know less than two minutes ago that we need to give family some grace.
Speaker 1:This episode, diana, is already getting on my nerves. Even though I understand why she's being so inquisitive, the kids don't really know what's going on. Remember, karen didn't want to leave the hospital. This seems like this is the first time she's actually gone home. Because he's wiggling his toes, he's moving around all these things. So he told her he being said, he being Sid, said hey, I'm almost out of ICU. Once I'm out of ICU, probably tomorrow, go ahead and let the kids come up here. And she's like okay, cool. He asked how much they know. She's like I didn't really say a lot, but I'll go ahead and be forthcoming with him. So she goes home and she's in a fantastic mood. She's cooking, the kids are helping her set the table and she's being a little bit more honest.
Speaker 1:Mind you, oldest boy knows, because Gary took him to the arcade and told him that his dad had been in a coma for a few days. Well, I won't even say a few days at this point, because it seems like it's only been a day, based on Abby's kids getting kidnapped and them being gone, sid knowing that they're gone, the tape popping up. I guess that all happened the same day the tape and Sid's accident. So maybe this is the next day, maybe it's been a couple days, hadn't been very long.
Speaker 1:Oldest boy is aware because of Gary. He's holding it together and all the kids are like well, what's going on? And she's like well, dad's getting better. He wants you guys to come and see them. Diana's like well, why couldn't I go see him yesterday? Karen explained he was in ICU. Nobody could see him. Well, why didn't you tell us more? And Karen says look, there's not some conspiracy to keep all this information from you. And as I watch this I'm like, dang, y'all give her a break too. Please understand that this is also her family. She has to keep it together for you and she has to keep it together for Sid. But in the kids defense too, nobody likes being kind of kept in the dark, especially about someone you love. So I'm not saying anybody is wrong, I'm just saying Diana, as the oldest, as you know, the most mature, actually the middle kid is a more mature one. Give your mom a little bit of grace, give her just a little bit of space in case she needs to throw a fit too.
Speaker 1:Now we're 22, 23 minutes in and there was kind of a scene where Sid's laying in the bed. Mind you, he's in the bed the entire episode. So far he's not really moving. I think he wanted to move his arms but he couldn't. And then he goes. Oh no, so they end up calling Karen while she's talking to the kids and she keeps her poker face on. She heads to the hospital. Well, she tells the kids oh, dad wants his radio. Y'all go ahead and cook. Um, diana, go ahead and cook a meal. I'm just gonna hang out with that tonight. I just feel like meeting there. Clearly they know something's up by the way she's behaving, even though she has a smile on her face.
Speaker 1:She gets to the hospital and the doctor is explaining that short version of it. There's a blood clot in his spine that has maybe it stopped the flow of something. I'm not a doctor. I haven't watched Grey's Anatomy in a really long time but I know last episode they thought he just had a lot of swelling and that was what was causing the paralysis and you know he could move his arms and all that. So he thought he was in the clear. But it looks like he may or may not have a blood clot. I know he does because I just saw it on the 22. So he ends up having this blood clot and they need to operate on him.
Speaker 1:But before they found this out, the doctor was being very specific. He's like now listen, this is not ideal. I hope we don't have to do this. But you know, if you do have a blood clot, we're going to have to do surgery on you and he goes well, I mean. But it's going to be super, super risky because you have a collapsed lung. You have there's a really high risk of getting pneumonia and Sid goes. I'd rather have pneumonia than be paralyzed. So let's figure it out. So before the surgery, it's just you know the doctor is, he's playing it, he's not playing it down, he's. You can tell he's uncomfortable. He's like let's just take it one step at a time.
Speaker 1:Karen heads back up to the hospital after they call. She's trying to chill. Abby gets there about the same time and they're going to wheel him in to do the x-rays before they. They'll find out eventually that he has this blood clot. But Karen is. She's tense. She's sitting in the waiting room with Abby and Abby's going on about. Oh my gosh, sid's always been there for me. I can't go through a crisis without him and I'm thinking y'all keep saying dead and dying and all this stuff. I don't want to hear all that Like. We need to be thinking in the affirmative Let this man have his surgery. He's probably going to spend the rest of the season on a cane. I'm sure, just let it be. But you can tell Karen is getting antsier and antsier Now.
Speaker 1:Meanwhile, on the other side, gary is at work. Valene shows up. She's out of her cream ensemble. She's got on a little color, got on some burnt orange. But she comes to get Gary. She's like are you ready? He's like well, it depends on what you have planned. Let's go to the hospital. Oh, no, I can't, I'm busy, I'm busy.
Speaker 1:She knows straight away that he's upset about it. He doesn't want gloves nonetheless. And she says Gary, I think you're avoiding the hospital. And he goes. Well, karen probably doesn't want to see me right now and I'm like stop making it about you, just go. He goes no, I'm just going to stay. The best thing I can do for Sid is keep this thing afloat. I don't disagree. Actually, I actually don't disagree. So had the synopsis not told me there's going to be a little bit of a confrontation, I'd probably be way more upset. But I mean, okay, he's not wrong, the business does need to run and despite his getting in bed with the mafioso types, he was doing a pretty good job. So if anyone needs to run the business, it needs to be him. So eventually at the hospital, karen can't take it. She gets up to go back up to the room to see if they've done the x-rays. That's when she bumps into Val at the elevators and Valine goes into this whole song and dance about Gary really wants to be here, but he just he's afraid that he wants to keep the business afloat, but he thinks that you're too upset with him. Now.
Speaker 1:Karen is at her wit's end at this point. That it don't, that's, that's silly. It's silly. It's not his fault. I don't blame him. I don't blame him. I don't blame him. I was like, I know, but he just feels like it's his fault. And all this Karen says you know what? That don't even really matter right now. And she's right. There are bigger and bigger, more important things on her plate.
Speaker 1:As she exits the elevator that's when she, the nurse gets her she goes and talks to the doctor. He tells her surgery needs to happen. She don't want to hear that, because originally she asked him, like what are his chances? Doctor's like I don't like to give chances. She goes well, give us an idea 60-40.
Speaker 1:Sid hears this and he's like okay, we're going to do it, but the doctor needs Karen to sign off on it. So Karen's like no, no, no, no, no. Well, doctor, what if we waited a little bit until some of the swelling goes down and then you do the surgery? He goes okay, it would be better to do the surgery, but worse for his body. Oh, it's a horrible predicament. It's a lot of pressure. That's a knee jerk. Real life. I have to make this. I have to make the right decision in an instant with not a lot of information.
Speaker 1:Needless to say, like on most things, karen and Sid are on two totally different things. She goes I'm not signing that, absolutely not. Sid's like if you don't sign it, I'll put a pin in my teeth and I'll sign it myself. She's like babe, please, you don't want to do this. He goes. If there is a chance I can walk and I don't take it. I'm going to be pissed. I'm going to do this, please, please.
Speaker 1:So they're going back and forth and she's starting to get upset. I'm getting upset now. Oh shit, okay, she's starting to get upset. She's like I don't want to sign. Like, basically, if I sign this and you die, I just signed your death warrant. He's like no, you're not, I'm going to be fine, just sign it. For God's sakes, you know you have to do it. She begrudgingly, she signs it and then she says, oh, I'm writing, I'm going to write the writers after this. Y'all done, pissed me off. Okay, we're going to think of the affirmative ladies and gentlemen. Ooh, she signs it. And then she says, sid, I swear, if anything happens to you, if you die, I'll kill you. Basically, that's what she said. Okay, let me power through the rest of this, 22 minutes in. Let's go. Got to give them grace, give them grace, give them grace, give them grace, give them grace. This little girl's driving me crazy.
Speaker 1:So the diana and the kids turn up at the hospital immediately after the decision made, when karen is not at her best, but diana's like you sounded so crazy when you left we had to come, so he's about to go into emergency surgery. They insist on seeing him and the doctor looks mad, uncomfortable, but he moves over. The kids end up going in the room. Oh, and she said you know, karen had said that she was dropping off his radio and Eric is his name. Eric is the oldest, michael's a baby. Eric's like oh, you forgot dad's radio, so he brings it in and they're all seeing him for the first time. Well, the kids are seeing him for the first time.
Speaker 1:Diana, I understand you don't want your dad to die, but stop saying it out loud. She wants to know what's going on. He's talking to them explaining what's happening, why he's doing it. He wants to play baseball, go camping and do all these things and they just kind of need to. Sorry, I'm getting upset.
Speaker 1:This is a tear, jerky episode because again, these beautiful speeches, so there's a nurse that keeps coming in because they really, really, really do need to get him down to the operating room. Um, let me just say this they are in LA. There are other options. I don't understand why they flew him to county. He's stable, let's get him to. What is it Cedarside? Now let's get him to what is it Cedars-Sinai? Let's get him to one of the bigger hospitals in LA is what I'm thinking. I don't think he should be doing surgery there. No shade. If you live in America, you know what I'm talking about. There's other options, bigger cities, you have bigger trauma departments.
Speaker 1:This is a very traumatic experience, I think. Once he's stable, I think they need to helicopter him somewhere else, but they're gonna do it right there in the hospital. Fine, the the nurse like I really I really gotta get him in there. So they do that back and forth for a bit. They eventually leave. Right before Eric walks out the door, sid calls him back and he's like hey, I can. Oh, hey, I can count on you. Right, I'm like Sid, I'm starting to get uncomfortable me personally. That is uncomfortable like oh god. So Eric's like yeah, yeah, sure he leaves.
Speaker 1:And in the hallway Diana and Karen have a little conversation. Diana's like I just think he's gonna die. I know he's gonna die. I know he's gonna stop saying that you psycho. Stop it. He's not gonna die. He was just saying all that because he wants you guys to understand.
Speaker 1:Diana's like mama, I don't know why he needs to do the surgery. Doesn't he care about us? I'm trying to see that from her point of view like I get. I get it because him being paralyzed is still him being around, but there's a chance that he can get some, some walking back. He can, he can talk. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:He wants to live a full life and if he, I'm kind of with him. If you don't take that chance and he is in this state permanently, he's gonna always be thinking about it. It might turn him bitter. He's just trying to do that and that's what Karen's explaining. She's like I think in his own way he is doing this for us. He wants to be his best and that's just your dad. He's, he's gonna do, he's gonna do him at all times and I have had to learn to live with that. She does admit that she'd rather he not, but oh well, this is what's gonna happen. But this girl keeps going on and on about. No, this is the last time I'm gonna ever see him. I just know it. Her brother's gonna hear this, I think. Older sibling, you just gotta suck it up sometimes. Keep that to yourself. No, the the part that I made it through that.
Speaker 1:Then he wants to record a message on the recorder and he starts it off by saying, karen, my care. And then I'm like, oh my god, I I hope we never hear that tape. I don't ever want to hear that tape, ever, ever, ever. Okay, where are we at? Um, okay, got about 20 minutes left. Let's do this. I've never been so happy to see gary ewing in all my life. He'll use, he locks up the dealership and baby, his pants are the timeest. Gary loves the tight. I mean I can see his thoughts, his dreams, his aspirations, his white blood cells through these pants. His shirt is hella tight too. He even poses a little bit. Once he gets to the hospital he throws that jacket back. Audience, in case you have forgotten, gary Ewing is kind of a stud, tall, silent type, or whatever. He finally makes his way to the hospital and he ends up going to the chapel for a little bit to just, you know, pray and repent. I don't know what he's really thinking about because we don't really hear it, but he goes nonetheless.
Speaker 1:We get to see Karen and Sid. I guess nurse Betty Boop let her in. This nurse is super cute. She has a really short, cropped, curly haircut. She's telling, telling Sid and Karen. How lucky they are. They hate to be in OR4. This is where one of the doctors proposed to one of the nurses. I like a little hospital drama. I'd like to hear a little bit more about that.
Speaker 1:As they're taking him out of the room, of course Karen gets a little bit upset. He, he seems a little bit drowsy. He seems a little like he's kind of floating in and out of this. But I mean he's under anesthesia. That was another thing they mentioned. The anesthesia might be too much for him. But you know she's telling him I love you, I love you. But you can feel her getting more and more upset as time goes on. She held it together really, really good on the last episode. She's done really great most of this one. But she can't even let them wheel him down the hospital corridor. She's, she's stressed, she's pressed.
Speaker 1:Gary finally walks in and apparently he's been chilling out in the chapel all this time, contemplating his life choices and whatnot. He has decided that that's all he can do. I need to leave, I need to quit. Now he's still impression, unfortunately, that Sid is better, that he was moving around and stuff. He didn't realize that there was an emergency surgery. His timing just kind of sucks, but I'm still not blaming him. But he tells Karen anyway that he wants to quit.
Speaker 1:And this is where she's like wow, okay, my husband could die and you think the best thing you can do for me and my family is leave? No, gary, don't nobody care about your guilty conscience. Ain't nobody worried about you being responsible? I need you to be my friend right now. She goes at him a little bit harder than that and it's just really quick and I'm glad and I'm like this. Yes, this, this is the energy, this is the tone, this is how we will speak to Gary from now on. We are done coddling, we are done rubbing his back. I understand you feel away, but she's right. Last thing she needs to do is lose any money, because that hospital bill is gonna be nuts. Get your butt in the tightest pants ever sewn in 1981. Get back to that hospital. I mean the bed, uh, bedroom, oh, freudian slip. Get back to that dealers. I mean the bedroom, freudian slip. Get back to that dealership and handle your business.
Speaker 1:You know who wrote this. This is really. I hate this show. Oh, my God, I didn't know. Oh, I can't. Oh man, I don't know. I don't know, I can't get into this. This sucks. Oh my gosh, oh okay, oh, okay, y'all, oh okay, okay, it's just a TV show. It's just a TV show. I'm floored. I am floored. I can't believe they're doing this. I shouldn't know Like I really did have a bad feeling last episode, but I found out oh my god, oh okay, um, oh wow.
Speaker 1:You know what guys I gotta? Oh wow, you know what guys I gotta? This sucks. They're playing the tape. Sid is gone. And this is the thing about not signing. I don't think this is. I don't think this is soap opera. Gone, I think he's gone. Gone, oh my god, who wrote this shit? Oh, okay, I definitely need a minute. Man, they oh, he's playing this. So he, he recorded himself and he says that oh my gosh, okay, so makeup's ruined. I'm writing a hostile letter to someone. Damn, nods. Landing is no joke. This is like this is like picking a fight with someone when they're sitting down and then when they stand up, you realize they're seven feet tall. Like this is like no other spoilers squid game I just finally started watching that and it's like.
Speaker 1:It's like when people didn't realize that the consequence was death. This is so cruel. Oh my gosh. Okay, I'm going to gather myself. I am so upset. I had no idea. So, y'all, there'll have to be a part two. Take care, keep all your drama on TV. Okay, all right, y'all, I'm so sorry about that, but not really because, hey, that's the cost, that's the consequence of watching things in real time. Damn, I probably should have watched that all the way through and come on at a later date.
Speaker 1:I started recording this this morning. I was so embarrassed. It took me the entire afternoon. I did not think he was going to die. There's no way. And there's just a couple of things. Like he's in the opening credits, he's talking, he's laughing, he's being so funny, and so himself this episode. Surely I thought there would be some consequences.
Speaker 1:They kept stressing how you know dangerous the surgery is, but I'm thinking he's on a cane or he's in a wheelchair. For the rest of this, this is what I'm thinking, but this is. This is beyond y'all. They had my boy splayed out, so, okay, during surgery he was doing fine at first, everything was fine. Val shows up to the hospital, so we get to see him in the oar. We get to see that ladies and the kids in the waiting room val shows up to the hospital so we get to see him in the OR. We get to see that ladies and the kids in the waiting room Val shows up with like turnovers and Karen's upset at first but seems like she's doing better once Val is there. They're talking about giving birth and all this stuff.
Speaker 1:And you know how funny Sid was like you know, sid, they gave Sid a doctor's coat or something. When Diana was born he started giving out advice, like they're just kind of yucking it up. That should have been my clue. I had like a little pit in my stomach right there but I thought you know, no, no, because he's talking and he's two episodes into the season, which I guess doesn't mean much. But I can't think of another show where early on it's either at the end of the season or usually at the end of the season, but he's talking and he's yuck, yucking it up. And also I can tell this wasn't shot at the end of season two. You know, sometimes they'll split a season, move around a couple episodes if they can. No, people look different, hair is longer, haircuts are different. This was shot on season three.
Speaker 1:So now, unfortunately, I got to eulogize then I was not prepared. I refuse to do it today. We'll do it at the top of the next episode. So clearly, northlanding wants you to cry. They want you to be upset in season three. This ain't where's the soap. Excuse me, this is just drama. This is heartbreak. This is heart wrenching. I don't even want to look, I don't even want to start the next episode. I can't.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, sid died y'all. They had him splayed out. Oh so the surgery was going fine and then it just wasn't. So they'd had to flip them over and use a little shock pad things and it just, it just went wrong. But he leaves her this, this cassette tape, and he's basically saying that this accident took the one thing he loved doing the most, which is holding his wife close, and he said that just watching her and the kids when they came in oh, I heard her go when they came in for the last time was he realized that's all he ever wanted in life was just like to wake up next to his wife and live with the kids and just live the life. The life they had is basically the dream life for him.
Speaker 1:I need to man up. So let me hurry up and get this done, and then I'm going to watch something violent something. Yeah, listen to some hardcore rap. I don't know what, but it was heartbreaking. Watch it with caution. Damn, I don't know. I need a break between now and episode three, so I'm gonna go ahead and do something I've been planning to do for a little bit. I'm gonna watch an 80s movie starring one of our soap opera actors actors or actresses and review that because we need a little break. You guys will hear episode three, but just know, in order to get through that, I need to get through something funny first. So take care, guys, stay hydrated, especially if you're gonna watch this by yourself. Get, I need to go rehydrate. I'm gonna cry to all my electrolytes. Stay moisturized. Tell the ones you love you love them as often as you can and keep all of your drama on tv. Bye.